4 research outputs found

    Expression of potential biomarkers of severity of PE.

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    <p>Eight genes were selected as potential biomarkers of the severity of PE. Their expression in the microarray is represented as box and whiskers, according to the disease status and severity of PE: normotensive (NT) patient (blue), non-severe PE (red) and severe PE (green). Individual results are shown with box and whisker representation. </p

    Preeclampsia related transcriptional signature.

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    <p>RNA was extracted from whole blood and microarrays were performed. <b>A</b>, The impact of the PE disease was analyzed by principal component analysis. The distance along each axis represents the degree of variance in gene expression. <b>B</b>, Supervised analysis using linear models identified 239 probes (184 genes) modulated in preeclampsia (PE, in purple) patients compared with normotensive (NT, in green) patients. These modulated probes are represented as a heatmap with probes in rows and samples in columns. Dendrograms show the results of the hierarchical clustering of the probes (left) and samples (top). Gene expression is represented by a color gradient ranging from blue (downmodulated genes) to red (upmodulated genes).</p

    Functional annotation of genes modulated in severe PE.

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    <p>The genes that were modulated in severe PE compared with non-severe PE were analyzed using GO terms in Cytoscape. <b>A</b>, The network represents the relationship between the significant GO terms that were associated with the identified genes. <b>B</b>, An interactome map was built from the genes associated with the terms of the “ribosome” cluster, and gene expression in severe PE is color-coded from blue (downmodulated) to red (upmodulated). <b>C</b>, An interactome map was built from the genes associated with the terms of the “complement” cluster, and gene expression in severe PE is color-coded from blue (downmodulated) to red (upmodulated).</p