105 research outputs found

    Function and redox state of mitochondrial localized cysteine-rich proteins important in the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase

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    AbstractThe cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain exists within the mitochondrial inner membrane (IM). The biogenesis of the complex is a multi-faceted process requiring multiple assembly factors that function on both faces of the IM. Formation of the two copper centers of CcO occurs within the intermembrane space (IMS) and is dependent on assembly factors with critical cysteinyl thiolates. Two classes of assembly factors exist, one group being soluble IMS proteins and the second class being proteins tethered to the IM. A common motif in the soluble assembly factors is a duplicated Cx9C sequence motif. Since mitochondrial respiration is a major source of reactive oxygen species, control of the redox state of mitochondrial proteins is an important process. This review documents the role of these cysteinyl CcO assembly factors within the IMS and the necessity of redox control in their function

    Function and redox state of mitochondrial localized cysteine-rich proteins important in the assembly of cytochrome \u3ci\u3ec\u3c/i\u3e oxidase

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    The cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain exists within the mitochondrial inner membrane (IM). The biogenesis of the complex is a multi-faceted process requiring multiple assembly factors that function on both faces of the IM. Formation of the two copper centers of CcO occurs within the intermembrane space (IMS) and is dependent on assembly factors with critical cysteinyl thiolates. Two classes of assembly factors exist, one group being soluble IMS proteins and the second class being proteins tethered to the IM. A common motif in the soluble assembly factors is a duplicated Cx9C sequence motif. Since mitochondrial respiration is a major source of reactive oxygen species, control of the redox state of mitochondrial proteins is an important process. This review documents the role of these cysteinyl CcO assembly factors within the IMS and the necessity of redox control in their function

    Function and redox state of mitochondrial localized cysteine-rich proteins important in the assembly of cytochrome \u3ci\u3ec\u3c/i\u3e oxidase

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    The cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain exists within the mitochondrial inner membrane (IM). The biogenesis of the complex is a multi-faceted process requiring multiple assembly factors that function on both faces of the IM. Formation of the two copper centers of CcO occurs within the intermembrane space (IMS) and is dependent on assembly factors with critical cysteinyl thiolates. Two classes of assembly factors exist, one group being soluble IMS proteins and the second class being proteins tethered to the IM. A common motif in the soluble assembly factors is a duplicated Cx9C sequence motif. Since mitochondrial respiration is a major source of reactive oxygen species, control of the redox state of mitochondrial proteins is an important process. This review documents the role of these cysteinyl CcO assembly factors within the IMS and the necessity of redox control in their function

    Structure, function, and assembly of heme centers in mitochondrial respiratory complexes

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    The sequential flow of electrons in the respiratory chain, from a low reduction potential substrate to O2, is mediated by protein-bound redox cofactors. In mitochondria, hemes—together with flavin, iron–sulfur, and copper cofactors—mediate this multi-electron transfer. Hemes, in three different forms, are used as a protein-bound prosthetic group in succinate dehydrogenase (complex II), in bc1 complex (complex III) and in cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV). The exact function of heme b in complex II is still unclear, and lags behind in operational detail that is available for the hemes of complex III and IV. The two b hemes of complex III participate in the unique bifurcation of electron flow from the oxidation of ubiquinol, while heme c of the cytochrome c subunit, Cyt1, transfers these electrons to the peripheral cytochrome c. The unique heme a3, with CuB, form a catalytic site in complex IV that binds and reduces molecular oxygen. In addition to providing catalytic and electron transfer operations, hemes also serve a critical role in the assembly of these respiratory complexes, which is just beginning to be understood. In the absence of heme, the assembly of complex II is impaired, especially in mammalian cells. In complex III, a covalent attachment of the heme to apo-Cyt1 is a prerequisite for the complete assembly of bc1, whereas in complex IV, heme a is required for the proper folding of the Cox 1 subunit and subsequent assembly. In this review, we provide further details of the aforementioned processes with respect to the hemes of the mitochondrial respiratory complexes

