14,757 research outputs found

    Local field effect as a function of pulse duration

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    In this note we give semiclassical consideration of the role of pulse duration in observation of local field effects in the regime of optical switching. We show that the main parameter governing local field influence is the ratio of peak Rabi frequency corresponding to medium inversion and Lorentz frequency of the medium. To obtain significant local field effect, this parameter should be near unity that is valid only for long enough pulses. We also discuss the role of relaxation and pulse shape in this processes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A prototype system for detecting the radio-frequency pulse associated with cosmic ray air showers

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    The development of a system to detect the radio-frequency (RF) pulse associated with extensive air showers of cosmic rays is described. This work was performed at the CASA/MIA array in Utah, with the intention of designing equipment that can be used in conjunction with the Auger Giant Array. A small subset of data (less than 40 out of a total of 600 hours of running time), taken under low-noise conditions, permitted upper limits to be placed on the rate for pulses accompanying showers of energies around 101710^{17} eV.Comment: 53 pages, LaTeX, 19 figures, published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods. Revised version; some references update

    Nonlinear Transport Near a Quantum Phase Transition in Two Dimensions

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    The problem of non-linear transport near a quantum phase transition is solved within the Landau theory for the dissipative insulator-superconductor phase transition in two dimensions. Using the non-equilibrium Schwinger round-trip Green function formalism, we obtain the scaling function for the non-linear conductivity in the quantum disordered regime. We find that the conductivity scales as E2E^2 at low field but crosses over at large fields to a universal constant on the order of e2/he^2/h. The crossover between these two regimes obtains when the length scale for the quantum fluctuations becomes comparable to that of the electric field within logarithmic accuracy.Comment: 4.15 pages, no figure

    Fermi-Edge Singularities in the Mesoscopic X-Ray Edge Problem

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    We study the x-ray edge problem for a chaotic quantum dot or nanoparticle displaying mesoscopic fluctuations. In the bulk, x-ray physics is known to produce deviations from the naively expected photoabsorption cross section in the form of a peaked or rounded edge. For a coherent system with chaotic dynamics, we find substantial changes and in particular that a photoabsorption cross section showing a rounded edge in the bulk will change to a slightly peaked edge on average as the system size is reduced to a mesoscopic (coherent) scale.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, final version as published in PR

    Properties of iterative Monte Carlo single histogram reweighting

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    We present iterative Monte Carlo algorithm for which the temperature variable is attracted by a critical point. The algorithm combines techniques of single histogram reweighting and linear filtering. The 2d Ising model of ferromagnet is studied numerically as an illustration. In that case, the iterations uncovered stationary regime with invariant probability distribution function of temperature which is peaked nearly the pseudocritical temperature of specific heat. The sequence of generated temperatures is analyzed in terms of stochastic autoregressive model. The error of histogram reweighting can be better understood within the suggested model. The presented model yields a simple relation, connecting variance of pseudocritical temperature and parameter of linear filtering.Comment: 3 figure

    SPT5 affects the rate of mRNA degradation and physically interacts with CCR4 but does not control mRNA deadenylation

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    The CCR4-NOT complex has been shown to have multiple roles in mRNA metabolism, including that of transcriptional elongation, mRNA transport, and nuclear exosome function, but the primary function of CCR4 and CAF1 is in the deadenylation and degradation of cytoplasmic mRNA. As previous genetic analysis supported an interaction between SPT5, known to be involved in transcriptional elongation, and that of CCR4, the physical association of SPT5 with CCR4 was examined. A two-hybrid screen utilizing the deadenylase domain of CCR4 as a bait identified SPT5 as a potential interacting protein. SPT5 at its physiological concentration was shown to immunoprecipitate CCR4 and CAF1, and in vitro purified SPT5 specifically could bind to CAF1 and the deadenylase domain of CCR4. We additionally demonstrated that mutations in SPT5 or an spt4 deletion slowed the rate of mRNA degradation, a phenotype associated with defects in the CCR4 mRNA deadenylase complex. Yet, unlike ccr4 and caf1 deletions, spt5 and spt4 defects displayed little effect on the rate of deadenylation. They also did not affect decapping or 5\u27 - 3\u27 degradation of mRNA. These results suggest that the interactions between SPT5/SPT4 and the CCR4-NOT complex are probably the consequences of effects involving nuclear events and do not involve the primary role of CCR4 in mRNA deadenylation and turnover

    STM Studies of Synthetic Peptide Monolayers

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    We have used scanning probe microscopy to investigate self-assembled monolayers of chemically synthesized peptides. We find that the peptides form a dense uniform monolayer, above which is found a sparse additional layer. Using scanning tunneling microscopy, submolecular resolution can be obtained, revealing the alpha helices which constitute the peptide. The nature of the images is not significantly affected by the incorporation of redox cofactors (hemes) in the peptides.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (4 gifs); to appear in the Proceedings of the XIIth Int. Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials "Molecular Nanostructures", Kirchberg/Tyrol, Febr. 199

    Fluctuations of g-factors in metal nanoparticles: Effects of electron-electron interaction and spin-orbit scattering

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    We investigate the combined effect of spin-orbit scattering and electron-electron interactions on the probability distribution of gg-factors of metal nanoparticles. Using random matrix theory, we find that even a relatively small interaction strength %(ratio of exchange constant JJ and mean level %spacing \spacing 0.3\simeq 0.3) significantly increases gg-factor fluctuations for not-too-strong spin-orbit scattering (ratio of spin-orbit rate and single-electron level spacing 1/\tau_{\rm so} \spacing \lesssim 1), and leads to the possibility to observe gg-factors larger than two.Comment: RevTex, 2 figures inserte