4 research outputs found

    Smart City as the Basic Construct of the Socio-economic Development of Territories

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    The relevance of this topic is that any self-respecting city needs a development strategy that develops on the basis of the ideal representations of the future and opportunities. All of the city strive to achieve two fundamental goals. The first is to create a high-quality living environment, which is dictated by growing competition for investment and brains. The second objective - to ensure sustainable development, i.e. the search for the integrated (economic, social, transport, energy, environmental, etc.) model, which would guarantee a dignified existence for at least several generations of citizens. Currently in addressing the challenges of economic modernization and innovative development of Russia a key role to be played by information, knowledge, the widespread use of information and communication technologies, the problems of optimum use of natural resources and ecology, as well as the formation of the social environment, designed to provide optimal conditions for the work of participants the innovation process (Shkurkin, Shestopal, Gurieva, Blaginin and Gurianov 2016). In this context, the problem of creating smart cities is today one of the most pressing. Background of the idea of “smart” city and its development: increase in workload infrastructures. Keywords: Economic development, regional development, smart city, infrastructure, resources JEL Classifications: О13, R1

    The Development of Russian-Chinese Relations: Prospects for Cooperation in Crisis

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    In the context of the global economic crisis and the trend towards deterioration of relations between Russia and the Russian-Chinese cooperation with Western countries it is one of the most promising areas of Russian foreign policy. China in recent history becomes more and more powerful geopolitical player in the world and try to take as much as possible an active part in world affairs. China's participation in organizations such as the UN, APEC, SCO, BRICS, etc. allowing it to implement its national interests. As a global trading power, and based on his potential and its intensified role on the world stage, China is forming a new foreign policy. As is known, Russia and China are now solved similar problems is “the transition to an innovative model of development” (Russia) and the “creation of the state of innovative type” (China). The modernization of the Russian economy requires a major upgrade production facilities and the development of transport infrastructure, largely due to large-scale foreign investment and the import of modern technologies. Part of the problem can be solved with the help of China, which is the world leader in terms of gold reserves and constantly increases the volume of its foreign investments. In our view, the prospects for the development of Russian-Chinese relations in the bilateral economic cooperation are, above all, in the initiation and development of major projects. The key point of the Russian-Chinese economic relations should also be cross-border cooperation. Keywords: world financial crisis, Russian-Chinese relations, innovative development, trade cooperation, economic cooperation JEL Classification: G01, O31, P1

    Features of Social and Economic Support of the Territorial Subjects of the Russian Federation

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    The political, social and economic reforms of the 90-ies of the last century, along with the activation of such social phenomena as alcoholism, drug addiction, depopulation, etc., gave rise to some processes fundamentally new for Russia - poverty, unemployment, child neglect, forced migration characterized by steady growth of population in need of social support. All these phenomena have identified urgent need to develop a system of measures on social support of the population of Russia, mitigation of negative social consequences of economic reforms. However, the relaxation role the state's role, formation of market mechanisms in the absence of the effective system of social process management in the situation of economic slack, realistic lack of consistency of social policy measures not only failed to alleviate the existing social risks, but often contributed to their increase. The most significant social problems today, despite some improvement in the standard of living of the past few years, are increasing polarization of incomes, the natural decline in population and its marginalization. The social support system existing in contemporary Russia largely corresponds to the socialist mode of management; it is not adapted to the current social and economic factors and conditions of development of Russia. Keywords: economical good, social and economic support, country population JEL Classifications: H50, H53, L81, L84, M3

    Some Aspects of Ai-Technologies in Education

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    The article is mostly theoretical, bears a review character and is devoted to the description of artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in the life of the modern learning society. The article partly goes into the history of Artificial Intelligence development. The definition of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is specified; its functions are stated; its benefits are described