13 research outputs found

    Improving the mechanism of interaction between public and private enterprises

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    The purpose of this paper is to improve methodological provisions for the organization and practical implementation of the interaction of public and private enterprises in order to increase the efficiency of their activities, taking into account mutual interests. A model has been formed for assessing the efficiency of overcoming administrative barriers by entrepreneurial entities, which is based on taking into account the price and time for entrepreneurs to overcome problems in running their business. The system of indicators for the development of interaction between public and private enterprises is structured, which allows analyzing trends in the development of interaction processes in a wide range of areas: resource availability, administrative barriers, development of competition, ensuring the security of business, information openness, innovative development

    Forecasting the investment and production potential of an enterprise of the energy sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop a mechanism for forecasting the potential of an enterprise through the formation of an algorithm for assessing the current state and forecasting investment and production capabilities. The study summarized and systematized theoretical and methodological research in the field of development of management processes, classified the main problems of effective functioning of organizations, developed a method of forecasting the activities of organizations, taking into account the most important criteria. The developed method of the medium-term forecast of the production and financial activities of the organization is universal and can be adapted to the specifics of the activities of any production enterprise

    <b>Assessment of environmental variables determining the spatial distribution and species structure of testate amoebae in a stratified freshwater lake</b>

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    1. Testate amoebae are unicellular organisms that occur worldwide in lacustrine habitats and have been widely used as proxies for palaeoreconstruction and bioindicators of contemporary ecosystems. Our knowledge of the environmental factors determining the spatial distribution of testate amoebae in stratified freshwater lakes is still limited.2. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of environmental variables on testate amoebae assemblages living within one lake basin and to determine the factors influencing the species structure and spatial distribution of testate amoebae communities along a depth gradient and within one limnological zone.3. In our study, we used a multystation approach within one waterbody. We collected samples at five transects at five depths in four limnological zones, for a total of 69 samples from 24 sites. Redundancy and k-means analysis distinguished four groups of samples associated with different environmental conditions.4. Our results indicate that the distribution of testate amoebae species was determined by a variety of factors. The distribution of communities along the depth gradient was determined by temperature, electrical conductivity, and blue-green algal phycoerythrin. Within the littoral zone, the distribution of species was determined either by differences in sand content in sediments or by the stochastic beginning of community assembly. In deepwater habitats, the distribution of species was determined by dissolved oxygen concentration, pH and blue‒green algal phycoerythrin.5. We suggest that assessing habitat and community differences in stratified lakes requires a multystation sampling approach.</p

    The thermocline as an ecotone in stratified freshwater lakes a case study on the benthic testate amoebae in Lake Valdayskoe.xlsx

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    This study aims to describe the role of the thermocline in forming benthic testate amoebae assemblages along the temperature gradient in the stratified freshwater Lake Valdayskoe. Twenty-eight samples from 9 sites were collected along the transect starting in the littoral zone, going through a long thermocline and finishing in the bottom slope.Presented raw data of testate amoebae individuals distribution per sampling sites and measured environmental variables. </p

    Toward a Selective Analysis of Heavy Metal Salts in Aqueous Media with a Fluorescent Probe Array

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    Detection of heavy meals in aqueous media challenges worldwide research in developing particularly fast and affordable methods. Fluorescent sensors look to be an appropriate instrument for such a task, as recently they have been found to have made large progress in the detection of chemical analytes, primarily in the environment, along with biological fluids, which still suffer from not enough selectivity. In this work, we propose a new fluorescent method to selectively recognize heavy metals in an aqueous solution via employing an array of several fluorescent probes: acridine yellow, eosin, and methylene blue, which were taken as examples, being sensitive to a microsurrounding of the probe molecules. The exemplary sensor array generated six channels of spectral information through the use of various combinations of excitation and detection wavelengths. Following the known multisensor approach, we applied a linear discriminant analysis to selectively distinguish the vector signals from the sensor array from salts of heavy metals—Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cz—at the concentration ranges of 2.41 × 10−6–1.07 × 10−5 M, 2.8 × 10−5–5.87 × 10−4 M, 1.46 × 10−6–6.46 × 10−6 M, 1.17 × 10−8–5.2 × 10−8 M, and 2.11 × 10−6–9.33 × 10−6 M, respectively. The suggested approach was found to be promising due to it employing only one cuvette containing the test solution, simplifying a sample preparation when compared to preparing a variety of solutions in tests with single fluorescence probes

    Development of an Atmospheric Pressure Ion Mobility Spectrometer–Mass Spectrometer with an Orthogonal Acceleration Electrostatic Sector TOF Mass Analyzer

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    Recently developed ion mobility mass spectrometer is described. The instrument is based on a drift tube ion mobility spectrometer and an orthogonal acceleration electrostatic sector time-of-flight mass analyzer. Data collection is performed using a specially developed fast ADC-based recorder that allows real-time data integration in an interval between 3 and 100 s. Primary tests were done with positive ion electrospray. The tests have shown obtaining 100 ion mobility resolving power and 2000 mass resolving power. Obtained for 2,6-di-<i>tert</i>-butylpyridine in electrosprayed liquid samples during 100 s analysis and full IMS/MS data collection mode were 4 nM relative limits of detection and a 1 pg absolute limit of detection (S/N=3). Characteristic ion mobility/mass distributions were recorded for selected antibiotics, including amoxicillin, ampicillin, lomefloxacin, and ofloxacin. At studied conditions, lomefloxacin forms only a protonated molecule-producing reduced ion mobility peak at 1.082 cm<sup>2</sup>/(V s). Both amoxicillin and ampicillin produce [M + H]<sup>+</sup>, [M + CH<sub>3</sub>OH + H]<sup>+</sup>, and [M + CH<sub>3</sub>CN + H]<sup>+</sup>. Amoxicillin shows two peaks at 0.909 cm<sup>2</sup>/(V s) and 0.905 cm<sup>2</sup>/(V s). Ampicillin shows one peak at 0.945 cm<sup>2</sup>/(V s). Intensity of protonated methanol containing cluster for both ampicillin and amoxicillin has a clear tendency to rise with sample keeping time. Ofloxacin produces two peaks in the ion mobility distribution. A lower ion mobility peak at 1.051 cm<sup>2</sup>/(V s) is shown to be formed by [M + H]<sup>+</sup> ions. A higher ion mobility peak appearing for samples kept more than 48 h is shown to be formed by both [M + H]<sup>+</sup> ion and a component identified as the [M + 2H + M]<sup>+2</sup> cluster. The cluster probably partly dissociates in the interface producing the [M + H]<sup>+</sup> ion

