2,729 research outputs found

    3.8-Micron Photometry During the Secondary Eclipse of the Extrasolar Planet HD 209458b

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    We report infrared photometry of the extrasolar planet HD 209458b during the time of secondary eclipse (planet passing behind the star). Observations were acquired during two secondary eclipses at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) in September 2003. We used a circular variable filter (1.5-percent bandpass) centered at 3.8 microns to isolate the predicted flux peak of the planet at this wavelength. Residual telluric absorption and instrument variations were removed by offsetting the telescope to nearby bright comparison stars at a high temporal cadence. Our results give a secondary eclipse depth of 0.0013 +/- 0.0011, not yet sufficient precision to detect the eclipse, whose expected depth is approximately 0.002 - 0.003. We here elucidate the current observational limitations to this technique, and discuss the approach needed to achieve detections of hot Jupiter secondary eclipses at 3.8 microns from the ground.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, in press for MNRA

    A Ground-Based Search for Thermal Emission from the Exoplanet TrES-1

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    Eclipsing planetary systems give us an important window on extrasolar planet atmospheres. By measuring the depth of the secondary eclipse, when the planet moves behind the star, we can estimate the strength of the thermal emission from the day side of the planet. Attaining a ground-based detection of one of these eclipses has proven to be a significant challenge, as time-dependent variations in instrument throughput and atmospheric seeing and absorption overwhelm the small signal of the eclipse at infrared wavelengths. We gathered a series of simultaneous L grism spectra of the transiting planet system TrES-1 and a nearby comparison star of comparable brightness, allowing us to correct for these effects in principle. Combining the data from two eclipses, we demonstrate a detection sensitivity of 0.15% in the eclipse depth relative to the stellar flux. This approaches the sensitivity required to detect the planetary emission, which theoretical models predict should lie between 0.05-0.1% of the stellar flux in our 2.9-4.3 micron bandpass. We explore the factors that ultimately limit the precision of this technique, and discuss potential avenues for future improvements.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table, four figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Rapid, quantitative determination of bacteria in water

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    A bioluminescent assay for ATP in water borne bacteria is made by adding nitric acid to a water sample with concentrated bacteria to rupture the bacterial cells. The sample is diluted with sterile, deionized water, then mixed with a luciferase-luciferin mixture and the resulting light output of the bioluminescent reaction is measured and correlated with bacteria present. A standard and a blank also are presented so that the light output can be correlated to bacteria in the sample and system noise can be substracted from the readings. A chemiluminescent assay for iron porphyrins in water borne bacteria is made by adding luminol reagent to a water sample with concentrated bacteria and measuring the resulting light output of the chemiluminescent reaction

    Infrared Observations During the Secondary Eclipse of HD 209458 b II. Strong Limits on the Infrared Spectrum Near 2.2 Microns

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    We report observations of the transiting extrasolar planet, HD 209458 b, designed to detect the secondary eclipse. We employ the method of `occultation spectroscopy', which searches in combined light (star and planet) for the disappearance and reappearance of weak infrared spectral features due to the planet as it passes behind the star and reappears. Our observations cover two predicted secondary eclipse events, and we obtained 1036 individual spectra of the HD 209458 system using the SpeX instrument at the NASA IRTF in September 2001. Our spectra extend from 1.9 to 4.2 microns with a spectral resolution of 1500. We have searched for a continuum peak near 2.2 microns (caused by CO and water absorption bands), as predicted by some models of the planetary atmosphere to be approximately 6E-4 of the stellar flux, but no such peak is detected at a level of about 3E-4 of the stellar flux. Our results represent the strongest limits on the infrared spectrum of the planet to date and carry significant implications for understanding the planetary atmosphere. In particular, some models that assume the stellar irradiation is re-radiated entirely on the sub-stellar hemisphere predict a flux peak inconsistent with our observations. Several physical mechanisms can improve agreement with our observations, including the re-distribution of heat by global circulation, a nearly isothermal atmosphere, and/or the presence of a high cloud.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal 17 pages, 6 figure

    Strong Infrared Emission from the Extrasolar Planet HD189733b

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    We report detection of strong infrared thermal emission from the nearby (d=19 pc) transiting extrasolar planet HD189733b, by measuring the flux decrement during its prominent secondary eclipse. A 6-hour photometric sequence using Spitzer's infrared spectrograph in peak-up imaging mode at 16-microns shows the secondary eclipse depth to be 0.551 +/-0.030%, with accuracy limited by instrumental baseline uncertainties, but with 32-sigma precision (0.017%) on the detection. The 16-micron brightness temperature of this planet (1117+/-42K) is very similar to the Spitzer detections of TrES-1 and HD209458b, but the observed planetary flux (660 micro-Jy) is an order of magnitude greater. This large signal will allow a detailed characterization of this planet in the infrared. Our photometry has sufficient signal-to-noise (~400 per point) to motivate a search for structure in the ingress/egress portions of the eclipse curve, caused by putative thermal structure on the disk of the planet. We show that by binning our 6-second sampling down to 6-minute resolution, we detect the modulation in the intensity derivative during ingress/egress due to the overall shape of the planet, but our sensitivity is not yet sufficient to distinguish between realistic models of the temperature distribution across the planet's disk. We point out the potential for extending Spitzer secondary eclipse detections down to the regime of transiting hot Neptunes, if such systems are discovered among nearby lower main sequence stars.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, accepted for Ap