73 research outputs found

    Genome-wide DNA replication profile for Drosophila melanogaster: a link between transcription and replication timing - Supplemental data.

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    Replication of the genome before mitotic cell division is a highly regulated process that ensures the fidelity of DNA duplication. DNA replication initiates at specific locations, termed origins of replication, and progresses in a defined temporal order during the S phase of the cell cycle. The relationship between replication timing and gene expression has been the subject of some speculation. A recent genome-wide analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed no association between replication timing and gene expression. In higher eukaryotes, the limited number of genomic loci analyzed has not permitted a firm conclusion regarding this association. To explore the relationship between DNA replication and gene expression in higher eukaryotes, we developed a strategy to measure the timing of DNA replication for thousands of genes in a single DNA array hybridization experiment. Using this approach, we generated a genome-wide map of replication timing for Drosophila melanogaster. Moreover, by surveying over 40% of all D. melanogaster genes, we found a strong correlation between DNA replication early in S phase and transcriptional activity. As this correlation does not exist in S. cerevisiae, this interplay between DNA replication and transcription may be a unique characteristic of higher eukaryotes

    Chromatin and siRNA pathways cooperate to maintain DNA methylation of small transposable elements in Arabidopsis

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    BACKGROUND: DNA methylation occurs at preferred sites in eukaryotes. In Arabidopsis, DNA cytosine methylation is maintained by three subfamilies of methyltransferases with distinct substrate specificities and different modes of action. Targeting of cytosine methylation at selected loci has been found to sometimes involve histone H3 methylation and small interfering (si)RNAs. However, the relationship between different cytosine methylation pathways and their preferred targets is not known. RESULTS: We used a microarray-based profiling method to explore the involvement of Arabidopsis CMT3 and DRM DNA methyltransferases, a histone H3 lysine-9 methyltransferase (KYP) and an Argonaute-related siRNA silencing component (AGO4) in methylating target loci. We found that KYP targets are also CMT3 targets, suggesting that histone methylation maintains CNG methylation genome-wide. CMT3 and KYP targets show similar proximal distributions that correspond to the overall distribution of transposable elements of all types, whereas DRM targets are distributed more distally along the chromosome. We find an inverse relationship between element size and loss of methylation in ago4 and drm mutants. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the targets of both DNA methylation and histone H3K9 methylation pathways are transposable elements genome-wide, irrespective of element type and position. Our findings also suggest that RNA-directed DNA methylation is required to silence isolated elements that may be too small to be maintained in a silent state by a chromatin-based mechanism alone. Thus, parallel pathways would be needed to maintain silencing of transposable elements

    Neural G0:a quiescent-like state found in neuroepithelial-derived cells and glioma

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    Single‐cell RNA sequencing has emerged as a powerful tool for resolving cellular states associated with normal and maligned developmental processes. Here, we used scRNA‐seq to examine the cell cycle states of expanding human neural stem cells (hNSCs). From these data, we constructed a cell cycle classifier that identifies traditional cell cycle phases and a putative quiescent‐like state in neuroepithelial‐derived cell types during mammalian neurogenesis and in gliomas. The Neural G0 markers are enriched with quiescent NSC genes and other neurodevelopmental markers found in non‐dividing neural progenitors. Putative glioblastoma stem‐like cells were significantly enriched in the Neural G0 cell population. Neural G0 cell populations and gene expression are significantly associated with less aggressive tumors and extended patient survival for gliomas. Genetic screens to identify modulators of Neural G0 revealed that knockout of genes associated with the Hippo/Yap and p53 pathways diminished Neural G0 in vitro, resulting in faster G1 transit, down‐regulation of quiescence‐associated markers, and loss of Neural G0 gene expression. Thus, Neural G0 represents a dynamic quiescent‐like state found in neuroepithelial‐derived cells and gliomas

    Genomic alterations indicate tumor origin and varied metastatic potential of disseminated cells from prostate-cancer patients

