42 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Determination of the Role of Faults and Intrusions in Helium‐Rich Gas Fields Formation

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    Natural gas fields with economic helium (>0.3 He %) require the radioactive decay of crustal uranium (U) and thorium (Th) to generate He and tectonic/structural regimes favorable to releasing and concentrating He. An unknown is determining the role of faults and structural features in focusing deep‐seated He sources on shallow accumulations. We tested the correlation between high‐He wells (n = 94) and structural features using a new high‐resolution aeromagnetic survey in the Four Corners area, USA. A depth‐to‐basement map with basement lineaments/faults, an intrusion map, and a flattened basement structural high map were created using Werner deconvolution algorithms by combining magnetic, gravity, and topography data with magnetic and gravity depth profiles. We show quantitatively (via analysis of variance) that a non‐random process controls the relationship between He (>0.3%) and both basement faults and intrusions: 88% of high‐He wells occur <1 km of basement faults; and 85% of high‐He wells occur <1 km of intrusions. As He % increases, the distance to the structural features decreases. Strong spatial/statistical correlations of He wells to both basement faults and intrusions suggest that advective transport via faults/intrusions facilitates He migration. The role of gas phase buoyancy and structural trapping is confirmed: 88% of high‐He occurs within basement structural highs, and 91% of the remaining wells are <1 km from intrusions (potential structural high). We present a composite figure to illustrate how a probabilistic approach can be used as a predictive model to improve He exploration success by targeting zones of intersection of basement faults and intrusions within basement structural highs

    Openness to Experience, fluid intelligence, and crystallized intelligence in middle-aged and old adults

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    The present study examined the associations between three aspects of Openness to Experience (Intellectual Interests, Aesthetic Interests, and Unconventionality) and two broad cognitive domains (fluid and crystallized intelligence) in a large middle-aged and old adult sample. Results show that both the measurements of Openness and intelligence were strongly invariant across age groups. Older adults were less intellectually interested and described themselves as more conventional. In both age groups, Aesthetic Interests exterted a small negative effect on fluid and crystallized intelligence while Unconventionality had a positive effect. Moreover, the positive effect of Intellectual Interests was stronger in the older age group. These findings indicate that Openness–intelligence relations depend on the aspect of Openness and on the cognitive domain examined

    Kognitiv stimulierende AktivitÀten als Beitrag zur informellen Erwachsenenbildung im mittleren und höheren Lebensalter

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    In den meisten LĂ€ndern Europas nimmt bis zum Pensionsalter alterskorreliert die Beteiligung an formalen Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen deutlich ab (Funk, Klös, Seyda, Birk, & Waas, 2003), was dazu fĂŒhrt, dass Ă€ltere Arbeitnehmer und Ă€ltere Menschen insgesamt von einer weiterfĂŒhrenden Qualifizierung ausgeschlossen sind bzw. nicht davon profitieren können (Behrend & Frerichs, 2004). TatsĂ€chlich weisen Daten verschiedener LĂ€ngsschnittstudien zum Verlauf kognitiver Entwicklung vom mittleren bis ins hohe Alter darauf hin, dass bei BerĂŒcksichtigung der interindividuellen Entwicklungsunterschiede im mittleren Alter Personen mit gĂŒnstigeren EntwicklungsverlĂ€ufen kognitiver FĂ€higkeiten auch nach Ausscheiden aus dem Berufsleben gĂŒnstigere EntwicklungsverlĂ€ufe aufweisen (Willis & Schaie, 2005). Zunehmend ins Blickfeld der Erwachsenenbildung rĂŒcken daher Gelegenheiten zum Erwerb neuen Wissens und neuer Fertigkeiten (Frieling, Bernard, Bigalk & MĂŒller, 2006; Kalbermatten, 2004; Martin, 2006) und Formen des nicht-formalen, informellen, individuellen und selbstĂ€ndigen Lernens und dessen Auswirkungen ĂŒber die Lebensspanne (Hultsch, Hertzog, Small & Dixon, 1999; Zimprich et al., 2007). Danach sollten nach formalen BildungsabschlĂŒssen ausgefĂŒhrte nicht-formale und informelle LernaktivitĂ€ten wesentlich zur Erhaltung von kognitiven FĂ€higkeiten im Alter beitragen, mĂŒssten sich in ihrer Bedeutung und Wirkung im Berufsalter und im nachberuflichen Alter jedoch unterscheiden, da diese Lebensphasen unterschiedliche Lern- und Bildungsgelegenheiten zur VerfĂŒgung stellen. Beispielhaft wird mit Daten der InterdisziplinĂ€ren LĂ€ngsschnittstudie des Erwachsenenalters (ILSE; Martin, GrĂŒnendahl & Martin, 2001) untersucht, welche Bedeutung die nicht-formalen und informellen Formen des Lernens fĂŒr die kognitive LeistungsfĂ€higkeit von Personen im mittleren und höheren Erwachsenenalter haben. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass erhebliche individuelle Unterschiede in der HĂ€ufigkeit der ausgeĂŒbten AktivitĂ€ten, bemerkenswerte ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen den AktivitĂ€ten und der kognitiven Leistung und erhebliche Unterschiede in der Bedeutung informeller Bildung im mittleren und höheren Alter bestehen. Die Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf die mögliche UnterstĂŒtzung und systematische Förderung individualisierter LernaktivitĂ€ten diskutiert

