284 research outputs found

    Analytically solvable model of a driven system with quenched dichotomous disorder

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    We perform a time-dependent study of the driven dynamics of overdamped particles which are placed in a one-dimensional, piecewise linear random potential. This set-up of spatially quenched disorder then exerts a dichotomous varying random force on the particles. We derive the path integral representation of the resulting probability density function for the position of the particles and transform this quantity of interest into the form of a Fourier integral. In doing so, the evolution of the probability density can be investigated analytically for finite times. It is demonstrated that the probability density contains both a δ\delta-singular contribution and a regular part. While the former part plays a dominant role at short times, the latter rules the behavior at large evolution times. The slow approach of the probability density to a limiting Gaussian form as time tends to infinity is elucidated in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    The arions generation by magnetodipole waves of pulsars and magnetars in a constant magnetic field

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    The influence of the gravitational fields of pulsars and magnetars on the arion emission during the propagation of magnetodipole waves in a constant magnetic field has been evaluated. The solution of the equation was obtained and the flux of arions emitted by magnetodipole waves during their propagation in a constant magnetic field was found. It is shown that the amplitude of the born arion wave at a distance from the source of magnetodipole radiation of a pulsar or magnetar (r)(r\to\infty) in the considered case tends to a constant value. The intensity of the arion emission in the solid angle element and the amount of arion energy I\overline{I}, emitted in all directions per unit time grow quadratically with increasing distance, traveled by the magnetodipole radiation of a pulsar or magnetar in a constant magnetic field. Such growth of the energy of the born arion wave is due to the fact that in the considered problem constant magnetic field is defined in the whole space. In reality, the galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields can be represented in this form only in regions of space of finite dimensions, outside of which the force lines of their induction vector are curved. Therefore, it is possible to apply these results only in a region of space for which rLcoh<r\leq L_{coh}<\infty, where LcohL_{coh} is the coherence length, the distance at which the force lines of the induction vector can be considered as straight lines. An estimate for the value of the coupling constant of photons with arions is obtained

    Innovations and support for quality in agriculture : a case study

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    The aim of the article is to investigate the economic and legal aspects of integrating innovations in agriculture and supporting the quality of agricultural products in the context of modern Russia. Throughout the process of research, the authors analyzed the directions of agricultural sector development, mechanisms of quality and safety support, as well as customer rights protection. As a result the authors have agreed on, the need to integrate cluster models in the agricultural sector, notably in the bee-keeping, seed production (including financing of this activity), as well as legislative stimulus to shift towards «green» biotechnology in the domestic agriculture. Based on the research conducted, the authors have proposed mechanisms to improve the current Russian legislation in the spheres of innovation development and support for quality and safety of agricultural production.peer-reviewe

    Arrival time distribution for a driven system containing quenched dichotomous disorder

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    We study the arrival time distribution of overdamped particles driven by a constant force in a piecewise linear random potential which generates the dichotomous random force. Our approach is based on the path integral representation of the probability density of the arrival time. We explicitly calculate the path integral for a special case of dichotomous disorder and use the corresponding characteristic function to derive prominent properties of the arrival time probability density. Specifically, we establish the scaling properties of the central moments, analyze the behavior of the probability density for short, long, and intermediate distances. In order to quantify the deviation of the arrival time distribution from a Gaussian shape, we evaluate the skewness and the kurtosis.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    The influence of ash tree sawdust acid treatment on the removal of crude oil from water surfaces

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    Agricultural and timber industry wastes may constitute a significant source of promising oil sorption materials. In this study the potential application of Fráxinus excélsior ash tree sawdust as sorption material for crude oil removal was investigated. The effect of acid treatment on physicochemical and sorption properties of sawdust was studied in a batch system. Oil sorption capacity and water uptake of sorption materials in static system were evaluated. For the determination of raw and treated samples structure and surface changes X-ray diffraction analysis, atomic force microscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and contact angle evaluation were used. The highest oil sorption capacity was shown by 3% HNO3 treated sawdust, 43.2% and 37.4% increase of oil sorption capacity for Devonian oil and Carbon oil, respectively, was observed in comparison with untreated sawdust. The exhibited reduction of modified sawdust water uptake indicated the increase of sorbent material hydrophobicity that was confirmed by the results of contact angle determination. Based on atomic force microscopy results, the surface roughness of treated sawdust was shown to be enhanced that could be a primary factor affecting on oil sorption capacity improvement. Thus, acid treated ash tree sawdust was shown to have improved oil sorption and physicochemical characteristics for crude oil removal

    Study of kinetic - thermodynamic aspects of phenol adsorption on natural sorption materials

