1,025 research outputs found

    Game Theory and Poe's Detective Stories and Life

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    Both Poe and Dupin, the detective character created by Poe, think like game theorists. The goal of this paper is to prove this conjecture. First, we show that each one of the three Dupin stories is filled with ratiocination that can be modeled according to game theory. Second, we briefly elaborate on the bargaining game that is lurking beneath the Poe’s whole trilogy. Third, we show that two very important decisions of Poe - as a young man, he left his foster father’s home; as a forty-year-old man, he took and published a temperance oath - are consistent with game-theoretic behavior.

    The Making of a Transnational Constitution: An Institutionalist Perspective on the European Convention

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    No matter how one evaluates the product of its work, the Convention on the Future ofEurope has marked a turning point in the history of European integration. This article is divided into three parts. The first presents the different actors who participated in the Convention and the cleavages that existed within the assembly. The secondpart addresses the impact of these cleavages and the logics that shaped the final compromise.In the third part, we will attempt to analyze the respective importance of these variousdecision-making modes and the variables that determined their relative influence. Goingbeyond the classical opposition between deliberation and negotiation often used to describethe work of the Convention, we will argue that the choices made on the composition andfunctioning of the Convention had a strong influence on its work, and therefore, on thesubstance of the draft constitution.Constitution for Europe; European Convention

    Le Secrétariat de la Convention européenne : un acteur influent

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    Cet article vise Ă  combler une lacune de l’actuelle littĂ©rature sur la Convention europĂ©enne, qui n’accorde qu’une attention limitĂ©e au SecrĂ©tariat de la Convention. Il est vrai que ses membres ont eux-mĂȘmes tendance Ă  le dĂ©crire comme un organe neutre, qui exerçait une fonction de rĂ©daction encadrĂ©e par de nombreux acteurs. La position stratĂ©gique qu’il occupait au sein du processus de dĂ©cision et l’expertise qu’il dĂ©tenait l’ont nĂ©anmoins conduit Ă  influencer le contenu du projet de traitĂ© constitutionnel. Son hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©, une contrainte initiale, s’est mĂȘme rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e ĂȘtre une ressource, qui a contribuĂ© Ă  l’élaboration de textes consensuels. Au terme de cette analyse, il apparaĂźt donc nĂ©cessaire de complĂ©ter les approches actuelles de la Convention, le plus souvent inspirĂ©es des thĂ©ories de la nĂ©gociation et de la dĂ©libĂ©ration, par la prise en compte d’une « logique d’expertise » qui permettrait de saisir le poids relatif non seulement du SecrĂ©tariat, mais aussi des administrations nationales et europĂ©ennes.European Convention

    Le musée prédateur va-t-il devenir un faux problÚme ?

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    Les musĂ©es n’ont cessĂ© de pratiquer la prĂ©dation en se donnant comme alibi le principe de sauvegarde du patrimoine de l’humanitĂ© qu’il faut soustraire Ă  l’incurie de ses dĂ©tenteurs historiques. Il existe deux remĂšdes Ă  cela : l’un, moral, est la restitution des biens volĂ©s ; l’autre, Ă©thique, substitue Ă  la prĂ©dation la capture par l’image, qui devient une collecte documentaire. Aujourd’hui, la concentration informatique des donnĂ©es connaĂźt une croissance exponentielle grĂące Ă  Internet, engendrant une mutation radicale des sociĂ©tĂ©s avec l’apparition d’une immense prothĂšse sensible et mentale, la « noosphĂšre ». DĂ©sormais, la culture universelle appartient virtuellement Ă  tous et chacun l’actualise pour son compte. Le musĂ©e prĂ©dateur tend alors Ă  s’effacer au profit d’une culture de partage. Mais, si seuls peuvent en bĂ©nĂ©ficier les possesseurs d’une connexion Internet, se posent le problĂšme de l’accĂšs de tous Ă  cette cyberculture et celui du respect des diversitĂ©s.Museums have always practicing predation while giving as alibi the principle of safeguarding the heritage of humanity that should be subtracted the negligence of its historical owners. There are two remedies for this: one, moral, is the return of stolen property; another, ethical, replaces predation by capturing the image, which becomes a documentary collection. Today, the concentration of data by computer is growing exponentially thanks to the Internet causing a radical transformation of societies with the appearance of an immense mental and sensitive prosthesis, the noosphere. Now, the virtual world culture belongs to everyone and everyone appropriates it personally. The predator museum tends to disappear in favor of a culture of sharing. But if only holders of an Internet connection can benefit of it, arise the problem of access for all to the cyberculture and of respect for diversity

