89 research outputs found

    Lignocellulose as Carbon Source Promotes Bacterial Synergism and Reduces Antagonism

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    Lignocellulose decomposes slowly in nature because it consists of complex polymers resistant to enzymatic degradation by most organisms. Some bacteria are capable of producing cellulolytic enzymes but the way in which bacteria interact within a community to enhance degradation of the recalcitrant substrate is poorly understood. A better understanding of how bacterial interactions affect lignocellulose degradation would provide potential approaches to improve the efficiency of lignocellulose degradation for biofuel production. To study whether bacterial interactions enhance lignocellulose degradation, I grew environmental bacterial isolates in mixed cultures and pure cultures. I found that bacterial synergism in mixed cultures was common in lignocellulose medium. Bacterial synergism promoted bacterial growth, metabolic activity and the production of β-1,4-glucosidase in mixed cultures. I also found that the complexity of carbohydrates mediated bacterial interactions. The synergistic growth found in lignocellulose medium was not observed in glucose medium, suggesting that bacterial synergism was substrate-dependent. Pairwise antagonistic interactions among bacteria showed that the frequency of antagonism in carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-xylan medium was only half of that in glucose medium, suggesting that reliance on complex polysaccharides as carbon source reduces bacterial antagonism. The frequency of antagonistic interactions among bacteria was not randomly distributed. Firmicutes and Gamma-Proteobacteria were among the most antagonistic groups whereas Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria were the most susceptible groups. In addition, I also found different interaction network structures between bacteria relying on glucose and CMC-xylan as carbon sources. Overall, results from the study showed that complex polysaccharides as the main carbon source promote bacterial synergism and reduce the frequency of bacterial antagonism. They support the potential use of bacteria synergism from different bacteria combinations to enhance plant biomass degradation/conversion for biofuel production

    Sorption of Cellulases in Biofilm Enhances Cellulose Degradation by \u3ci\u3eBacillus subtilis\u3c/i\u3e

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    Biofilm commonly forms on the surfaces of cellulosic biomass but its roles in cellulose degradation remain largely unexplored. We used Bacillus subtilis to study possible mechanisms and the contributions of two major biofilm components, extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) and TasA protein, to submerged biofilm formation on cellulose and its degradation. We found that biofilm produced by B. subtilis is able to absorb exogenous cellulase added to the culture medium and also retain self-produced cellulase within the biofilm matrix. The bacteria that produced more biofilm degraded more cellulose compared to strains that produced less biofilm. Knockout strains that lacked both EPS and TasA formed a smaller amount of submerged biofilm on cellulose than the wild-type strain and also degraded less cellulose. Imaging of biofilm on cellulose suggests that bacteria, cellulose, and cellulases form cellulolytic biofilm complexes that facilitate synergistic cellulose degradation. This study brings additional insight into the important functions of biofilm in cellulose degradation and could potentiate the development of biofilm-based technology to enhance biomass degradation for biofuel production

    Measuring and modeling energy and power consumption in living microbial cells with a synthetic ATP reporter

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    Background: Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the main energy carrier in living organisms, critical for metabolism and essential physiological processes. In humans, abnormal regulation of energy levels (ATP concentration) and power consumption (ATP consumption flux) in cells is associated with numerous diseases from cancer, to viral infection and immune dysfunction, while in microbes it influences their responses to drugs and other stresses. The measurement and modeling of ATP dynamics in cells is therefore a critical component in understanding fundamental physiology and its role in pathology. Despite the importance of ATP, our current understanding of energy dynamics and homeostasis in living cells has been limited by the lack of easy-to-use ATP sensors and the lack of models that enable accurate estimates of energy and power consumption related to these ATP dynamics. Here we describe a dynamic model and an ATP reporter that tracks ATP in E. coli over different growth phases. Results: The reporter is made by fusing an ATP-sensing rrnB P1 promoter with a fast-folding and fast-degrading GFP. Good correlations between reporter GFP and cellular ATP were obtained in E. coli growing in both minimal and rich media and in various strains. The ATP reporter can reliably monitor bacterial ATP dynamics in response to nutrient availability. Fitting the dynamics of experimental data corresponding to cell growth, glucose, acetate, dissolved oxygen, and ATP yielded a mathematical and circuit model. This model can accurately predict cellular energy and power consumption under various conditions. We found that cellular power consumption varies significantly from approximately 0.8 and 0.2 million ATP/s for a tested strain during lag and stationary phases to 6.4 million ATP/s during exponential phase, indicating ~ 8–30-fold changes of metabolic rates among different growth phases. Bacteria turn over their cellular ATP pool a few times per second during the exponential phase and slow this rate by ~ 2–5-fold in lag and stationary phases. Conclusion: Our rrnB P1-GFP reporter and kinetic circuit model provide a fast and simple way to monitor and predict energy and power consumption dynamics in bacterial cells, which can impact fundamental scientific studies and applied medical treatments in the future

