6 research outputs found

    Health Risks to Computer Workers in Various Indoor Facilities

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the main cause of occupational diseases in Estonia and Europe. The number of MSDs has increased with the increasing number of computer workers and the increasing workload overall. In the current paper, the survey of 295 workers in Estonian enterprises is carried out to clarify the reasons of occupational stress. The causes of occupational stress are non-ergonomically designed workplace, social and human factors. The main questionnaires used were KIVA and GPSnordic. The conclusion is that KIVA questionnaire alone is too mild to point out the risk factors. The comparison with other questionnaires has to be carried out

    Health Risks to Computer Workers in Various Indoor Facilities

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the main cause of occupational diseases in Estonia and Europe. The number of MSDs has increased with the increasing number of computer workers and the increasing workload overall. In the current paper, the survey of 295 workers in Estonian enterprises is carried out to clarify the reasons of occupational stress. The causes of occupational stress are non-ergonomically designed workplace, social and human factors. The main questionnaires used were KIVA and GPSnordic. The conclusion is that KIVA questionnaire alone is too mild to point out the risk factors. The comparison with other questionnaires has to be carried out

    Optimization of Physical Activity Recognition for Real-Time Wearable Systems: Effect of Window Length, Sampling Frequency and Number of Features

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    The aim of this study was to develop an optimized physical activity classifier for real-time wearable systems with the focus on reducing the requirements on device power consumption and memory buffer. Classification parameters evaluated in this study were the sampling frequency of the acceleration signal, window length of the classification fragment, and the number of classification features, found with different feature selection methods. For parameter evaluation, a decision tree classifier was created based on the acceleration signals recorded during tests, where 25 healthy test subjects performed various physical activities. Overall average F1-score achieved in this study was about 0.90. Similar F1-scores were achieved with the evaluated window lengths of 5 s (0.92 ± 0.02) and 3 s (0.91 ± 0.02), while classification performance with 1 s were lower (0.87 ± 0.02). Tested sampling frequencies of 50 Hz, 25 Hz, and 13 Hz had similar results with most classified activity types, with an exception of outdoor cycling, where differences were significant. Using forward sequential feature selection enabled the decreasing of the number of features from initial 110 features to about 12 features without lowering the classification performance. The results of this study have been used for developing more efficient real-time physical activity classifiers

    QT Interval Variability Index and QT Interval Duration in Different Sleep Stages: Analysis of Polysomnographic Recordings in Nonapneic Male Patients

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    The aim of the study was to determine whether different sleep stages, especially REM sleep, affect QT interval duration and variability in male patients without obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Polysomnographic recordings of 30 patients were analyzed. Beat-to-beat QT interval variability was calculated using QTV index (QTVI) formula. For QTc interval calculation, in addition to Bazett’s formula, linear and parabolic heart rate correction formulas with two separate α values were used. QTVI and QTc values were calculated as means of 2 awake, 3 NREM, and 3 REM sleep episodes; the duration of each episode was 300 sec. Mean QTVI values were not statistically different between sleep stages. Therefore, elevated QTVI values found in patients with OSA cannot be interpreted as physiological sympathetic impact during REM sleep and should be considered as a risk factor for potentially life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. The absence of difference of the mean QTc interval values between NREM and REM stages seems to confirm our conclusion that sympathetic surges during REM stage do not induce repolarization variability. In patients without notable structural and electrical remodeling of myocardium, physiological elevation in sympathetic activity during REM sleep remains subthreshold concerning clinically significant increase of myocardial electrical instability