22 research outputs found

    Effects of social networks on innovation diffusion and market dynamics

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    The main goal of this thesis is to incorporate part of the flourishing literature on network structures in a marketing context. Most of the results we have obtained and presented generate several implications. First of all we hope that the reader, after going through these chapters is convinced that often networks do play a role, that they can explain different market dynamics and that studying networks can be used to develop marketing strategies. Most of the theoretical implications derive from the following metaphor: a new product that diffuses into a society of consumers is like an epidemic that spreads into a population of susceptible individuals. Inspired by this metaphor, we believe that marketing can gain useful insights studying, adjusting and adopting epidemic models. This is what we explicitly do in chapters 2, 3 and 4. We build different network structures of consumers with their preferences and their attributes and we study how the diffusion dynamics of different products vary. Although we believe that the diffusion of a new product might look like the spread of an epidemic, we are also aware that these two processes are not completely the same. A substantial part of the work presented here consists of adapting the epidemic models to a marketing framework that can include product characteristics, personal preferences and social influence


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    We discuss the use of Agent-based Modelling for the development and testing of theories about emergent social phenomena in marketing and the social sciences in general. We address both theoretical aspects about the types of phenomena that are suitably addressed with this approach and practical guidelines to help plan and structure the development of a theory about the causes of such a phenomenon in conjunction with a matching ABM. We argue that research about complex social phenomena is still largely fundamental research and therefore an iterative and cyclical development process of both theory and model is to be expected. To better anticipate and manage this process, we provide theoretical and practical guidelines. These may help to identify and structure the domain of candidate explanations for a social phenomenon, and furthermore assist the process of model implementation and subsequent development. The main goal of this paper was to make research on complex social systems more accessible and help anticipate and structure the research process

    The effect of social influence on market inequalities in the motion picture industry

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    In this paper we investigate the degree to which two social influences, namely imitation and coordinated consumption, effectuate inequalities in the motion picture industry. We develop an agent-based model based on micro movie visitors' decision-making that generates the observed macro market outcomes. The simulation model makes use of the findings of an empirical survey amongst 1112 cinema visitors. We find that social influences explain market inequalities and that the impact of coordinated consumption on market inequalities is stronger than the impact of imitation