126 research outputs found

    Black faculty and administrators support rejoinder against comments made by T.J. Rice

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    Memo from black faculty and administrators to the Denison Community criticizing remarks made by Dr. T.J. Rice, stating that the remarks resulted in the castigation of black students. Dated November 25, 1975

    Senior Women Survey Results 1982

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    79 out of 221 graduating senior women responded to this survey about their plans following graduation. Includes short answer responses to the question of how Denison might better help women students prepare for careers

    De Colores Press Release 1992

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    De Colores, poetry and fiction writers of diverse background, 1992

    Celebrating the Truth Anniversary

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    Special Anniversary Joint Issue of the Denison Women\u27s Studies Newsletter and Amandla, a publication of the Center for Black Studies. Includes The Evolution of Black Studies 1968-1990 by Jack Kirby & John Jackson and History of the Women\u27s Studies Program at Denison by G. Wallace Chessman, et al

    Black Rage I

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    Art, poetry & prose created by black students at Deniso

    The Alternate College

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    Document addressing the purpose of the Alternate College and outlining the curriculum for Monday and Tuesday

    Alternate College meetings

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    A list of meetings for the Alternative College, established to boycott Denison classes in support of the Black Student Union Demand

    Recommendations of the task force on the subject of recruitment, admissions and financial aid

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    Recommendations of the task force on the subject of recruitment, admissions and financial aid so as to achieve the objective of a significant number of Black students at Denison. Dated February 28, 1970

    Computer Work Health Workshop

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    Flyer announcing a workshop, part of Women\u27s Health Month, on computer health and safety

    Events for Women Students 1937

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    A Calendar of Events aimed at women students for the 1937-38 school year. Events include: Dormitory Tea, Inter-sorority Debate, Philosophy of Life meetings and Self-expression Meetings, among others
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