1,565 research outputs found

    First evidence of anisotropic quenched disorder effects on a smectic liquid crystal confined in porous silicon

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    We present a neutron scattering analysis of the structure of the smectic liquid crystal octylcyanobiphenyl (8CB) confined in one-dimensional nanopores of porous silicon films (PS). The smectic transition is completely suppressed, leading to the extension of a short-range ordered smectic phase aligned along the pore axis. It evolves reversibly over an extended temperature range, down to 50 K below the \textit{N-SmA} transition in pure 8CB. This behavior strongly differs from previous observations of smectics in different one-dimensional porous materials. A coherent picture of this striking behavior requires that quenched disorder effects are invoked. The strongly disordered nature of the inner surface of PS acts as random fields coupling to the smectic order. The one-dimensionality of PS nano-channels offers new perspectives on quenched disorder effects, which observation has been restricted to homogeneous random porous materials so far.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Technology Selection for Big Data and Analytical Applications

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    The term Big Data has become pervasive in recent years, as smart phones, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, smart meters, diverse sensors, eyeglasses, and even clothes connect to the Internet. However, their generated data is essentially worthless without appropriate data analytics that utilizes information retrieval, statistics, as well as various other techniques. As Big Data is commonly too big for a single person or institution to investigate, appropriate tools are being used that go way beyond a traditional data warehouse and that have been developed in recent years. Unfortunately, there is no single solution but a large variety of different tools, each of which with distinct functionalities, properties and characteristics. Especially small and medium-sized companies have a hard time to keep track, as this requires time, skills, money, and specific knowledge that, in combination, result in high entrance barriers for Big Data utilization. This paper aims to reduce these barriers by explaining and structuring different classes of technologies and the basic criteria for proper technology selection. It proposes a framework that guides especially small and mid-sized companies through a suitable selection process that can serve as a basis for further advances

    English for specific purposes (ESP) et français sur objectifs spécifiques (FOS) : le préalable du contenu préalable

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    L’état comparatif de l’ESP et du FOS amène d’abord à pointer la totale disproportion existant entre les deux marchés linguistiques et éditoriaux ; puis à souligner le poids tout particulier des facteurs « politiques » en FOS. Autre asymétrie, encore, que l’influence persistante des thèses anglo-saxonnes sur les positions françaises au plan méthodologique. Schématiquement décrit, celui-ci se caractérise dans les deux secteurs par la coexistence de trois mêmes courants, toujours concurrents bien qu’inégalement porteurs. Mais si l’on s’accorde assez bien aujourd’hui pour se défier de démarches trop systématiques et prêter une attention croissante aux modalités de l’apprentissage, les didacticiens français demeurent, quant à eux, particulièrement sensibles à la nécessité méthodologique d’un contenu d’enseignement préalable — défini en termes linguistiques et/ou non linguistiques — en vue de ménager la diversité des besoins et des objectifs.A comparison of ESP and its equivalent for the French language (FSP) highlights the disproportion between the two markets, in both linguistic and editorial terms, also the fact that “political” factors play a part in FSP. A further difference is the continued influence of Anglo-Saxon arguments on French methodology. This is described briefly, noting that in both sectors are found the same three trends, though in varying degrees of intensity. There is now agreement over the fact that methods which are too systematic are to be avoided, and more attention should be paid to modalities of language learning. Nevertheless, French didacticians remain particularly sensitive to the methodological necessity for having a pre-determined programme content defined in linguistic and/or non-linguistic term — in order to deal with the diverse needs and objectives of learners

    Bausteinbasierte Entwicklung von Engineering Web Apps

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    Produkte aus dem Engineering-Bereich werden immer komplexer. In jeder Phase des Produktlebenszyklus, angefangen bei der Entwicklung über Konstruktion und Montage, entstehen Daten, die verwaltet werden müssen. Während sich die Anwendungen der einzelnen Bereiche unterscheiden, werden häufig ähnliche oder gleiche Daten in unterschiedlicher Umgebung und auf unterschiedlichen Endgeräten benötigt. Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es ein Konzept zu entwickeln, das es erlaubt verschiedene Daten aus dem Engineering-Bereich auf modulare Art und Weise auf beliebigen Endgeräten darzustellen. Dies erhöht die Wiederverwendbarkeit und senkt die Entwicklungskosten. In der Arbeit werden bereits existierenden Oberflächenkonzepte verglichen und Anforderungen an verschiedene Geschäftsfelder aus dem Engineering-Bereich ausgearbeitet. Auf dieser Basis wird ein Konzept vorgestellt, das es erlaubt sich eigene Oberflächen aus Bausteinen zusammenzusetzen. Dieses wurde mit einer Prototypimplementierung auf Basis von modernen Web-Technologien realisiert. Die Evaluierung erfolgt durch diverse Use-Cases

    Integration of Translational Research in the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Research (EORTC) Clinical Trial Cooperative Group Mechanisms

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    The landscape for cancer research is profoundly different today from that only one decade ago. Basic science is moving rapidly and biotechnological revolutions in molecular targeting and immunology have completely modified the opportunities and concepts for cancer treatment. In contrast to the recent past where cytotoxic molecules were screened in the laboratory and then tested in early clinical studies with toxicity as endpoint instead of the often poorly defined mechanism for its potential anti-tumor effect, we now have entered the age of molecular therapeutics, rationally designed to target "strategic" checkpoints that underlie the malignant phenotype. Translational research in early clinical trials (Phase I and II) is an integral aspect of the development of the new generation of cancer drugs as it is necessary to implement radically different early phase clinical trial design and to validate new biological end-points if the full potential of these new agents is to be realized. The "proof of principle with mechanistic analysis" strategy will allow optimisation of therapy from the beginning, and provide important feedback to pre-clinical drug developers. Translational research is also essential in late (phase III) clinical trials in defining different patient populations that may benefit to differing degrees from new treatments, and thus provide further insight and refine clinical practice in a more and more patient-tailored approach. In this editorial we will discuss the integration of Translational Research in the Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
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