    Pour une muséologie contractuelle

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    La musĂ©ologie manque de dĂ©finition prĂ©cise sur son champ de savoir. Divers propositions ont Ă©tĂ© faites ; l’auteur examine d’abord le champ musĂ©al du point de vue spĂ©cifique sur la rĂ©alitĂ©, mais ce champ musĂ©al n’est pas de l’ordre de la connaissance. Moins bien cernĂ© que celui du musĂ©e lui-mĂȘme, le champ de la musĂ©ologie est d’ordre Ă©thique. Il propose finalement de suivre la voie d’une musĂ©ologie contractuelle dont il donne les paramĂštres.Museology lacks a precise definition of its field of knowledge. Several proposals have been made; the author first examines the concept of the museum field from the approach of a specific view of reality, but this museum field is not within the realm of knowledge. Less well defined than the museum itself, the museological field is in the realm of ethics. The author finally suggests following the path of contractual museology and defines the sphere

    Le vieillissement de la peau et du follicule pileux : de la caractérisation clinique à l'étude fonctionnelle

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    Today, the numerous study models associated with the use of various techniques allow a better understanding of the multifactorial nature of aging and a better characterization of the key mechanisms, including deregulated nutrient sensitivity, mitochondrial dysfunction, genomic instability, telomere shortening, epigenetic alterations, non-enzymatic post translational modification of proteins, alterations of stem cells, cellular senescence and impaired intercellular communication. Initially, our in vivo research studies on the aging hair in man and women have revealed new early clinical markers of androgenic alopecia such as peripilar signs and hair diameter diversity, and established a link with biological parameters, as inflammatory infiltrates and miniaturization of hair follicles, respectively. Furthermore, in pre-menopausal women in whom alopecia can be difficult to diagnose due to its multifactorial nature, we could establish a link between iron status and hair loss. Second, our in vivo studies on the aging skin in menopausal woman in whom the effects of age are particularly accentuated allowed to assign a biological signature to the clinical response to topical application of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), both at the dermal and epidermal level of the skin. We also characterized the effect of a glycosaminoglycan C-Xyloside precursor on the 3 compartments of the skin.C'est la pluralitĂ© des modĂšles d'Ă©tudes associĂ©s Ă  l'utilisation de techniques variĂ©es qui permet aujourd'hui de mieux apprĂ©hender le caractĂšre multifactoriel du vieillissement et d'en mieux caractĂ©riser les mĂ©canismes-clĂ©s : dĂ©rĂ©gulation de la sensibilitĂ© aux nutriments, dysfonctionnement des mitochondries, instabilitĂ© gĂ©nomique, raccourcissement des tĂ©lomĂšres, altĂ©rations Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques, modifications post-traductionnelles non-enzymatiques des protĂ©ines, altĂ©ration des cellules souches, sĂ©nescence cellulaire et altĂ©ration de la communication intercellulaire. Dans un premier temps, nos travaux de recherche in vivo sur le vieillissement du cheveu, chez l'homme et chez la femme, ont permis de caractĂ©riser de nouveaux marqueurs cliniques prĂ©coces de l'alopĂ©cie androgĂ©nĂ©tique, tels que les signes pĂ©ripilaires et la diversitĂ© des diamĂštres, et d'Ă©tablir un lien avec des paramĂštres biologiques, infiltrats inflammatoires et miniaturisation des follicules pileux, respectivement. De plus, chez la femme non mĂ©nopausĂ©e, chez qui l'alopĂ©cie peut ĂȘtre difficile Ă  diagnostiquer de par son caractĂšre multifactoriel, nous avons pu Ă©tablir un lien entre le statut en fer et la chute des cheveux. Dans un second temps, nos travaux in vivo sur le vieillissement de la peau chez la femme mĂ©nopausĂ©e ont permis d'attribuer une signature biologique aux effets cliniques de la DHEA (dĂ©hydroĂ©piandrostĂ©rone) en application topique, aussi bien au niveau du derme que de l'Ă©piderme. Nous avons aussi caractĂ©risĂ© l'effet d'un C-Xyloside, prĂ©curseur de glycosaminoglycane, sur les 3 compartiments de la peau
