8 research outputs found

    Predictive role of transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of cervical length at 34 weeks for late pre-term and late-term deliveries in nulliparous women

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    Objective: To investigate the predictive role of transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of cervical length (CL) at 34 weeks of gestation in determining late-preterm and late-term deliveries in nulliparous women.Methods: CL was measured by transvaginal ultrasonography at 34 weeks in 318 women (singleton, nulliparous, low-risk and vertex presentation). All women were followed-up till birth and delivered at hospital. Deliveries were classifed according to gestational week as late-preterm (34(0/7) to 36(6/7) weeks), term (37(0/7) to 40(6/7) weeks) and late-term (41(0/7) to 41(6/7) weeks).Results: There was a significant correlation between CL at 34 weeks and gestational week at delivery (r=0.614, p<0.001). Receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis showed that CL measurement below 25.5mm predicted late-preterm delivery with a sensitivity of 80.0%, specificity of 93.9%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 52.6% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 98.2%; while CL above 42.5mm had 70.4% sensitivity, 93.5% specificity, 50.0% PPV and 97.1% NPV in prediction of late-term delivery.Conclusion: Measurement of CL with transvaginal ultrasonography at 34 weeks of gestation can be of beneficial in predicting the risk of late-preterm and late-term deliveries in nulliparous women

    Effect of time intervals from the end of sperm collection to intrauterine insemination on the pregnancy rates in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation-intrauterine insemination cycles

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    Objective. - To analyze the effect of time intervals from the end of sperm collection to IUI on the pregnancy rates in couples who treated by COH-IUI cycles with gonadotropin due to unexplained infertility


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    Aim: We aimed to investigate whether first trimester ultrasound and biochemical markers of aneuploidy were related to birth weight and to determine the predictive role of these parameters for small for gestational age (SGA) and large for gestational age (LGA) newborns. Material and Method: 1356 women with singleton pregnancy who had undergone first-trimester aneuploidy screening by nuchal translucency (NT)thickness, maternal serum free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (f beta-hCG), and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) were retrospectively included. Newborns with a birth weight of = 90th percentile as LGA, respectively. Results: Serum PAPP-A level was significantly but weakly (r=0.168: p=0.011) correlated to birth weight whereas maternal serum f beta-hCG levels and NT measurements were not significantly correlated. A single PAPP-A level of <0.795 MoM predicted SGA newborn with a sensitivity of 73.9%, specificity of 63.1%, PPV of 18.5%, NPV of 95.5%, and accuracy of 64.2%. On the other hand, a PAPP-A level of 1.005 MoM was identified as the optimal cut-off point for the prediction of SGA newborn with a sensitivity of 61.0%, specificity of 62.7%, PPV of 26.6%, NPV of 87.9%, and accuracy of 62.4%. Discussion: First-trimester PAPP-A levels may contribute to the prediction of birth weight. However, due to low sensitivity, it is not a clinically relevant screening test for prediction of SGA or LGA newborn

    Are the cesarean section skin scar characteristics associated with intraabdominal adhesions located at surgical and non-surgical sites

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    Objective: To investigate whether skin scar characteristics are associated with the presence and severity of abdominal or pelvic adhesions in women who have undergone previous cesarean section

    Analysis of factors that influence the outcomes of labor induction with intravenous synthetic oxytocin infusion in term pregnancy with favourable bishop score

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    Purpose: To investigate the factors that influence the success of labor induction with synthetic intravenous oxytocin infusion in term pregnancies with favourable Bishop score. Material and Methods: 150 pregnant women with completed 37 weeks of gestation and Bishop score>6 who had single and cephalic presentation of pregnancy and were decided to underwent labor induction with intravenous oxytocin infusion were included in the study. Labor induction was considered unsuccessful if a vaginal delivery did not occur within 24 hours after the onset of loxytocin infusion or a cesarean section was performed during oxytocin infusion due to foetal distress, cephalopelvic disproportion or failure to progress in labor. Multivariable regression were used to identify odds of induction success. Results: Out of 150 women, induction of labor was unsuccessful in 23 (15.3%). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that nulliparity, shorter gestation period, persistent occiput posterior presentation and greater birth weight were independent risk factors for the induction failure. ROC curve analysis stated that gestation period of 3445-gram-birth weight has a sensitivity of 82.6% and a spesificity of 71.7% for the prediction of failure. Conclusion: Nulliparity, shorter gestation period, persistent occiput posterior presentation and greater birth weight increase the failure risk of labor induction with intravenous synthetic oxytocin infusion. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(2.000): 317-325

    Effect of Bilateral Salpingooferectomy due to Hypoestrogenism Combined with Hysterectomy on Cysto-Rectocele Development

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) combined with bilateral salpingooferectomy(BSO) due to hypoestrogenism on cystocele or rectocele development in postoperative period

    Parameters affecting to select of contraceptive methods

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    Aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between choose a contraceptive method and demographic values in patients who examined in our family planning clinic. This study included 252 patients who want to choose a contraceptive method to prevent pregnancy in Zekai Tahir Burak Women Health and Resource Hospital family planning clinic. Risk factors recorded were age, gravidity, parity, duration of marriage, education status, systemic disease and selected contraceptive method. The mean age of the study group was 30.4±8.6 and the mean of the duration of marriage, gravidity, parity were 9.4±6.2(0-12) years, 3.1±1.6 (0-7), 2.6±1.4 (0-5); respectively. The most commonly used method were coitus interruptus (% 30.6). The frequency of other methods were; intrauterine device (IUD) (%29.7),oral contraceptives (%15.1), condom (%11.5), tubal ligation (% 3.1), depot progesterone (%9.12), subcutaneous implants (%0.8); respectively. Women's level of education increases, subcutaneous implants , oral contraceptives and IUD use was increasing (p [Med-Science 2016; 5(3.000): 790-2