13 research outputs found

    Du féminisme (de la troisiÚme vague) et du postmoderne

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    Le présent article se veut une contribution d'ordre théorique. En premier lieu, il procÚde à une présentation du féminisme de la troisiÚme vague, établit ses rapports avec le féminisme de la deuxiÚme vague et met en valeur sa portée heuristique. En deuxiÚme lieu, il propose une délimitation rigoureuse du champ postmoderne. Deux attitudes sont ainsi décelées, soit ici le postmoderne du vide et le postmoderne du décentrage. En troisiÚme lieu, ce travail pense ensemble, dans leurs effets de sens communs et dans leurs différences, le postmoderne et le(s) féminisme(s), tout particuliÚrement le féminisme de la troisiÚme vague.This article is a theoretical contribution. First, it proceeds to a presentation of third wave feminism, determines its relationship with second wave feminism and enhances its heuristic scope. Secondly, it proposes a strict delineation of the postmodern field. Two attitudes are determined, here called le postmoderne du vide and le postmoderne du décentrage. Finally, this work reflects upon the postmodern and feminism(s), especially third wave feminism, in their effects and common sense as well as in their differences

    De l’effritement Ă  l’androgyne : l’image du couple dans le roman quĂ©bĂ©cois contemporain au fĂ©minin De l’effritement Ă  l’androgyne : l’image du couple dans le roman quĂ©bĂ©cois contemporain au fĂ©minin

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    À travers l’analyse d’un corpus de romans quĂ©bĂ©cois contemporains, nous tentons ici de baliser les Ă©lĂ©ments d’un parcours qui va de l’effritement Ă  l’androgyne. Cette Ă©volution est symptomatique tant de la remise en question du couple qu’engendre le fĂ©minisme radical que du passage du fĂ©minisme de la deuxiĂšme vague au fĂ©minisme de la troisiĂšme vague. Les romans que nous avons retenus sont Le sexe des Ă©toiles (1987), de Monique Proulx, Copies conformes (1989), de Monique LaRue et la trilogie Soifs de Marie-Claire Blais.<br>À travers l’analyse d’un corpus de romans quĂ©bĂ©cois contemporains, nous tentons ici de baliser les Ă©lĂ©ments d’un parcours qui va de l’effritement Ă  l’androgyne. Cette Ă©volution est symptomatique tant de la remise en question du couple qu’engendre le fĂ©minisme radical que du passage du fĂ©minisme de la deuxiĂšme vague au fĂ©minisme de la troisiĂšme vague. Les romans que nous avons retenus sont Le sexe des Ă©toiles1 (1987), de Monique Proulx, Copies conformes2 (1989), de Monique LaRue et la trilogie Soifs3 de Marie-Claire Blais

    Du féminisme (de la troisiÚme vague) et du postmoderne

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    Le présent article se veut une contribution d'ordre théorique. En premier lieu, il procÚde à une présentation du féminisme de la troisiÚme vague, établit ses rapports avec le féminisme de la deuxiÚme vague et met en valeur sa portée heuristique. En deuxiÚme lieu, il propose une délimitation rigoureuse du champ postmoderne. Deux attitudes sont ainsi décelées, soit ici le postmoderne du vide et le postmoderne du décentrage. En troisiÚme lieu, ce travail pense ensemble, dans leurs effets de sens communs et dans leurs différences, le postmoderne et le(s) féminisme(s), tout particuliÚrement le féminisme de la troisiÚme vague.This article is a theoretical contribution. First, it proceeds to a presentation of third wave feminism, determines its relationship with second wave feminism and enhances its heuristic scope. Secondly, it proposes a strict delineation of the postmodern field. Two attitudes are determined, here called le postmoderne du vide and le postmoderne du décentrage. Finally, this work reflects upon the postmodern and feminism(s), especially third wave feminism, in their effects and common sense as well as in their differences

    Le Québec paradoxal

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    Entre identitĂ© et mĂ©dias. L’identitĂ© europĂ©enne comme point de mire d’une recherche internationale

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    International audienceThis article presents the research effort that has culminated in the drafting of the “Europe in Online Media” project (Lemel), which addresses how Europe is represented in the main online media outlets of several European countries. The steps of invalidation, validation and modification of research perspectives are analyzed, as the research has developed from an initial interest in European identity to a broader and more unifying theme

