28,499 research outputs found

    Simple scheme for two-qubit Grover search in cavity QED

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    Following the proposal by F. Yamaguchi et al.[Phys. Rev. A 66, 010302 (R) (2002)], we present an alternative way to implement the two-qubit Grover search algorithm in cavity QED. Compared with F. Yamaguchi et al.'s proposal, with a strong resonant classical field added, our method is insensitive to both the cavity decay and thermal field, and doesn't require that the cavity remain in the vacuum state throughout the procedure. Moreover, the qubit definitions are the same for both atoms, which makes the experiment easier. The strictly numerical simulation shows that our proposal is good enough to demonstrate a two-qubit Grover's search with high fidelity.Comment: manuscript 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Disorderless quasi-localization of polar gases in one-dimensional lattices

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    One-dimensional polar gases in deep optical lattices present a severely constrained dynamics due to the interplay between dipolar interactions, energy conservation, and finite bandwidth. The appearance of dynamically-bound nearest-neighbor dimers enhances the role of the 1/r31/r^3 dipolar tail, resulting, in the absence of external disorder, in quasi-localization via dimer clustering for very low densities and moderate dipole strengths. Furthermore, even weak dipoles allow for the formation of self-bound superfluid lattice droplets with a finite doping of mobile, but confined, holons. Our results, which can be extrapolated to other power-law interactions, are directly relevant for current and future lattice experiments with magnetic atoms and polar molecules.Comment: 5 + 2 Page

    Superluminal propagation of an optical pulse in a Doppler broadened three-state, single channel active Raman gain medium

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    Using a single channel active Raman gain medium we show a (220±20)(220\pm 20)ns advance time for an optical pulse of τFWHM=15.4μ\tau_{FWHM}=15.4 \mus propagating through a 10 cm medium, a lead time that is comparable to what was reported previously. In addition, we have verified experimentally all the features associated with this single channel Raman gain system. Our results show that the reported gain-assisted superluminal propagation should not be attributed to the interference between the two frequencies of the pump field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Probing the Melting of a Two-dimensional Quantum Wigner Crystal via its Screening Efficiency

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    One of the most fundamental and yet elusive collective phases of an interacting electron system is the quantum Wigner crystal (WC), an ordered array of electrons expected to form when the electrons' Coulomb repulsion energy eclipses their kinetic (Fermi) energy. In low-disorder, two-dimensional (2D) electron systems, the quantum WC is known to be favored at very low temperatures (TT) and small Landau level filling factors (ν\nu), near the termination of the fractional quantum Hall states. This WC phase exhibits an insulating behavior, reflecting its pinning by the small but finite disorder potential. An experimental determination of a TT vs ν\nu phase diagram for the melting of the WC, however, has proved to be challenging. Here we use capacitance measurements to probe the 2D WC through its effective screening as a function of TT and ν\nu. We find that, as expected, the screening efficiency of the pinned WC is very poor at very low TT and improves at higher TT once the WC melts. Surprisingly, however, rather than monotonically changing with increasing TT, the screening efficiency shows a well-defined maximum at a TT which is close to the previously-reported melting temperature of the WC. Our experimental results suggest a new method to map out a TT vs ν\nu phase diagram of the magnetic-field-induced WC precisely.Comment: The formal version is published on Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 116601 (2019

    Alternative scheme for two-qubit conditional phase gate by adiabatic passage under dissipation

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    We check a recent proposal [H. Goto and K. Ichimura Phys. Rev. A 70, 012305 (2004)] for controlled phase gate through adiabatic passage under the influence of spontaneous emission and the cavity decay. We show a modification of above proposal could be used to generate the necessary conditional phase gates in the two-qubit Grover search. Conditioned on no photon leakage either from the atomic excited state or from the cavity mode during the gating period, we numerically analyze the success probability and the fidelity of the two-qubit conditional phase gate by adiabatic passage. The comparison made between our proposed gating scheme and a previous one shows that Goto and Ichimura's scheme is an alternative and feasible way in the optical cavity regime for two-qubit gates and could be generalised in principle to multi-qubit gates.Comment: to appear in J. Phys.

    Realization of generalized quantum searching using nuclear magnetic resonance

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    According to the theoretical results, the quantum searching algorithm can be generalized by replacing the Walsh-Hadamard(W-H) transform by almost any quantum mechanical operation. We have implemented the generalized algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques with a solution of chloroform molecules. Experimental results show the good agreement between theory and experiment.Comment: 11 pages,3 figure. Accepted by Phys. Rev. A. Scheduled Issue: 01 Mar 200

    Period halving of Persistent Currents in Mesoscopic Mobius ladders

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    We investigate the period halving of persistent currents(PCs) of non-interacting electrons in isolated mesoscopic M\"{o}bius ladders without disorder, pierced by Aharonov-Bhom flux. The mechanisms of the period halving effect depend on the parity of the number of electrons as well as on the interchain hopping. Although the data of PCs in mesoscopic systems are sample-specific, some simple rules are found in the canonical ensemble average, such as all the odd harmonics of the PCs disappear, and the signals of even harmonics are non-negative. {PACS number(s): 73.23.Ra, 73.23.-b, 68.65.-k}Comment: 6 Pages with 3 EPS figure

    Aeroacoustic Measurements of the Bell 699 Rotor on the Tiltrotor Test Rig in the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel

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    The Tiltrotor Test Rig (TTR) with the Bell 699 Rotor was tested in the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC) 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel from 2017 to 2018. The primary goal of the test was to understand the operational capabilities of the TTR while also acquiring research data, including acoustic data. A data quality study revealed that the NFAC 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel is an adequate acoustic environment to test the Bell 699 Rotor for helicopter, conversion, and airplane configurations. Representative acoustic data are presented, and selected acoustic data and corresponding test conditions are included

    Interaction-induced Interlayer Charge Transfer in the Extreme Quantum Limit

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    An interacting bilayer electron system provides an extended platform to study electron-electron interaction beyond single layers. We report here experiments demonstrating that the layer densities of an asymmetric bilayer electron system oscillate as a function of perpendicular magnetic field that quantizes the energy levels. At intermediate fields, this interlayer charge transfer can be well explained by the alignment of the Landau levels in the two layers. At the highest fields where both layers reach the extreme quantum limit, however, there is an anomalous, enhanced charge transfer to the majority layer. Surprisingly, when the minority layer becomes extremely dilute, this charge transfer slows down as the electrons in the minority layer condense into a Wigner crystal. Furthermore, by examining the quantum capacitance of the dilute layer at high fields, the screening induced by the composite fermions in an adjacent layer is unveiled. The results highlight the influence of strong interaction in interlayer charge transfer in the regime of very high fields and low Landau level filling factors.Comment: Please see the formal version on PR