137 research outputs found


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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 122331 Date de l'opération : 2005 (PI) Dans le cadre de « l’inventaire général du patrimoine architectural et mobilier de la commune de Felletin » engagé en 2002, la ville de Felletin, le conseil général de la Creuse et la DRAC du Limousin pour l’Etat ont souhaité la réalisation d'une étude historique et documentaire de la ville, en orientant les problématiques sur la question des origines et de la genèse de la ville médiévale de Felletin qui devait ..


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    Background: Early intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in France is heterogeneous and poorly evaluated to date. Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a developmental and behavioral model ofintervention for toddlers with ASD which has already shown very interesting outcomes on the development of children with ASD in various studies with different settings. However, it is not possible with the current research to agree on the best setting. Thus, we implemented an ESDM program according to our context where children are often pre-schooling early from 30 months old. This therapy was applied by a multidisciplinary team working in close collaboration with parents and other partners. Subjects and methods: A prospective observational study including 19 toddlers with ASD was conducted. We evaluated improvement on the cognitive level of toddlers with ASD receiving therapist-delivered ESDM intervention for 12 hours per week. Results: Significant improvements in verbal and nonverbal cognitive skills at the Mullen Scale of Early Learning were obtained after 10 months of intervention in our sample. The largest improvement was in receptive language development quotient with a mean improvement of 19.6 points. We also observed promising outcomes in daily adaptive behavior, with a slight improvement in communication at the Vineland Adaptive Behavioral Scale. These outcomes, when compared to the conclusions of previous studies, are leading us to the need for a therapy duration beyond 10 months. Conclusions: Our outcomes were very encouraging even with lowcognitive and nonverbal children. These outcomes may be confirmed in a multicenter randomized controlled trial that is ongoing

    Genotypic characterisation of Avian paramyxovirus type-1 viruses isolated from aquatic birds in Uganda

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    Avian paramyxovirus type-1 (APMV-1) viruses of the lentogenic pathotypes are often isolated from wild aquatic birds and may mutate to high pathogenicity when they cross into poultry and cause debilitating Newcastle disease. This study characterised AMPV-1 isolated from fresh faecal droppings from wild aquatic birds roosting sites in Uganda. Fresh faecal samples from wild aquatic birds at several waterbodies in Uganda were collected and inoculated into 9–10-day-old embryonated chicken eggs. After isolation, the viruses were confirmed as APMV-1 by APMV-1-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The cleavage site of the fusion protein gene for 24 representative isolates was sequenced and phylogenetically analysed and compared with representative isolates of the different APMV-1 genotypes in the GenBank database. In total, 711 samples were collected from different regions in the country from which 72 isolates were recovered, giving a prevalence of 10.1%. Sequence analysis of 24 isolates revealed that the isolates were all lentogenic, with the typical 111GGRQGR’L117 avirulent motif. Twenty-two isolates had similar amino acid sequences at the cleavage site, which were different from the LaSota vaccine strain by a silent nucleotide substitution T357C. Two isolates, NDV/waterfowl/Uganda/MU150/2011 and NDV/waterfowl/Uganda/MU186/2011, were different from the rest of the isolates in a single amino acid, with aspartate and alanine at positions 124 and 129, respectively. The results of this study revealed that Ugandan aquatic birds indeed harbour APMV-1 that clustered with class II genotype II strains and had limited genetic diversity

