8 research outputs found

    Održiva poljoprivreda - značaj adaptacije agrotehničkih mera u proizvodnji ozime pŔenice

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    The objectives of this study were to examine influence conventional vs low-input technology on some important soil physical properties, weed control and grain yield of winter wheat. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this result is that the significantly bulk density has been reached in NT system. The implication of the results first figure can be seen in two next soil physical properties total porosity and air-filled porosity were significantly lower compared to CT and MT system, as a consequence of higher bulk density. The significantly higher the total number of weeds have been recorded, under NT what is expected tendency and it was especially to perennial weeds. Conventional tillage had better effect in weed control than both of conservation tillage systems had. Through this results we can see that low input cultivars yielded better than high input cultivars. The low-input cultivars out yielded than high-input cultivars. Alternative small grains (Tr. aestivum ssp compactum, Tr, durum and Tr. Spelta) gives lower grain yield compared with commercial cultivar NS-40S.Održiva poljoprivreda je kompleks pronalaženja novih puteva praćen brojnim rizicima. Tu su rizici koji mogu biti praćeni smanjenjem prinosa i brojnim nepoznanicama u zaÅ”titi bilja od bolesti i Å”tetočina, ali i nekim drugim. Prelazak sa konvencionalnih sistema gajenja na racionalne zahteva brojne promene u tehnologiji gajenja. Tehnologije nižih ulaganja u proizvodnji ozime pÅ”enice, uopÅ”teno gledajući, zahtevaju adaptaciju najvažnijih mera i sastoje se od: redukovanih sistema obrade zemljiÅ”ta, nižih normi đubrenja mineralnim đubrivima, upotrebe mikrobioloÅ”kih đubriva, veće diversifikacije useva u plodoredu, itd. Racionalne tehnologije gajenja u proizvodnji ozime pÅ”enice mogu značajno doprineti smanjenju zemljiÅ”ne erozije, značajnom smanjenju troÅ”kova, odnosno većoj ekonomskoj efikasnosti, i to bez većeg smanjenja prinosa. Redukcije u primeni agrotehničkih mera mogu biti izvor stresa (mehanički, suÅ”a). Zato ovu činjenicu moraju imati u vidu oplemenjivači bilja koji će stvarati sorte koje bi u novostvorenim uslovima reagovale većom efikasnoŔću. Nove tehnologije podrazumevaju veću fleksibilnost u primeni pojedinih agrotehničkih mera (obrade zemljiÅ”ta, đubrenja, zaÅ”tite od bolesti, Å”tetočina i korova, plodoreda) sa pažljivo odabranim sortama za te uslove. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na značaj kreiranja održivih tehnologija gajenja ozime pÅ”enice i njihov uticaj na fizičke osobine zemljiÅ”ta, kontrolu korova i prinos

    Genotype x Environment interaction for antioxidants and phytic acid contents in bread and durum wheat as influenced by climate

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    Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress and exert positive health effects. However, phytic acid among them decreases micronutrients absorption, representing also antinutrient to human and non-ruminant animals. Fifteen bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 15 durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes were evaluated across six environments to determine contents of phytic acid (PA), inorganic P (Pi), total yellow pigment, total soluble phenolic compounds, free protein sulfhydryl groups (PSH), and also phytic acid P/P-i (P-p/P-i). The objective of this study was to quantify, for each trait the effects of environment, genotype, and their interaction; and the influence of climatic factors on the Genotype x Environment interaction (GEI) by the use of the factorial regression. GEI (P lt 0.001) prevailed as source of variation over genotype (P lt 0.001) in determining PA content in bread and durum wheat (44.3% and 34.7% of sum of squares-SS, respectively), PSH content in bread and durum wheat (27% and 28.4% of SS, respectively) and total soluble phenolic compounds content in durum wheat (35.5% of SS). The major contribution to the GEI represented climatic variables during stages of stem elongation for PA and phenolic compounds, and also flowering, fertilization, grain formation and grain filling for PSH. Total yellow pigment and Pi contents in bread and durum wheat were predominantly determined by genotype (P lt 0.001). Models of climatic variables proved to be efficient in the explanation of more than 92% of the SS of GEI for PA and antioxidants contents

    The application of triticale variety Odyssey as the substitute for malt in wort production