    Between Identity and the Media : European Identity as a Focal Point of International Research

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    L’identitĂ© europĂ©enne comme point de mire d’une recherche internationale Cet article se propose de prĂ©senter le parcours de recherche ayant abouti Ă  l’élaboration du projet intitulĂ© L’Europe dans les mĂ©dias en ligne (Lemel), qui traite des reprĂ©sentations de l’Europe dans les principaux mĂ©dias en ligne de plusieurs pays europĂ©ens. Sont analysĂ©es ici les Ă©tapes d’invalidations, de validations et de modifications d’angles de la recherche, ayant conduit d’un intĂ©rĂȘt initial pour l’identitĂ© europĂ©enne Ă  un sujet plus large et plus fĂ©dĂ©rateur.This article presents the research effort that has culminated in the drafting of the “Europe in Online Media” project (Lemel), which addresses how Europe is represented in the main online media outlets of several European countries. The steps of invalidation, validation and modification of research perspectives are analyzed, as the research has developed from an initial interest in European identity to a broader and more unifying theme

    Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories about the COVID-19 Pandemic in Romania? An Analysis of Conspiracy Theories Believers’ Profiles

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    The current COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by the circulation of an unprecedented amount of “polluted” information, especially in the social media environment, among which are false narratives and conspiracy theories about both the pandemic and vaccination against COVID-19. The effects of such questionable information primarily concern the lack of compliance with restrictive measures and a negative attitude towards vaccination campaigns, as well as more complex social effects, such as street protests or distrust in governments and authorities in general. Even though there is a lot of scholarly attention given to these narratives in many countries, research about the profile of people who are more prone to believe or spread them is rather scarce. In this context, we investigate the role of age, compared with other socio-demographic factors (such as education and religiosity), as well as the role of the media (the frequency of news consumption, the perceived usefulness of social media, and the perceived incidence of fake information about the virus in the media) and the critical thinking disposition of people who tend to believe such misleading narratives. To address these issues, we conducted a national survey (N = 945) in April 2021 in Romania. Using a hierarchical OLS regression model, we found that people who perceive higher incidence of fake news (ß = 0.33, p &lt; 0.001), find social media platforms more useful (ß = 0.13, p &lt; 0.001), have lower education (ß = −0.17, p &lt; 0.001), and have higher levels of religiosity (ß = 0.08, p &lt; 0.05) are more prone to believe COVID-19-related misleading narratives. At the same time, the frequency of news consumption (regardless of the type of media), critical thinking disposition, and age do not play a significant role in the profile of the believer in conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic. Somewhat surprisingly, age does not play a role in predicting belief in conspiracy theories, even though there are studies that suggest that older people are more prone to believe conspiracy narratives. As far as media is concerned, the frequency of news media consumption does not significantly differ for believers and non-believers. We discuss these results within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Bee Pollen Extracts: Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Properties, and Effect on the Growth of Selected Probiotic and Pathogenic Bacteria

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    This paper evaluated the chemical and biological properties of bee pollen samples from Romania. Firstly, the bee pollen alcoholic extracts (BPEs) were obtained from raw bee pollen harvested by Apis mellifera carpatica bees. The chemical composition of BPE was obtained by determination of total phenol content and total flavonoid content, UHPLC-DAD-ESI/MS analysis of phenolic compounds, and GC-MS analysis of fatty acids, esters, and terpenes. Additionally, the antioxidant activity was evaluated by the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity method. Furthermore, the biological properties of BPE were evaluated (antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity). The raw BP samples studied in this paper had significant phenolic acid and flavonoid content, and moderate fatty acid, ester, and terpene content. P1, P2, and P4 have the highest TPC and TFC levels, and the best antioxidant activity. All BPEs studied had antimicrobial activity on pathogenic strains isolated from the clinic or standard strains. A synergistic antimicrobial effect of the BPEs was observed along with the soluble compounds of L. rhamnosus MF9 and E. faecalis 2M17 against some pathogenic (clinical) strains and, considering the tumour proliferation inhibitory activity, makes BP a potential prebiotic and antitumour agent for the gut environment