9 research outputs found

    Joint eavesdropping on the BB84 decoy state protocol with an arbitrary passive light-source side channel

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    Passive light-source side channel in quantum key distribution (QKD) makes the quantum signals more distinguishable thus provides additional information about the quantum signal to an eavesdropper. The explicit eavesdropping strategies aimed at the passive side channel known to date were limited to the separate measurement of the passive side channel in addition to the operational degree of freedom. Here we show how to account for the joint eavesdropping on both operational degree of freedom and the passive side channel of the generic form. In particular, we use the optimal phase-covariant cloning of the signal photon state, which is the most effective attack on the BB84 protocol without side channels, followed by a joint collective measurement of the side channel and the operational degree of freedom. To estimate QKD security under this attack, we develop an effective error method and show its applicability to the BB84 decoy-state protocol

    Coherent State Quantum Key Distribution with Multi Letter Phase-Shift Keying

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    We present a protocol for quantum key distribution using discrete modulation of coherent states of light. Information is encoded in the variable phase of coherent states which can be chosen from a regular discrete set ranging from binary to continuous modulation, similar to phase-shift-keying in classical communication. Information is decoded by simultaneous homodyne measurement of both quadratures and requires no active choice of basis. The protocol utilizes either direct or reverse reconciliation, both with and without postselection. We analyze the security of the protocol and show how to enhance it by the optimal choice of all variable parameters of the quantum signal.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Comments welcom

    Quantum uniqueness

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    In the classical world one can construct two identical systems which have identical behavior and give identical measurement results. We show this to be impossible in the quantum domain. We prove that after the same quantum measurement two different quantum systems cannot yield always identical results, provided the possible measurement results belong to a non orthogonal set. This is interpreted as quantum uniqueness - a quantum feature which has no classical analog. Its tight relation with objective randomness of quantum measurements is discussed.Comment: Presented at 4th Feynman festival, June 22-26, 2009, in Olomouc, Czech Republic

    Triplet-like correlation symmetry of continuous variable entangled states

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    We report on a continuous variable analogue of the triplet two-qubit Bell states. We theoretically and experimentally demonstrate a remarkable similarity of two-mode continuous variable entangled states with triplet Bell states with respect to their correlation patterns. Borrowing from the two qubit language, we call these correlations triplet-like.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Comments are welcom


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    Comparative characteristics of quantum key distribution protocols with alphabets corresponding to the regular polyhedrons on the Bloch sphere

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    ABSTRACT Possibilities of improving characteristics of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols via variation of character set in quantum alphabets are investigated. QKD protocols with discrete alphabets, letters of which form regular polyhedrons on the Bloch sphere (tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, icosahedron, and dodecahedron, which have 4, 6, 8, 12, and 20 vertexes) , and QKD protocol with continuous alphabet, which corresponds to the limiting case of a polyhedron with infinitive number of vertexes, are considered. Stability of such QKD protocols to the interceptresend and optimal eavesdropping strategies at the individual attacks, is studied in detail. It is shown that in case of optimal eavesdropping strategy, after safety bases reconciliation, critical error rate of the QKD protocol with continuous alphabet surpasses all other protocols. Without basis reconciliation the highest critical error rate have the protocol with tetrahedron-type alphabet


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