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    The objective of this work was to investigate the possibility of triticale application as the partial substitute for malt in wort production. For wort production, two series of experiments were performed in which triticale variety Odyssey, from experimental fields, Rimski Šančevi location (Serbia), was used as the substitute for barley malt in grist with and without the addition of commercial enzyme Ultraflo Max (Novozymes, Denmark). Triticale was added in each of the carried series of experiments as the substitute for malt: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80% in grist. Experiments were carried out on laboratory scale by the application of infusion procedure for wort production. Regarding extract content, triticale variety Odyssey could be used as the substitute for malt up to 60% without the addition of commercial enzyme Ultraflo Max. With the addition of this enzyme triticale variety Odyssey could be used as a substitute for malt up to 80%, regarding the extract content. With the increase in the content of triticale in the grist, viscosity increased. The addition of commercial enzyme Ultraflo Max significantly reduced wort viscosity. The obtained results indicate that worts produced with the addition of triticale variety Odyssey to grist yielded good analytical quality parameters

    Determination of polymorphism of microsatellite primers in hexaploid wheat

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    The objective of this paper was to examine the functionality of two microsatellite primers as their polymorphism levels were determined for select Novi Sad wheat genotypes. Chosen as representatives of Gater-sleben wheat microsatellites (GWM) were two sets of microsatellite primers, GWM 165 and GWM539, which had been described according to RODER et al. (1998a; 1998b). Twenty five wheat genotypes from the World Collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad were used in the study. Genomic DNA was isolated from the plant materials using a modification of the PLASCHKE et al. (1995) method. PCR amplification of the desired fragments was carried out in a volume of 30 ul (Eppendorf thermocycler) according to RODER et al. (1998b). The PAGE conditions were implemented according to GALOV1Ć et al. (2004). The GWM539 set, with six different alleles, showed a higher level of polymorphism than GWM165, in which three different alleles were detected for the locus concerned

    Uticaj sistema zemljoradnje na zbijenost zemljiŔta, korovsku sinuziju i prinos ozime pŔenice

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    The paper deals with effects of different farming systems on some important soil physical properties, floristic composition of weeds and yield of some winter wheat cultivars. The following farming systems were included in this investigation: Conventional Fanning System (CFS) with high inputs, and Sustainable Agriculture (SA) with low inputs. The following physical soil properties were studied: bulk density, total porosity, air field capacity and penetration resistance. Higher differences were found between three investigated layers, and for interactions between farming system and layer. Significant increase in compaction during the waxy stage was found in CFS on the layer 10-20 cm (1.51g/cm3) which was a result of multiple passes of mechanization in basic and pre-sowing tillage. Increased total number of individuals and biomass of weeds, especially annuals, was found in SA plots. The yield of wheat cultivars reacts differently under the two agricultural farming systems. The semi-dwarf cultivars Pobeda, Fundulea 4, Bezostay 1 and Siete Cerros show higher differences in yield than the tall cultivars Odeskay 51 and Flamnik.U radu je prikazan uticaj različitih sistema zemljoradnje na neke važnije fizičke osobine, floristički sastav korova i prinos nekih sorti ozime pÅ”enice. U ispitivanje su bili uključeni sledeći sistemi zemljoradnje: konvencionalni sistem zemljoradnje (KSZ) sa velikim ulaganjima i održivi sistem zemljoradnje (OSZ) sa malim ulaganjima. Od fizičkih osobina zemljiÅ”ta ispitivane su sledeće: zapreminska masa, ukupna poroznost, vazduÅ”ni kapacitet i kompakcija. Veća razlika između u pogledu fizičkih osobina zemljiÅ”ta dobijena je kod interakcija sistema zemljoradnje i ispitivanih dubina. U fazi voÅ”tane zrelosti ozime pÅ”enice zemljiÅ”ni sloj do dubine od 30 cm vraća se u prirodno stanje u OSZ. Signifikantno veća kompakcija zemljiÅ”ta prisutna je u sloju 10-20cm (1.5 lg/cm3), Å”to je rezultat viÅ”estrukih prohoda mehanizacije prilikom osnovne i dopunske obrade. Održivi sistem zemljoradnje povećava broj i masu korova, posebno jednogodiÅ”njih. Sorte pÅ”enice različito reaguju na uslove u oba sistema zemljoradnje. Sorte stabla srednje visine, Pobeda, Fundulea 4, Bezostaja 1 i Siete Cerros, pokazuju veće razlike od sorata visokog stabla Odeska 51 i Flamnik. Razlog za to je u činjenici da je genetski potencijal visokih sorata generalno posmatrano niži u poređenju sa genotipovima stabla srednje visine. Tako su te sorte prinosnije u loÅ”ijim uslovima uspevanja

    Uticaj tehnologije nižih ulaganja na kontrolu korova i prinos nekih sorata ozime pŔenice

