668 research outputs found

    Unitary theory of laser Carrier-Envelope Phase effects

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    We consider a quantum state interacting with a short intense linearly polarized laser pulse. Using the two-dimensional time representation and Floquet picture we establish a straightforward connection between the laser carrier-envelope phase (CEP) and the wave function. This connection is revealed as a unitary transformation in the space of Floquet components. It allows any CEP effect to be interpreted as an interference between the components and to put limits on using the CEP in coherent control. A 2-level system is used to illustrate the theory. On this example we demonstrate strong intensity sensitivity of the CEP effects and predict an effect for pulses much longer than the oscillation period of the carrier.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    ac Stark shift and multiphoton-like resonances in low-frequency driven optical lattices

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    We suggest that Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices subjected to ac forcing with a smooth envelope may provide detailed experimental access to multiphoton-like transitions between ac-Stark-shifted Bloch bands. Such transitions correspond to resonances described theoretically by avoided quasienergy crossings. We show that the width of such anticrossings can be inferred from measurements involving asymmetric pulses. We also introduce a pulse tracking strategy for locating the particular driving amplitudes for which resonances occur. Our numerical calculations refer to a currently existing experimental set-up [Haller et al., PRL 104, 200403 (2010)].Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Inverse Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg problem for qubit-resonator systems

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    We consider theoretically a superconducting qubit - nanomechanical resonator (NR) system, which was realized by LaHaye et al. [Nature 459, 960 (2009)]. First, we study the problem where the state of the strongly driven qubit is probed through the frequency shift of the low-frequency NR. In the case where the coupling is capacitive, the measured quantity can be related to the so-called quantum capacitance. Our theoretical results agree with the experimentally observed result that, under resonant driving, the frequency shift repeatedly changes sign. We then formulate and solve the inverse Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg problem, where we assume the driven qubit's state to be known (i.e. measured by some other device) and aim to find the parameters of the qubit's Hamiltonian. In particular, for our system the qubit's bias is defined by the NR's displacement. This may provide a tool for monitoring of the NR's position.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Stabilizing quantum metastable states in a time-periodic potential

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    Metastability of a particle trapped in a well with a time-periodically oscillating barrier is studied in the Floquet formalism. It is shown that the oscillating barrier causes the system to decay faster in general. However, avoided crossings of metastable states can occur with the less stable states crossing over to the more stable ones. If in the static well there exists a bound state, then it is possible to stabilize a metastable state by adiabatically increasing the oscillating frequency of the barrier so that the unstable state eventually cross-over to the stable bound state. It is also found that increasing the amplitude of the oscillating field may change a direct crossing of states into an avoided one.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    One-Electron Ionization of Multielectron Systems in Strong Nonresonant Laser Fields

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    We present a novel approach to calculating strong field ionization dynamics of multielectron molecular targets. Adopting a multielectron wavefunction ansatz based on field-free ab initio neutral and ionic multielectron states, a set of coupled time-dependent single-particle Schroedinger equations describing the neutral amplitude and continuum electron are constructed. These equations, amenable to direct numerical solution or further analytical treatment, allow one to study multielectron effects during strong field ionization, recollision, and high harmonic generation. We apply the method to strong field ionization of CO_2, and suggest the importance of intermediate core excitation to explain previous failure of analytical models to reproduce experimental ionization yields for this molecule.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Directed transport and localization in phase-modulated driven lattices

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    We explore the dynamics of non-interacting particles loaded into a phase-modulated one-dimensional lattice formed by laterally oscillating square barriers. Tuning the parameters of the driven unit cell of the lattice selected parts of the classical phase space can be manipulated in a controllable manner. We find superdiffusion in position space for all parameters regimes. A directed current of an ensemble of particles can be created through locally breaking the spatiotemporal symmetries of the time-driven potential. Magnitude and direction of the current are tunable. Several mechanisms for transient localization and trapping of particles in different wells of the driven unit cell are presented and analyzed

    Electron rescattering at metal nanotips induced by ultrashort laser pulses

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    We report on the first investigation of plateau and cut-off structures in photoelectron spectra from nano-scale metal tips interacting with few-cycle near-infrared laser pulses. These hallmarks of electron rescattering, well-known from atom-laser interaction in the strong-field regime, appear at remarkably low laser intensities with nominal Keldysh parameters of the order of ≳10\gtrsim 10. Quantum and quasi-classical simulations reveal that a large field enhancement near the tip and the increased backscattering probability at a solid-state target play a key role. Plateau electrons are by an order of magnitude more abundant than in comparable atomic spectra, reflecting the high density of target atoms at the surface. The position of the cut-off serves as an in-situ probe for the locally enhanced electric field at the tip apex

    Diffusive Ionization of Relativistic Hydrogen-Like Atom

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    Stochastic ionization of highly excited relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the monochromatic field is investigated. A theoretical analisis of chaotic dynamics of the relativistic electron based on Chirikov criterion is given for the cases of one- and three-dimensional atoms. Critical value of the external field is evaluated analitically. The diffusion coefficient and ionization time are calculated.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to PR

    Ionization dynamics in intense pulsed laser radiation. Effects of frequency chirping

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    Via a non-perturbative method we study the population dynamics and photoelectron spectra of Cs atoms subject to intense chirped laser pulses, with gaussian beams. We include above threshold ionization spectral peaks. The frequency of the laser is near resonance with the 6s-7p transition. Dominant couplings are included exactly, weaker ones accounted for perturbatively. We calculate the relevant transition matrix elements, including spin-orbit coupling. The pulse is taken to be a hyperbolic secant in time and the chirping a hyperbolic tangent. This choice allows the equations of motions for the probability amplitudes to be solved analytically as a series expansion in the variable u=(tanh(pi t/tau)+1)/2, where tau is a measure of the pulse length. We find that the chirping changes the ionization dynamics and the photoelectron spectra noticeably, especially for longer pulses of the order of 10^4 a.u. The peaks shift and change in height, and interference effects between the 7p levels are enhanced or diminished according to the amount of chirping and its sign. The integrated ionization probability is not strongly affected.Comment: Accepted by J. Phys. B; 18 pages, 17 figures. Latex, uses ioplppt.sty, iopl10.sty and psfig.st

    Electron-positron pair creation by Coulomb and laser fields in the tunneling regime

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    Electron-positron pair creation due to combined nuclear Coulomb and strong laser fields is investigated for the tunneling regime. The energy spectra and angular distributions of the pair are found analytically for the first time. The energy spectrum for each lepton exhibits a sharp maximum located well above the threshold for any polarization of the laser field. The angular distributions of leptons depend on the polarization: for the linear polarization both leptons move predominantly along the laser beam direction; for the circular polarization leptons are emitted in a thin-walled cone centered on the laser beam. The spectral and angular distributions found are governed by the intensity and frequency of the field, and the frequency independent total pair creation rates comply with the previously known results. A new method of calculation - the vicinal approximation - which uses the fact that the pair production takes place in the close vicinity of the nucleus, is suggested.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure
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