    Monitoring of French Polynesia coral reefs and their recent development

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    French Polynesia, consisting of 118 islands in the centre of the Pacific Ocean, has more than 15000 km2 of reefs and lagoons managed by the local government. Tourism and pearl culture are the two main economic resources of the country. Polynesian coral reefs are extremely diverse and are among those for which we have thorough knowledge. The exploitation of local resources has been recorded for multiple decades and includes : coral materials, fishing, harvest and export of mother-of-pearl molluscs, pearl production, and ornamental fish. All over the country, many monitoring programmes have been launched to measure the health of reefs and the natural and anthropogenic perturbations that they suffer : hurricanes and seismic events, water quality, health of benthic and fish communities, pearl oyster pathology and radiobiology. These data, collected over the last few decades, allowed to defi ne the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic degradation on reefs and lagoons, and to explain the present status of reefs at different spatial scales. Devastating hurricanes are rare (1903-1906, 1982-1983 and occasionally at other times), but they may annihilate outer slope coral communities on some islands. Bleaching events with considerable coral mortality at different geographical scales occurred mainly in 1991, 1994 and 2003. Outbreaks of Acanthaster destroyed numerous reefs (lagoons and outer slopes) from 1978-1982 and a new demographic wave began in 2006 at many Society islands. Eutrophication events only occurred occasionally and only in some lagoons. Whereas natural catastrophic events degrade the coral reef ecosystem across many islands, at the archipelago or even regional scale, anthropogenic degradation is limited to a few Society Islands, occurring rarely on atolls and not at all on those (one third) which are uninhabited. The main causes of reef degradation in some areas of Tahiti and Moorea include the embankment of fringing zones, coral mining, overfishing, absence of urban sewage treatment and the development of leisure and tourism activities. Because of its large geographical extent, one may conclude that major reef degradation in French Polynesia is caused by catastrophic natural events. On the other hand, anthropogenic degradation is more localized. Unfortunately, the synergistic effects of these causes of degradation prevent reefs from recovering. Optimum coral cover on French Polynesian outer reef slopes is between 50-60 %. After a major destructive impact (hurricane, bleaching, Acanthaster) a reef is reduced to less than 10 % coral cover, however if no more major disturbance events occur a reef will recover in about 12 years. Most of the 15000 km2 of reefs and lagoons in French Polynesia are in good health, and along with their neighbouring reefs in East and Central Pacific they are considered as the least degraded reefs worldwide and at a low risk of becoming degraded in the few next decades. However, we are more and more anxious about the future of reefs in the world particularly because present simulations predict that major impacts of climate change would include : elevation of sea surface temperatures, increase in the strength of hurricanes and acidification of seawater which will affect the formation of coral structuresLa Polynésie française, 118 îles au coeur du Pacifique, possède une surface de plus de 15000 km2 de récifs et lagons gérés par le gouvernement polynésien. Le tourisme et la perliculture représentent les deux ressources économiques majeures du Pays. Les formations récifales très diversifiées sont parmi les mieux connues. Plusieurs suivis d'exploitation des ressources sont opérationnels depuis des décennies : granulats coralliens, pêche pour l'alimentation, collecte et exportation de mollusques nacriers, production de perles, poissons d'ornement. À l'échelle du Pays de très nombreux programmes de surveillance de l'état des récifs et des perturbations qu'ils subissent, naturelles et anthropiques, ont été mis en place: perturbations cycloniques et sismiques, qualité des eaux, état de santé des peuplements benthiques et ichtyologiques, pathologie des nacres, radiobiologie. Toutes ces données recueillies au fil des décennies ont permis d'établir l'importance relative des dégradations naturelles et anthropiques sur les récifs et lagons polynésiens et d'expliquer leur état de santé actuel en considérant différentes échelles spatiales. Les périodes cycloniques dévastatrices pour les récifs sont rares (1903-1906, 1982-1983 et épisodiquement) mais les cyclones ont parfois anéanti les communautés coralliennes de pentes externes dans certaines îles. Les blanchissements suivis de mortalités importantes à des échelles spatiales diverses, ont été surtout ceux de 1991, 1994 et 2003. Les explosions démographiques d'Acanthaster ont détruit de nombreux récifs (lagons et pentes externes) en 1978-1982 et une nouvelle pullulation s'amplifie depuis 2006 dans plusieurs îles de la Société. Les crises dystrophiques n'ont perturbé qu'épisodiquement certains lagons. Si les événements naturels précédents dégradent les récifs à l'échelle de plusieurs îles, d'archipel ou du Pays, les dégradations anthropiques sont limitées à quelques îles peuplées de la Société, plus exceptionnellement dans les atolls et encore moins dans un tiers d'entre eux qui sont inhabités. Les remblais en zone frangeante, les extractions de matériaux coralliens, la surpêche, l'absence de réseaux d'assainissement des eaux usées urbaines et le développement d'activités de loisir et du tourisme sont les causes essentielles de la dégradation des communautés coralliennes du lagon dans certains secteurs de Tahiti et de Moorea. Ainsi apparaît-il clairement que les dégradations majeures des récifs en Polynésie sont occasionnées par des phénomènes naturels compte tenu de leur étendue géographique. En revanche les dégradations anthropiques sont géographiquement plus localisées. Malheureusement la synergie des deux causes de dégradation ne facilite pas la récupération des récifs. Il est établi qu'une pente externe avec un recouvrement corallien de 50-60 % est à son optimum. Une dégradation majeure (cyclone, blanchissement, Acanthaster) réduit ce recouvrement à moins de 10 %. La communauté met une douzaine d'années pour revenir au recouvrement optimum si aucune autre perturbation importante ne survient. La très large majorité des 15000 km2 de récifs et lagons de Polynésie française sont en bonne santé. Avec leurs voisins du Pacifique Est et Central, ces formations coralliennes sont considérées comme les moins dégradées au monde et à faible risque de dégradation dans les prochaines décennies

    Immunity Traits in Pigs: Substantial Genetic Variation and Limited Covariation

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing robustness via improvement of resistance to pathogens is a major selection objective in livestock breeding. As resistance traits are difficult or impossible to measure directly, potential indirect criteria are measures of immune traits (ITs). Our underlying hypothesis is that levels of ITs with no focus on specific pathogens define an individual's immunocompetence and thus predict response to pathogens in general. Since variation in ITs depends on genetic, environmental and probably epigenetic factors, our aim was to estimate the relative importance of genetics. In this report, we present a large genetic survey of innate and adaptive ITs in pig families bred in the same environment. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Fifty four ITs were studied on 443 Large White pigs vaccinated against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and analyzed by combining a principal component analysis (PCA) and genetic parameter estimation. ITs include specific and non specific antibodies, seric inflammatory proteins, cell subsets by hemogram and flow cytometry, ex vivo production of cytokines (IFNα, TNFα, IL6, IL8, IL12, IFNγ, IL2, IL4, IL10), phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation. While six ITs had heritabilities that were weak or not significantly different from zero, 18 and 30 ITs had moderate (0.1<h2≤0.4) or high (h2>0.4) heritability values, respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between ITs were weak except for a few traits that mostly include cell subsets. PCA revealed no cluster of innate or adaptive ITs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that variation in many innate and adaptive ITs is genetically controlled in swine, as already reported for a smaller number of traits by other laboratories. A limited redundancy of the traits was also observed confirming the high degree of complementarity between innate and adaptive ITs. Our data provide a genetic framework for choosing ITs to be included as selection criteria in multitrait selection programmes that aim to improve both production and health traits
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