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    The paper deals with the effects of low input technology on the weed number, composition, biomass and yield of different winter wheat cultivars. Low-input technology consists of the following three tillage systems: conventional tillage system, mulch tillage and no-tillage system. Six Serbian cultivars were included in the trial. Four of them were chosen as low-input and two as intensive technology cultivars. Plots were fertilized with rational amounts of N, i.e. 60 kg/ha and 120kg/ha. These tillage systems, and different nitrogen (N) levels and cultivars were applied in four years of crop rotation (maize-winter wheat-spring barley+red clover-red clover). Low-input technology with CT systems had better effect on weed control than both conservation tillage systems. The number of weed individuals and biomass were highest in NT systems. Regarding yield, low-input cultivars of winter wheat (Francuska, Pobeda, Lasta, NS Rana 5) responded more positively to the different tillage systems than high-input cultivars (Pesma, Rana niska).U radu je ispitivan uticaj tehnologije nižih ulaganja na broj, floristički sastav, biomasu korova i prinos ozime pÅ”enice. Tehnologija nižih ulaganja sastoji se od tri sistema obrade zemljiÅ”ta: konvencionalnog, zaÅ”titnog i sistema direktne setve tj. bez obrade zemljiÅ”ta. Redukcija u obradi, a naročito njeno izostavljanje, dovodi između ostalog do povećanja broja i mase korova, naročito viÅ”egodiÅ”njih. U ispitivanje je bilo uključeno Å”est srpskih sorti ozime pÅ”enice. četiri od njih su zbog svojih osobina odabrane kao sorte za niža ulaganja i dve kao sorte za visoka ulaganja. U ispitivanje su bile uključene različite količine azota u prihranjivanju, racionalna 60 kg/ha N i veća od 120 kg/ha. Sistemi obrade zemljiÅ”ta, količina N u prihranjivanju i različitim sortama uključeni su u četvoropoljni plodored (kukuruz-pÅ”enica-jari ječam+crvena detelina-crvena detelina). Primenjena tehnologija sa konvencionalnom obradom imala je bolji uticaj na kontrolu zakorovljenosti useva ne toliko po broju već po dobijenoj manjoj biomasi korova. Sorte ozime pÅ”enice namenjene nižim ulaganjima pozitivno odgovaraju na redukovane uslove obrade zemljiÅ”ta i smanjene količine azota. Proizvodnja pÅ”enice u redukovanim uslovima obrade, đubrenja i izostanku zaÅ”tite od korova bila je mnogo povoljnija za sorte nižih ulaganja (Lasta, Pobeda, Francuska, NS Rana 5) koje su dale veći prinos u poređenju sa intenzivnim sortama (Pesma, Rana niska). Ova činjenica pokazuje koliko je važan izbor sorte za tehnologije različitog intenziteta gajenja, posebno onu sa nižim ulaganjima

    The concentration ratio of alkaline earth elements calcium, barium and strontium in grains of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat

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    Even though calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) belong to the same group of the periodic table of elements, and thus have similar chemical features, their importance for plants differs greatly. Since plants do not have the ability to completely disĀ­criminate between essential (e.g. Ca) and non-essential elements (e.g. Sr and Ba), they readĀ­ily take all of them up from soil solution, which is reflected in the ratios of concentrations of those elements in plant tissues, and it influences their nutritive characteristics. The ability of plant species and genotypes to take up and accumulate chemical elements in their different tissues is related to their genetic background. However, differences in chemical composition are the least reflected in their reproductive parts. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate ratios of concentrations of Ca, Sr and Ba in the whole grain of diploid and tetraploid wheat - ancestors of common wheat, as well as in hexaploid commercial cultivars, grown in the field, at the same location, over a period of three years. The investigated genotypes accumulated Ca, Sr and Ba at different levels, which is reflected in the ratio of their concentrations in the grain. The lowest ratio was established between Ba and Sr, followed by Ca and Ba, while the highest ratio was between Ca and Sr. Moreover, the results have shown that the year of study, genotype and the combination highly significantly affected the ratio of the concentration Ca:Sr, Ca:Ba, and Ba:Sr

    Polymorphism of microsatellite loci in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and related species

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    This study analysed polymorphism of 15 microsatellite loci in the colĀ­lection comprising of 40 genotypes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 32 genotypes belonging to other species within Triticum genus and 3 genotypes from Aegilops genus. The results showed significant differences in the variability of the tested loci in bread wheat and related species. In the collection of bread wheat genotypes, 119 alleles were detected with the average number of 7.9 alleles per locus. In wild and cultivated related species 157 alleles were identified, with the average of 10.5 alleles per locus. All analysed parameters of microĀ­satellite loci variability (PIC value, gene diversity, heterozygosity, etc.) indicated higher level of polymorphism in wild relatives than in the cultivated bread wheat. Analyses of individual genomes indicated that in the bread wheat genetic diversity of the B and D genomes was significantly reduced in relation to the A genome, while the differences in polymorphism between genomes in the wild relatives were significantly lower. The results showed that wild related species can be used as sources for new variability in wheat breeding. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development