    Structure, function, and assembly of heme centers in mitochondrial respiratory complexes

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    The sequential flow of electrons in the respiratory chain, from a low reduction potential substrate to O2, is mediated by protein-bound redox cofactors. In mitochondria, hemes—together with flavin, iron–sulfur, and copper cofactors—mediate this multi-electron transfer. Hemes, in three different forms, are used as a protein-bound prosthetic group in succinate dehydrogenase (complex II), in bc1 complex (complex III) and in cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV). The exact function of heme b in complex II is still unclear, and lags behind in operational detail that is available for the hemes of complex III and IV. The two b hemes of complex III participate in the unique bifurcation of electron flow from the oxidation of ubiquinol, while heme c of the cytochrome c subunit, Cyt1, transfers these electrons to the peripheral cytochrome c. The unique heme a3, with CuB, form a catalytic site in complex IV that binds and reduces molecular oxygen. In addition to providing catalytic and electron transfer operations, hemes also serve a critical role in the assembly of these respiratory complexes, which is just beginning to be understood. In the absence of heme, the assembly of complex II is impaired, especially in mammalian cells. In complex III, a covalent attachment of the heme to apo-Cyt1 is a prerequisite for the complete assembly of bc1, whereas in complex IV, heme a is required for the proper folding of the Cox 1 subunit and subsequent assembly. In this review, we provide further details of the aforementioned processes with respect to the hemes of the mitochondrial respiratory complexes

    Oligomerization of Heme o Synthase in Cytochrome Oxidase Biogenesis Is Mediated by Cytochrome Oxidase Assembly Factor Coa2

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    The synthesis of the heme a cofactor used in cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is dependent on the sequential action of heme o synthase (Cox10) and heme a synthase (Cox15). The active state of Cox10 appears to be a homo-oligomeric complex,andformation of this complex is dependent on the newly synthesized CcO subunit Cox1 and the presence of an early Cox1 assembly intermediate. Cox10 multimerization is triggered by progression of Cox1 from the early assembly intermediate todownstreamintermediates.The CcOassembly factor Coa2 appears important in coupling the presence of newly synthesized Cox1 to Cox10 oligomerization. Cells lacking Coa2 are impaired in Cox10 complex formation as well as the formation of a high mass Cox15 complex. Increasing Cox1 synthesis in coa2∆cells restores respiratory function if Cox10 protein levels are elevated.TheC-terminalsegmentofCox1is important in triggering Cox10 oligomerization. Expression of the C-terminal 54 residues of Cox1 appended to a heterologous matrix protein leads to efficient Cox10 complex formation in coa2∆ cells, but it fails to induce Cox15 complex formation. The state of Cox10 was evaluated in mutants, which predispose human patients to CcO deficiency and the neurological disorder Leigh syndrome. The presence of theD336Vmutation in the yeast Cox10 backbone results in a catalytically inactive enzyme that is fully competent to oligomerize. Thus, Cox10 oligomerization and catalytic activation are separate processes and can be uncoupled

    Evidence for a Pro-oxidant Intermediate in the Assembly of Cytochrome Oxidase

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    The hydrogen peroxide sensitivity of cells lacking two proteins, Sco1 and Cox11, important in the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), is shown to arise from the transient accumulation of a pro-oxidant heme A-Cox1 stalled intermediate. The peroxide sensitivity of these cells is abrogated by a reduction in either Cox1 expression or hemeAformation but exacerbated by either enhanced Cox1 expression or heme A production arising from overexpression of COX15. Sco1 and Cox11 are implicated in the formation of the CuA and CuB sites of CcO, respectively. The respective wild-type genes suppress the peroxide sensitivities of sco1∆ and cox11∆ cells, but no cross-complementation is seen with noncognate genes. Copper-binding mutant alleles of Sco1 and Cox11 that are nonfunctional in promoting the assembly of CcO are functional in suppressing the peroxide sensitivity of their respective null mutants. Likewise, human Sco1 that is nonfunctional in yeast CcO assembly is able to suppress the peroxide sensitivity of yeast sco1∆ cells. Thus, a disconnect exists between the respiratory capacity of cells and hydrogen peroxide sensitivity. Hydrogen peroxide sensitivity of sco1∆ and cox11∆ cells is abrogated by overexpression of a novel mitochondrial ATPase Afg1 that promotes the degradation of CcO mitochondrially encoded subunits. Studies on the hydrogen peroxide sensitivity in CcO assembly mutants reveal new aspects of the CcO assembly process