    EffLiFe: Efficient Light Field Generation via Hierarchical Sparse Gradient Descent

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    With the rise of Extended Reality (XR) technology, there is a growing need for real-time light field generation from sparse view inputs. Existing methods can be classified into offline techniques, which can generate high-quality novel views but at the cost of long inference/training time, and online methods, which either lack generalizability or produce unsatisfactory results. However, we have observed that the intrinsic sparse manifold of Multi-plane Images (MPI) enables a significant acceleration of light field generation while maintaining rendering quality. Based on this insight, we introduce EffLiFe, a novel light field optimization method, which leverages the proposed Hierarchical Sparse Gradient Descent (HSGD) to produce high-quality light fields from sparse view images in real time. Technically, the coarse MPI of a scene is first generated using a 3D CNN, and it is further sparsely optimized by focusing only on important MPI gradients in a few iterations. Nevertheless, relying solely on optimization can lead to artifacts at occlusion boundaries. Therefore, we propose an occlusion-aware iterative refinement module that removes visual artifacts in occluded regions by iteratively filtering the input. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves comparable visual quality while being 100x faster on average than state-of-the-art offline methods and delivering better performance (about 2 dB higher in PSNR) compared to other online approaches.Comment: Submitted to IEEE TPAM

    Earliest ceramic drainage system and the formation of hydro-sociality in monsoonal East Asia

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    The earliest ceramic drainage system unearthed at the Pingliangtai site on the Central Plains of China represents an unprecedented social and environmental manipulation as societies faced surging environmental crises in the Late Holocene East Asian Monsoon region. Here we present results of excavation and a geoarchaeological survey of the water-management infrastructures and environment which reveal the operation and maintenance of a well-planned and regulated two-tiered drainage system. Rather than a ‘centralized hierarchy’, the drainage activities were mainly practised at household and communal levels, through which Pingliangtai society was drawn to more pragmatic aspects of social governance. Through their emphasis on spatial uniformity, cooperation in public affairs, and a series of technological innovations, water management at Pingliangtai gravitated to collective shared interest as the society responded to recurrent environmental contingencies. Such a pragmatic focus on public affairs constituted a previously unrecognized, alternative pathway to the development of power structure and social governance on the Central Plains regimes in late Neolithic and later times

    The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2016)

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    Sorption of Cellulases in Biofilm Enhances Cellulose Degradation by Bacillus subtilis

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    Biofilm commonly forms on the surfaces of cellulosic biomass but its roles in cellulose degradation remain largely unexplored. We used Bacillus subtilis to study possible mechanisms and the contributions of two major biofilm components, extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) and TasA protein, to submerged biofilm formation on cellulose and its degradation. We found that biofilm produced by B. subtilis is able to absorb exogenous cellulase added to the culture medium and also retain self-produced cellulase within the biofilm matrix. The bacteria that produced more biofilm degraded more cellulose compared to strains that produced less biofilm. Knockout strains that lacked both EPS and TasA formed a smaller amount of submerged biofilm on cellulose than the wild-type strain and also degraded less cellulose. Imaging of biofilm on cellulose suggests that bacteria, cellulose, and cellulases form cellulolytic biofilm complexes that facilitate synergistic cellulose degradation. This study brings additional insight into the important functions of biofilm in cellulose degradation and could potentiate the development of biofilm-based technology to enhance biomass degradation for biofuel production

    Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation for Incoherently Distributed Sources with Uniform Rectangular Arrays

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    Aiming at the two-dimensional (2D) incoherently distributed (ID) sources, we explore a direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm based on uniform rectangular arrays (URA). By means of Taylor series expansion of steering vector, rotational invariance relations with regard to nominal azimuth and nominal elevation between subarrays are deduced under the assumption of small angular spreads and small sensors distance firstly; then received signal vectors can be described by generalized steering matrices and generalized signal vectors; thus, an estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) like algorithm is proposed to estimate nominal elevation and nominal azimuth respectively using covariance matrices of constructed subarrays. Angle matching method is proposed by virtue of Capon principle lastly. The proposed method can estimate multiple 2D ID sources without spectral searching and without information of angular power distribution function of sources. Investigating different SNR, sources with different angular power density functions, sources in boundary region, distance between sensors and number of sources, simulations are conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method
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