29 research outputs found

    Retraining walking adaptability following incomplete spinal cord injury

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    Functional walking requires the ability to modify one's gait pattern to environmental demands and task goals-gait adaptability. Following incomplete spinal cord injury (ISCI), gait rehabilitation such as locomotor training (Basic-LT) emphasizes intense, repetitive stepping practice. Rehabilitation approaches focusing on practice of gait adaptability tasks have not been established for individuals with ISCIs but may promote recovery of higher level walking skills. The primary purpose of this case series was to describe and determine the feasibility of administering a gait adaptability retraining approach-Adapt-LT-by comparing the dose and intensity of Adapt-LT to Basic-LT

    A three dimensional multiplane kinematic model for bilateral hind limb gait analysis in cats.

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    BACKGROUND:Kinematic gait analysis is an important noninvasive technique used for quantitative evaluation and description of locomotion and other movements in healthy and injured populations. Three dimensional (3D) kinematic analysis offers additional outcome measures including internal-external rotation not characterized using sagittal plane (2D) analysis techniques. METHODS:The objectives of this study were to 1) develop and evaluate a 3D hind limb multiplane kinematic model for gait analysis in cats using joint coordinate systems, 2) implement and compare two 3D stifle (knee) prediction techniques, and 3) compare flexion-extension determined using the multiplane model to a sagittal plane model. Walking gait was recorded in 3 female adult cats (age = 2.9 years, weight = 3.5 ± 0.2 kg). Kinematic outcomes included flexion-extension, internal-external rotation, and abduction-adduction of the hip, stifle, and tarsal (ankle) joints. RESULTS:Each multiplane stifle prediction technique yielded similar findings. Joint angles determined using markers placed on skin above bony landmarks in vivo were similar to joint angles determined using a feline hind limb skeleton in which markers were placed directly on landmarks ex vivo. Differences in hip, stifle, and tarsal joint flexion-extension were demonstrated when comparing the multiplane model to the sagittal plane model. CONCLUSIONS:This multiplane cat kinematic model can predict joint rotational kinematics as a tool that can quantify frontal, transverse, and sagittal plane motion. This model has multiple advantages given its ability to characterize joint internal-external rotation and abduction-adduction. A further, important benefit is greater accuracy in representing joint flexion-extension movements

    Sex-specific vagal and spinal modulation of swallow and its coordination with breathing.

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    Swallow-breathing coordination is influenced by changes in lung volume, which is modulated by feedback from both vagal and spinal sensory afferents. The purpose of this study was to manipulate feedback from these afferents, with and without a simultaneous mechanical challenge (chest compression), in order to assess the influence of each sensory pathway on swallow in rats. We hypothesized that manipulation of afferent feedback would shift the occurrence of swallow toward the inspiratory phase of breathing. Afferent feedback was perturbed by lidocaine nebulization, extra-thoracic vagotomy, or lidocaine administration to the pleural space in sodium pentobarbital anesthetized rats (N = 43). These different afferent perturbations were performed both in control conditions (no chest compression), and with chest compression. Manipulating pulmonary stretch receptor-mediated volume feedback in male animals decreased swallow occurrence. Female rats appear to rely more on spinal afferent feedback, as swallow occurrence shifted to late expiration with chest compression and vagotomy or lidocaine injections. Results suggest that sex-specific mechanisms modulate swallow-breathing coordination, and that vagal feedback is inhibitory to swallow-related muscles, while spinal feedback from pleural afferents has excitatory effects. This study supports the theory that a balance of vagal and spinal afferent feedback is necessary to maintain an optimal swallow pattern and swallow-breathing coordination

    Sex-specific vagal and spinal modulation of breathing with chest compression.

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    Lung volume is modulated by sensory afferent feedback via vagal and spinal pathways. The purpose of this study was to systematically alter afferent feedback with and without a mechanical challenge (chest compression). We hypothesized that manipulation of afferent feedback by nebulization of lidocaine, extra-thoracic vagotomy, or lidocaine administration to the pleural space would produce differential effects on the motor pattern of breathing during chest compression in sodium pentobarbital anesthetized rats (N = 43). Our results suggest that: 1) pulmonary stretch receptors are not the sole contributor to breathing feedback in adult male and female rats; 2) of our manipulations, chest compression had the largest effect on early expiratory diaphragm activity ("yield"); 3) reduction of spinally-mediated afferent feedback modulates breathing patterns most likely via inhibition; and 4) breathing parameters demonstrate large sex differences. Compared to males, female animals had lower respiratory rates (RR), which were further depressed by vagotomy, while chest compression increased RR in males, and decreased yield in females without changing RR. Collectively, our results suggest that balance between tonic vagal inhibition and spinal afferent feedback maintains breathing characteristics, and that it is important to specifically evaluate sex differences when studying control of breathing

    Cough following low thoracic hemisection in the cat

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    Montrer, démontrer le territoire Journée d’études organisée par l’IRHiS Programme transversal « La Maîtrise du territoire » Jeudi 28 juin 2012   LIEU : Maison régionale de l’environnement et des solidarités (MRES) 23, rue Gosselet – Lille – M° République ou Grand Palais Salle Agora, 1er étage PROGRAMME Matinée : 10h-13h Jean-Marc Besse : Scènes du savoir géographique : les géoramas parisiens au XIXe siècle. Isabelle Surun : Le Sénégal sous la Tour Eifel : concevoir le pavillon du Sénégal po..