    Contribution Ă  l’étude expĂ©rimentale de l’écoulement de l’eau dans les tuyaux de drainage

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    A contribution to the experimental study of flow conditions in drainage ducts. Since their flow experiments with earthenware drains, the results of which were presented at the International Rural Engineering Congress in Brussels in 1958, the Authors have continued their tests with rigid 46/49 mm polyvinyl chloride pipes. Transverse slots spaced 120° apart were sawn in these pipes at regular 11 cm intervals, so as to provide a practically identical penetration surface for the water over a length of 33 cms, which is roughly the length of an earthenware drain. The following series of tests were carried out : 1) Laboratory tests : a) A study of flow conditions in the above pipes, in order to determine the Chezy and Mann-ing-Strickler numbers ; b) A drainage study on the same pipes, with surrounding earth and sand respectively. 2) Field tests : A comparison with the flow conditions obtained for earthenware pipes.A la suite des expĂ©riences d'Ă©coulement dans des drains en poterie dont les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©s au CongrĂšs International du GĂ©nie Rural de Bruxelles en 1958, nous avons continuĂ© nos essais avec des tuyaux en chlorure de polyvinyle rigide de 46/49 mm. Des fentes transversales ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es, au moyen d'une scie, tous les 11 cm et Ă  120° les unes des autres, de sorte que pour une longueur de 33 cm (voisine de la longueur d'un drain en poterie) la surface disponible pour la pĂ©nĂ©tration de l'eau soit sensiblement identique. Plusieurs sĂ©ries d'essais ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es : 1° Au laboratoire : a) Etude de l'Ă©coulement dans ces tuyaux, pour la dĂ©termination des coefficients de ChĂ©zy et de Manning-Strickler ; b) Etude du drainage au moyen de ces tuyaux dans de la terre rapportĂ©e et dans du sable. 2° Sur le terrain : Comparaison de l'Ă©coulement avec celui obtenu par des tuyaux de poterie.Dellenbach P., Chabert-Ostland F. de, Audibert M. Contribution Ă  l’étude expĂ©rimentale de l’écoulement de l’eau dans les tuyaux de drainage. In: L'hydraulique souterraine. Compte rendu des sixiĂšmes journĂ©es de l'hydraulique, Nancy, 28-30 juin 1960. Tome 1, 1961

    Cognitive abilities in old age: results from the Zurich Longitudinal Study on Cognitive Aging

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    The Zurich Longitudinal Study on Cognitive Aging (ZULU) is an ongoing longitudinal study on the structure and development of cognition in old age. At the first assessment, the N = 364 participants had an average age of 73 years (age range: 65–80 years), and 46% were female. In total, a battery of 14 cognitive tests, including five consecutive verbal learning trials, were administered and adequately described by a measurement model of six first-order factors (processing speed, working memory, reasoning, learning, memory, and verbal knowledge) and one second-order factor of general cognitive ability. The cross-sectional age relations of the six cognitive abilities were, apart from processing speed and verbal knowledge, mediated by the general cognitive ability factor. From a conceptual perspective, these results imply that cognitive aging is not a completely uniform process driven by a single causal variable

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