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    Phenol is one of the most toxic pollutants which get into the water ponds and streams with wastewater from chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and other industries. The most effective method of wastewater treatment from phenol is its adsorption on activated carbon, but the disadvantages of this sorbent usage are its high cost, the necessity of regeneration and soot formation due to the brittleness of carbon atoms bonds. A new trend that has intensively developed in the practice of water treatment recently is the use of wastes of industrial and agricultural production as reagents for removing of pollutants from natural water and wastewater. Cellulose and keratin-containing wastes from processing of agricultural raw materials are of particular interest. The advantages of these reagents are available resource base, renewability, low cost, availability and ease of disposal. Therefore, in single-step static adsorption mode with the use of phenol solutions as the model systems the kinetics of phenol adsorption by natural materials, namely, wheat husk, rye husk, oat husk and barley husk was studied at different temperatures (25°C, 35°C and 45°C). Rye husk did not show any sorption properties in relation to phenol. For wheat, oat and barley husks the adsorption isotherms were constructed in coordinates: 1/F = f(1/C), lgF = f(lgC), lnF = f(ε2). The equations which describe the processes of phenol sorption by wheat, oat and barley husks were calculated. It was found that processes of phenol adsorption by wheat, oats and barley husks can be better represented by the Dubinin - Radushkevich equation, although Langmuir equation can also be used to describe these processes with correlation coefficients more than 0,992. Also the thermodynamic constants and energy of phenol sorption by natural materials were determined

    Efficiency of carotine-chlorophyllic complexes use in a-hypovitaminosis of poultry

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    The principal purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of using chloroprenol as a vitamin supplement in diets of broiler chickens for the prevention of A-vitamin deficiencies and improve the commercial quality of poultry products. In accordance with desired goal we have estimated the clinical-biochemical status of the broiler chickens under production-line conditions, defined the optimal dosages of chloroprenol for the broiler chicken, determined the effect of the drug on the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, studied their effect on the natural resistance parameters of the body, accumulation of biological active substances in the liver, viability and productivit

    Preparation and application of a magnetic composite sorbent for collecting oil from a water surface

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    © 2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.A oil products are among the most dangerous pollution of water objects. They have a deleterious effect on the physiological and biochemical processes in the body of biological objects. In recent years, more and more attention is paid using of industrial waste for water treatment from oil products. In this study, the composite magnetic sorption material was received by chemical sedimentation using of the waste of MDF production (wood fiber) and iron chloride (II) and (III). Fractional composition and physico-chemical characteristics (Tamped density, content of moisture, ash content, buoyancy, specific surface area) of the reagent was detected, the micrographs were obtained by scanning electron microscope. The elemental composition of materials was identified using the method of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The remanent magnetism and the coercive force of the samples of modified wood fiber were calculated According of obtained hysteresis loops. IR spectra of the sorption materials were obtained and described using the method of FTIR spectroscopy in a frequency range of 400-4000 cm-1. Oil sorption capacity and water uptake of waste wood fiber and magnetic composite sorbent were evaluated in static system. Increase of oil sorption capacity and decrease of water uptake after modification of waste wood fiber was observed. Experiments to remove oil pollution from the water surface were carried out. The effectiveness of the proposed sorption material was discussed


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    Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease characterized by the development of chronic immune inflammation and formation of granulomas. It is important to know clinical, morphological and immunologic variants of the course of this disease in order to investigate the pathomorphologic parameters of the granuloma.Of late negative trends have been observed in the changes of sarcoidosis pathomorphology. Due to the above it is important to investigate predictors for the course of this disease, including specific parameters of granulematous inflammatory process in various clinical variants not only from the point of view of diagnostics but further management tactics for those suffering from this disease

    The Role of the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex in the Development of Ischemic-Reperfusion Syndrome

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    Background. One of the key components of energy metabolism is the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC), the activity of which can be targeted by some cytoprotectors. However, their role remains unclear. It is known that the activation of the PDC in tumor cells leads to an inversion of anaerobic glycolysis with an increase in the generation of free radicals in the respiratory chain and a decrease in viability. At the same time, there is evidence of increased resistance of normal cells to hypoxia and reperfusion.Objectives. Analysis of current information on the role of PDC in the development of pathologic biochemical changes in ischemic reperfusion syndrome and methods of metabolic correction using agents for regulating the activity of the considered multienzyme complex. Methods. The bibliographical search was carried out across the eLIBRARY and PubMed databases with a selection of articles published over the past 10 years in the English and Russian languages, as well as some parts of fundamental works in the selected field, published more than 10 years. To be selected for bibliographical review, the article can be of any design, reflecting the ideas about the role of PDC in the development of pathologic biochemical changes in ischemic-reperfusion lesions of various organs and tissues.Results. The bibliographical analysis indicates a decrease in the activity of PDC in myocardial tissue during a heart attack or heart failure, the activity of the enzyme in skeletal muscles decreases against the background of acute hypoxia. PDC activity also decreases under chronic stress and extensive muscular exercise. At the same time, the PDC activity remains at the normal level in the ischemic period, and the transition to the reperfusion period is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the activity of the multienzyme complex. The PDC inactivation occurring under these conditions can result from a damage by reactive oxygen species, as well as by regulatory control changes through phosphorylation/dephosphorylation. Assuming the key role of PDC in the development of energy exchange disorders against the ischemic-reperfusion injuries 2 main strategies might be offered for metabolic correction: 1) an increase in the activity of PDC (activator — sodium dichloroacetate) or compensation for its lack with substrates of the tricarboxylic acids (acetylcarnitine, β-ydroxybutyrate); 2) protection of PDC from damage (antioxidants).Conclusion. The basis of energy exchange disorders in the reperfusion period is a decrease in PDC activity, and modification of its activity is a promising direction for metabolic prevention or correction of ischemic-reperfusion injures