18 research outputs found


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    Background: At the development of graft versus host disease in genetically homogeneous population of (C57Bl/6 x DBA/2) F1 mice two clinical phenotypes of SLE-like disease were revealed: lupus+ (immune complex glomerulonephritis and hemolytic anemia) and lupus – (hemolytic anemia). The GvHD phenotypic heterogeneity is determined by the Th1 /Th2-polarization: Th2 lymphocyte predominant activity, leads to the lupus+ development, or prevalence activity of Th1 cells, leads to the lupus– development. Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the possibility of using an experimental model of autoimmune disease for studying and testing of epigenetic modifications, shifting Th1 /Th2-balance in vivo. Methods: Сhronic GVHD was induced in B6D2F1 mice by the transplantation of 130×10 6 parental DBA/2 splenocytes. Аnti-ds-DNA, total IgG and IgG1, IgG2а Abs were measured by ELISA. Results: Six- to 8-week-old female DBA/2 and B6D2F1 mice were obtained from Biological Research Laboratory (Novosibirsk). It was established that regular moderate physical activity (unladed swimming) shifted Th1 /Th2 balance towards Th1. This leads to a decrease in a population of recipients the lupus+ mice from 57 to 26% (p 0,001) with significantly reduced hypergammaglobulinemia (IgG from 2,8 to 2,0 mg/ml; p 0,047) and DNA antibodies titer from 0,18 to 0,12 OD (p =0,05). Administration of epigenetic modificator bisphenol A at low doses, which mimicking estrogen effects, enhances the proportion of lupus+ mice in experimental groups from 33 to 64% (p 0,001) and impairs their clinical status by the increasing the urine protein level from 2.8 to 4,2 mg/ml (p 0,001) in animals. Conclusion: Th1 /Th2 – balance presumably is determined by the immune system epigenetic modification in experimental mice, formed on the previous stages of ontogeny and defines the direction of immune processes development in individual animal.В генетически однородной популяции мышей (гибриды F1) при индукции СКВ-подобного заболевания на основе реакции трансплантат против хозяина (РТПХ) выявляются клинические фенотипы lupus+ (гемолитическая анемия + иммунокомплексный гломерулонефрит) и lupus- (гемолитическая анемия). Механизм развития фенотипической гетерогенности обусловлен поляризацией Т-хелперного (Tх1 /Tх2) иммунного ответа: преимущественной активацией Tх1 (lupus-) или Tх2 популяции лимфоцитов (lupus+). Цель исследования: оценить возможность использования экспериментальной модели аутоиммунного заболевания для изучения и тестирования эпигенетических модификаций, сдвигающих Tх1 /Tх2 баланс in vivo. Методы: хроническую РТПХ индуцировали введением B6D2F1 мышам-гибридам 130×10 6 клеток селезенки от родителя DBA/2. Антитела к ДНК, IgG1, IgG2а-подклассам IgG и общий IgG оценивали с помощью иммуноферментного анализа. Результаты: 6–8-недельные самки мышей DBA/2 и B6D2F1 получены из экспериментально-биологической клиники лабораторных животных (Новосибирск). Установлено, что продолжительные регулярные физические нагрузки умеренной интенсивности (плавание без груза) сдвигают баланс Tх1 /Tх2 у реципиентов в сторону Tх1, т.е. в популяции достоверно уменьшается доля мышей lupus+ (с 57 до 26%; p 0,001), у которых достоверно снижается степень выраженности гипергаммаглобулинемии (с 2,8 до 2,0 мг/мл; p 0,047) и титр антител к ДНК (от 0,18 до 0,12 OD; p =0,05). Введение в низких дозах эпигенетического модификатора бисфенола А, имитирующего действие эстрогенов, не только увеличивает долю мышей lupus+ (c 33 до 64%; p 0,001), но и утяжеляет их состояние: концентрация белка у них достоверно повысилась (с 2,8 до 4,2 мг/мл; p 0,001). Заключение: эпигенетические изменения в иммунной системе, сформировавшиеся на предыдущих этапах онтогенеза у мышей-гибридов и связанные с условиями лабораторного содержания животных (двигательная активность, эндокринный статус), по-видимому, определяют соотношение активностей Tх1 и Tх2 субпопуляций, контролирующее выбор варианта, по которому пойдет развитие иммунного процесса в каждом конкретном случае.

    Al plasma jet formation via ion stream compression by surrounding low-Z plasma envelope

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    In our earlier papers it was demonstrated that the plasma pressure decreases with the growing atomic number of the target material. In this context a question arose about the possibility to collimate the Al plasma outflow by using the plastic plasma as a compressor. For that purpose a plastic target with an Al cylindrical insert of 400 μm in diameter was used. The experiment was carried out at the PALS laser facility. The laser provided a 250 ps (FWHM) pulse with the energy of 130 J at the third harmonic frequency (λ3 = 0.438 μm). The focal spot diameters (ΦL) 800, 1000, and 1200 μm ensured predominance of the plastic plasma, its transversal extension being large enough for the effective Al plasma compression. To study the Al plasma stream propagation and its interaction with the plastic plasma, a 3-frame interferometric system and 4-frame x-ray camera were used. The information on distribution of electron temperature in the outflowing Al plasma was provided by x-ray spectroscopy. The experimental results reported in the paper are discussed by virtue of a simple theoretical analysis

    Al plasma jet formation via ion stream compression by surrounding low-Z plasma envelope

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    In our earlier papers it was demonstrated that the plasma pressure decreases with the growing atomic number of the target material. In this context a question arose about the possibility to collimate the Al plasma outflow by using the plastic plasma as a compressor. For that purpose a plastic target with an Al cylindrical insert of 400 μm in diameter was used. The experiment was carried out at the PALS laser facility. The laser provided a 250 ps (FWHM) pulse with the energy of 130 J at the third harmonic frequency (λ3 = 0.438 μm). The focal spot diameters (ΦL) 800, 1000, and 1200 μm ensured predominance of the plastic plasma, its transversal extension being large enough for the effective Al plasma compression. To study the Al plasma stream propagation and its interaction with the plastic plasma, a 3-frame interferometric system and 4-frame x-ray camera were used. The information on distribution of electron temperature in the outflowing Al plasma was provided by x-ray spectroscopy. The experimental results reported in the paper are discussed by virtue of a simple theoretical analysis

    Composition, density and structure dependent neutron yields from deuterated targets in high-intensity laser shot

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    Experimental studies are presented on composition, density and structure influence onto the neutron yield resulting from deuterium-containing target interaction with laser light of 1018^{18} W/cm2^{2}. Experimental data are compared with theoretical and simulation results