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    Disseminated epithelial cells can be isolated from the bone marrow of a far greater fraction of prostate-cancer patients than the fraction of patients who progress to metastatic disease. To provide a better understanding of these cells, we have characterized their genomic alterations. We first present an array comparative genomic hybridization method capable of detecting genomic changes in the small number of disseminated cells (10-20) that can typically be obtained from bone-marrow aspirates of prostate-cancer patients. We show multiple regions of copy-number change, including alterations common in prostate cancer, such as 8p loss, 8q gain, and gain encompassing the androgen-receptor gene on Xq, in the disseminated cell pools from 11 metastatic patients. We found fewer and less striking genomic alterations in the 48 pools of disseminated cells from patients with organ-confined disease. However, we identify changes shared by these samples with their corresponding primary tumors and prostate-cancer alterations reported in the literature, evidence that these cells, like those in advanced disease, are disseminated tumor cells (DTCs). We also demonstrate that DTCs from patients with advanced and localized disease share several abnormalities, including losses containing cell-adhesion genes and alterations reported to associate with progressive disease. These shared alterations might confer the capability to disseminate or establish secondary disease. Overall, the spectrum of genomic deviations is evidence for metastatic capacity in advanced-disease DTCs and variation in that capacity in DTCs from localized disease. Our analysis lays the foundation for elucidation of the relationship between DTC genomic alterations and progressive prostate cancer

    Supplementary Data Only: Genomic binding by the Drosophila Myc, Max, Mad/Mnt transcription factor network.

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    The Myc/Max/Mad transcription factor network is critically involved in cell behavior; however, there is relatively little information on its genomic binding sites. We have employed the DamID method to carry out global genomic mapping of the Drosophila Myc, Max, and Mad/Mnt proteins. Each protein was tethered to Escherichia coli DNA adenine-methyltransferase (Dam) permitting methylation proximal to in vivo binding sites in Kc cells. Microarray analyses of methylated DNA fragments reveals binding to multiple loci on all major Drosophila chromosomes. This approach also reveals dynamic interactions among network members as we find that increased levels of dMax influence the extent of dMyc, but not dMnt, binding. Computer analysis using the REDUCE algorithm demonstrates that binding regions correlate with the presence of E-boxes, CG repeats, and other sequence motifs. The surprisingly large number of directly bound loci ( approximately 15% of coding regions) suggests that the network interacts widely with the genome. Furthermore, we employ microarray expression analysis to demonstrate that hundreds of DamID-binding loci correspond to genes whose expression is directly regulated by dMyc in larvae. These results suggest that a fundamental aspect of Max network function involves widespread binding and regulation of gene expression

    Genome-wide identification of Isw2 chromatin-remodeling targets by localization of a catalytically inactive mutant

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    Isw2 ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling activity is targeted to early meiotic and MATa-specific gene promoters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Unexpectedly, preferential cross-linking of wild-type Isw2p was not detected at these loci. Instead, the catalytically inactive Isw2p-K215R mutant is enriched at Isw2 targets, suggesting that Isw2p-K215R, but not wild-type Isw2p, is a sensitive chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) reagent for marking sites of Isw2 activity in vivo. Genome-wide ChIP analyses confirmed this conclusion and identified tRNA genes (tDNAs) as a new class of Isw2 targets. Loss of Isw2p disrupted the periodic pattern of Ty1 integration upstream of tDNAs, but did not affect transcription of tDNAs or the associated Ty1 retrotransposons. In addition to identifying new Isw2 targets, our localization studies have important implications for the mechanism of Isw2 association with chromatin in vivo. Target-specific enrichment of Isw2p-K215R, not wild-type Isw2p, suggests that Isw2 is recruited transiently to remodel chromatin structure at these sites. In contrast, we found no evidence for Isw2 function at sites preferentially enriched by wild-type Isw2p, leading to our proposal that wild-type Isw2p cross-linking reveals a scanning mode of the complex as it surveys the genome for its targets

    Identification and validation of PDGF transcriptional targets by microarray-coupled gene-trap mutagenesis - Supplemental Materials.

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    We developed a versatile, high-throughput genetic screening strategy by coupling gene mutagenesis and expression profiling technologies. Using a retroviral gene-trap vector optimized for efficient mutagenesis and cloning, we randomly disrupted genes in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and amplified them to construct a cDNA microarray. With this gene-trap array, we show that transcriptional target genes of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) can be efficiently and reliably identified in physiologically relevant cells and are immediately accessible to genetic studies to determine their in vivo roles and relative contributions to PDGF-regulated developmental processes. The same platform can be used to search for genes of specific biological relevance in a broad array of experimental settings, providing a fast track from gene identification to functional validation