35,127 research outputs found

    Residential relocation in response to light rail transit investment: case study of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system

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    © 2016, The Author(s).It is widely acknowledged that the improved accessibility enabled by investment in public transport services can, under favorable market conditions, impact the local real estate market within the zone of influence of the service’s stations. The motivation for this study is to establish the nature of two such impacts, specifically the spatial and socio-economic patterns of residential relocations that are driven by the new light rail transit (LRT) service. Using empirical data (n = 1,023) from the Hudson–Bergen Light Rail system in New Jersey (US), we report findings regarding the impacts of the introduction of the new LRT service. We investigate two linked dimensions; the first is the distinctive socio-economic profile of LRT passengers who self-report having relocated to the new transit corridor due, at least in part, to the new transit service. The second is their proximity (following their residential relocation) to the new LRT line’s stations. We present a novel analysis that accounts for endogeneity between these two dimensions of residential relocation. Of light rail passengers who engaged in a residential relocation in the 5 years prior to the survey, two-thirds (69 %) indicate that proximity to the light rail service was a ‘somewhat’ or ‘very’ important consideration. Via the multivariate analysis, we demonstrate that small household size, low income, youth (as opposed to older age), and low car ownership are each positively linked, ceteris paribus, with having engaged in a residential relocation motivated by the new transit service. Finally, higher household income is found to be associated with distance (after relocation) to the nearest transit station, which is consistent with bid-rent theory

    Exotic Topological States with Raman-Induced Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We propose a simple experimental scheme to realize simultaneously the one-dimensional spin-orbit coupling and the staggered spin-flip in ultracold pseudospin-1/21/2 atomic Fermi gases trapped in square optical lattices. In the absence of interspecies interactions, the system supports gapped Chern insulators and gapless topological semimetal states. By turning on the ss-wave interactions, a rich variety of gapped and gapless inhomogeneous topological superfluids can emerge. In particular, a gapped topological Fulde-Ferrell superfluid, in which the chiral edge states at opposite boundaries possess the same chirality, is predicted.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Limitations of the Standard Gravitational Perfect Fluid Paradigm

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    We show that the standard perfect fluid paradigm is not necessarily a valid description of a curved space steady state gravitational source. Simply by virtue of not being flat, curved space geometries have to possess intrinsic length scales, and such length scales can affect the fluid structure. For modes of wavelength of order or greater than such scales eikonalized geometrical optics cannot apply and rays are not geodesic. Covariantizing thus entails not only the replacing of flat space functions by covariant ones, but also the introduction of intrinsic scales that were absent in flat space. In principle it is thus unreliable to construct the curved space energy-momentum tensor as the covariant generalization of a geodesic-based flat spacetime energy-momentum tensor. By constructing the partition function as an incoherent average over a complete set of modes of a scalar field propagating in a curved space background, we show that for the specific case of a static, spherically symmetric geometry, the steady state energy-momentum tensor that ensues will in general be of the form Tμν=(ρ+p)UμUν+pgμν+πμνT_{\mu\nu}=(\rho+p)U_{\mu}U_{\nu}+pg_{\mu\nu}+\pi_{\mu\nu} where the anisotropic πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} is a symmetric, traceless rank two tensor which obeys Uμπμν=0U^{\mu}\pi_{\mu\nu}=0. Such a πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} type term is absent for an incoherently averaged steady state fluid in a spacetime where there are no intrinsic length scales, and in principle would thus be missed in a covariantizing of a flat spacetime TμνT_{\mu\nu}. While the significance of such πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} type terms would need to be evaluated on a case by case basis, through the use of kinetic theory we reassuringly find that the effect of such πμν\pi_{\mu\nu} type terms is small for weak gravity stars where perfect fluid sources are commonly used.Comment: Final version to appear in General Relativity and Gravitation (the final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.com). 29 pages, 1 figur