    Can the morphological traits of benthic testate amoebae in a freshwater lake be indicators of depth and environmental conditions.xlsx

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    Testate amoebae are widely used as proxies in palaeoecological reconstructions of lacustrine environments. However, our knowledge on their morphological adaptation to depth is still limited. This study aims to determine the correlations between the morphological and size structure of testate amoeba communities and depth and some other environmental variables along a depth gradient from 0 to 57 m in mesotrophic Valdayskoe Lake, Russia. The morphological structure of testate amoeba communities in the bottom surface sediments of the lake and their distribution along the depth gradient were described. The results of the Redundancy analysis indicated that sampling depth, temperature, pH, and slope angle significantly explained the total variance in the morphotypes community compositions, which were classified into three morphological groups. The set of morphotraits of testate amoebae communities differed drastically above and below the thermocline and may be used as an indicator of the depths. Above and below the thermocline, the morphological structure of testaceans is also determined by other environmental variables associated with the habitats they were found. The weighted and median body size of testate amoebae generally decreases with depth, but bottom relief influences the body size structure of the community via differences in the accumulation of organic matter on slopes and flat sites. These data may contribute to a better interpretation of palaeoecological records of subfossil testate amoebae in lacustrine surface sediments and serve as a basis for the development of a transfer function for reconstructing lake depths.</p

    Energy-Efficient Chemiresistive Sensor Array Based on SWCNT Networks, WO3 Nanochannels and SWCNT-Pt Heterojunctions for NH3 Detection against the Background Humidity

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    Recently, promising results have been achieved in improving the sensitivity to ammonia in gas sensors through the use of structures composed of heterojunctions or nanochannels. However, their sensitivity is highly dependent on the background humidity under air conditions. The sensor structures which could ensure selective ammonia detection with a low detection limit, despite interference from changing background humidity, remain highly demanded. In this work, we consider sensing units containing (i) nanochannels formed by a continuous tungsten oxide nanolayer to appear in contact between single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and a Pt sublayer and (ii) SWCNT-Pt junctions in frames of mass-scale microelectronic technologies. SWCNTs were deposited by spray-coating on a thin WO3/Pt/W sublayer formed by a photolithographic pattern to be accompanied by satellite samples with just SWCNTs for reference purposes. We elucidate the specific differences that appeared in the response of sensors based on SWCNT-Pt junctions and WO3 nanochannels relative to satellite SWCNT samples with a similar SWCNT network density. Particularly, while a similar response to NH3 vapors mixed with dry air is observed for each sensor type, the response to NH3 is reduced significantly in the presence of background humidity, of 45 rel.%, especially in the case of WO3 nanochannel structures even at room temperature. A multisensor array based on the four various sensing structures involving SWCNT-Pt junctions, WO3 nanochannels, and their satellite-only-SWCNT ones allowed us to determine a correct ammonia concentration via utilizing the linear discriminant analysis despite the presence of background air humidity. Thus, such an energy-efficient multisensor system can be used for environmental monitoring of ammonia content, health monitoring, and other applications

    Energy-Efficient Chemiresistive Sensor Array Based on SWCNT Networks, WO<sub>3</sub> Nanochannels and SWCNT-Pt Heterojunctions for NH<sub>3</sub> Detection against the Background Humidity

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    Recently, promising results have been achieved in improving the sensitivity to ammonia in gas sensors through the use of structures composed of heterojunctions or nanochannels. However, their sensitivity is highly dependent on the background humidity under air conditions. The sensor structures which could ensure selective ammonia detection with a low detection limit, despite interference from changing background humidity, remain highly demanded. In this work, we consider sensing units containing (i) nanochannels formed by a continuous tungsten oxide nanolayer to appear in contact between single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and a Pt sublayer and (ii) SWCNT-Pt junctions in frames of mass-scale microelectronic technologies. SWCNTs were deposited by spray-coating on a thin WO3/Pt/W sublayer formed by a photolithographic pattern to be accompanied by satellite samples with just SWCNTs for reference purposes. We elucidate the specific differences that appeared in the response of sensors based on SWCNT-Pt junctions and WO3 nanochannels relative to satellite SWCNT samples with a similar SWCNT network density. Particularly, while a similar response to NH3 vapors mixed with dry air is observed for each sensor type, the response to NH3 is reduced significantly in the presence of background humidity, of 45 rel.%, especially in the case of WO3 nanochannel structures even at room temperature. A multisensor array based on the four various sensing structures involving SWCNT-Pt junctions, WO3 nanochannels, and their satellite-only-SWCNT ones allowed us to determine a correct ammonia concentration via utilizing the linear discriminant analysis despite the presence of background air humidity. Thus, such an energy-efficient multisensor system can be used for environmental monitoring of ammonia content, health monitoring, and other applications