1 research outputs found
Electrical Switch to the Resonant Magneto-Phonon Effect in Graphene
We report a comprehensive study of
the tuning with electric fields
of the resonant magneto-exciton optical phonon coupling in gated graphene.
For magnetic fields around <i>B</i> ∼ 25 T that correspond
to the range of the fundamental magneto-phonon resonance, the electron–phonon
coupling can be switched on and off by tuning the position of the
Fermi level in order to Pauli block the two fundamental inter-Landau
level excitations. The effects of such a profound change in the electronic
excitation spectrum are traced through investigations of the optical
phonon response in polarization resolved magneto-Raman scattering
experiments. We report on the observation of a splitting of the phonon
feature with satellite peaks developing at particular values of the
Landau level filling factor on the low or on the high energy side
of the phonon, depending on the relative energy of the discrete electronic
excitation and of the optical phonon. Shifts of the phonon energy
as large as ±60 cm<sup>–1</sup> are observed close to
the resonance. The intraband electronic excitation, the cyclotron
resonance, is shown to play a relevant role in the observed spectral
evolution of the phonon response