83 research outputs found

    Anadolu Türk Efsanelerinde Cimrilik

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    Kozmopolit bir yapı olan toplumu anlamak için dinî, siyasi, ekonomik, kültürel, sosyal vb. bazı ölçütlere ihtiyaç vardır. Toplum araştırmalarının kültürel boyutunda yer alan sözlü kültür geleneği ve geleneğin önemli bir bölümünü oluşturan halk anlatıları bu ölçütlerden birisidir. Toplumun maddi-manevi değerlerine dair izler taşıyan halk anlatılarında cömertlik, yardımseverlik, doğruluk gibi olumlu davranış kalıpları yanında kıskançlık, çekememezlik, kendini beğenmişlik gibi olumsuz davranış biçimleri de kendine yer bulmuştur. Mal biriktirme ve malını paylaşmama hastalığı olarak kısaca tanımlanabilen cimrilik, anlatılarda karşılaşılan olumsuz davranış biçimlerindendir. Türk insanın cimriliğe bakışını halk anlatılarından efsaneler bağlamında inceleme gayesiyle ortaya konulmuş ve folklorun kültürlerdeki eğitimi sağlama, benimsenmiş davranış kalıplarını devam ettirme gibi işlevlerinden yola çıkan bu çalışma kültürel bir okuma çabası niteliği taşımaktadır. Toplum birlikteliğine zarar veren cimriliğin söz konusu kişilerin toplum tarafından hoş karşılanmaması suretiyle eleştiri konusu hâline getirilmesi ve çeşitli şekillerde ikaz edilerek toplumsal bir farkındalık oluşturulması Anadolu Türk efsanelerinden seçilen örnek metinler vasıtasıyla ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır

    Clinical evaluation of an antero-medial approach for plate fixation of the proximal humeral shaft

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    Objective Surgical approach of fractures of the proximal humeral shaft should protect the muscular insertions and the vascularisation of fragments, improving bone union and functional recovery. The aim of this study is to review cases operated with an original anteromedial approach, in cases of specific fractures of the proximal humeral shaft. Materials and methods Prior to clinical application, a cadaveric study was accomplished. Based on the results, six clinical cases had surgery using an approach medial to the biceps and brachialis. The osteosynthesis was performed with locked plates and 4.5 screws. The approach was indicated in fractures presenting with a large lateral wedge including the deltoid muscle insertion. Stable osteosynthesis achieved with this approach allowed early postoperative mobilization of the arm in all cases. Results The case-series consisted of three women and three men with a mean age of 52.1 years (range 38–68). The minimal follow-up was 1 year. Bone union was observed at an average time of 11.2 weeks. There were no intra- or postoperative complications. Discussion Open reduction and internal fixation with compression plating is a standardized and successful procedure in the treatment of humeral fractures. Internal fixation with lateral plating is difficult in the proximal third of the humeral shaft, where the positioning of the implant may hurt the long biceps tendon and the deltoid insertion. This approach was successful and safe in the presented cases. Conclusion The antero-medial approach with metaphyseal locking plate protects the muscular insertions and the vascularisation of the wedge fragment, leading to good results in all the cases in this series

    Filiation: A Historical Term the COVID-19 Outbreak Recalled in Turkey

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    Originally derived from the Medieval Latin word, filiatio (from filius, son), filiation literally means paternity, descent-from-father, or line of descent. Concerning medicine, however, it refers to the connection of things resulting from one another, or contact tracing. The core idea behind filiation as a measure of precaution against outbreaks is to prevent the disease by interrupting the chain of transmission with a systematical tracing and isolation of susceptible individuals having contact with any confirmed cases. Filiation became a widely used medical term in the first quarter of the 19th century, primarily in French medical literature, soon adapted to English and some other languages. In the Ottoman Empire, it appeared in medical journals in the 1850s, used primarily by some European physicians practicing in the country. As part of various measures that have been taken to tackle the current pandemic of COVID-19, the method of filiation was also recalled by the medical community. Soon after the observance of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Turkey on March 11, 2020, the index case and its contacts were identified and the Turkish Ministry of Health launched the procedures of filiation at a national level with ad-hoc medical teams established around the country. Aiming to shed light on the etymological and historical aspects of filiation, the current review discusses the concept based on original resources