3 research outputs found

    Morphological and thermal analyses of flexible polyurethane foams containing commercial calcium carbonate.

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    Uma das cargas mais utilizadas na fabricação de espumas flexíveis de poliuretano é o carbonato de cálcio (CaCO3) por ser não abrasivo, não tóxico e de fácil pigmentação. Contudo, é observado que o excesso de CaCO3 comercial usado nas indústrias causa deformações permanentes, o que prejudica a qualidade do produto final. No presente trabalho é proposto o estudo do efeito da concentração de CaCO3 comercial na fabricação de espumas flexíveis de poliuretano. Foram utilizadas diferentes concentrações de CaCO3 na síntese das espumas, as quais foram submetidas à análises térmica e morfológica, afim de verificar as alterações provocadas pela introdução progressiva da carga.One filler often utilized in flexible polyurethane foams is calcium carbonate (CaCO3) because it is non-abrasiveness, non-toxicity and facilitated pigmentation. However, it is observed that the excess of commercial CaCO3 utilized in industry possibly causing permanent deformations and damaging the quality of the final product. The effect of different concentrations of commercial CaCO3, in flexible foams, was studied. Different concentrations of CaCO3 were used for the synthesis of flexible polyurethane foams, which were submitted to morphological and thermal analyses to verify the alterations provoked by the progressive introduction of this filler

    Physico-chemical analysis of flexible polyurethane foams containing commercial calcium carbonate

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    Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a filler often utilized by the Brazilian mattress factories in the production of polyurethane foams. The filler allows the substitution of part of the polymeric agents, conferring dimensional stability and hardness to the foams. However, in agreement with experimental data, it is observed that the excess of commercial CaCO3 utilized in industry causes the increase of hysteresis, possibly causing permanent deformations and damaging the quality of the final product. In the present work, the physico-chemical analyses of the flexible polyurethane foams with different contents of CaCO3 were performed. The foams are submitted to the morphological, mechanical and positron analyses to verify the alterations provoked by the progressive introduction of this filler