    Oligomerization of Heme o Synthase in Cytochrome Oxidase Biogenesis Is Mediated by Cytochrome Oxidase Assembly Factor Coa2

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    The synthesis of the heme a cofactor used in cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is dependent on the sequential action of heme o synthase (Cox10) and heme a synthase (Cox15). The active state of Cox10 appears to be a homo-oligomeric complex,andformation of this complex is dependent on the newly synthesized CcO subunit Cox1 and the presence of an early Cox1 assembly intermediate. Cox10 multimerization is triggered by progression of Cox1 from the early assembly intermediate todownstreamintermediates.The CcOassembly factor Coa2 appears important in coupling the presence of newly synthesized Cox1 to Cox10 oligomerization. Cells lacking Coa2 are impaired in Cox10 complex formation as well as the formation of a high mass Cox15 complex. Increasing Cox1 synthesis in coa2∆cells restores respiratory function if Cox10 protein levels are elevated.TheC-terminalsegmentofCox1is important in triggering Cox10 oligomerization. Expression of the C-terminal 54 residues of Cox1 appended to a heterologous matrix protein leads to efficient Cox10 complex formation in coa2∆ cells, but it fails to induce Cox15 complex formation. The state of Cox10 was evaluated in mutants, which predispose human patients to CcO deficiency and the neurological disorder Leigh syndrome. The presence of theD336Vmutation in the yeast Cox10 backbone results in a catalytically inactive enzyme that is fully competent to oligomerize. Thus, Cox10 oligomerization and catalytic activation are separate processes and can be uncoupled

    Late-Stage Maturation of the Rieske Fe/S Protein: Mzm1 Stabilizes Rip1 but Does Not Facilitate Its Translocation by the AAA ATPase Bcs1

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    The final step in the assembly of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase or bc1 complex involves the insertion of the Rieske Fe/S cluster protein, Rip1. Maturation of Rip1 occurs within the mitochondrial matrix prior to its translocation across the inner membrane (IM) in a process mediated by the Bcs1 ATPase and subsequent insertion into the bc1 complex. Here we show that the matrix protein Mzm1 functions as a Rip1 chaperone, stabilizing Rip1 prior to the translocation step. In the absence of Mzm1, Rip1 is prone to either proteolytic degradation or temperature-induced aggregation. A series of Rip1 truncations were engineered to probe motifs necessary for Mzm1 interaction and Bcs1-mediated translocation of Rip1. The Mzm1 interaction with Rip1 persists in Rip1 variants lacking its transmembrane domain or containing only its C-terminal globular Fe/S domain. Replacement of the globular domain of Rip1 with that of the heterologous folded protein Grx3 abrogated Mzm1 interaction; however, appending the C-terminal 30 residues of Rip1 to the Rip1-Grx3 chimera restored Mzm1 interaction. The Rip1-Grx3 chimera and a Rip1 truncation containing only the N-terminal 92 residues each induced stabilization of the bc1:cytochrome oxidase supercomplex in a Bcs1-dependent manner. However, the Rip1 variants were not stably associated with the supercomplex. The induced supercomplex stabilization by the Rip1 N terminus was independent of Mzm1

    Pet191 Is a Cytochrome c Oxidase Assembly Factor in \u3ci\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/i\u3e

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    The twin-Cx9C motif protein Pet191 is essential for cytochrome c oxidase maturation. The motif Cys residues are functionally important and appear to be present in disulfide linkages within a large oligomeric complex associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane. The import of Pet191 differs from that of other twin-Cx9C motif class of proteins in being independent of the Mia40 pathway
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