13,527 research outputs found

    Some fundamental problems for an energy conserving adaptive resolution molecular dynamics scheme

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    Adaptive resolution molecular dynamics (MD) schemes allow for changing the number of degrees of freedom on the fly and preserve the free exchange of particles between regions of different resolution. There are two main alternatives on how to design the algorithm to switch resolution using auxiliary ''switching'' functions; force based and potential energy based approach. In this work we show that, in the framework of classical MD, the latter presents fundamental conceptual problems which make unlikely, if not impossible, the derivation of a robust algorithm based on the potential energy.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure (color); Phys.Rev.E (2007) in pres

    Shannon Entropy and Many-Electron Correlations: Theoretical Concepts, Numerical Results and Collins Conjecture

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    In this paper I will discuss the overlap between the concept of Shannon Entropy and the concept of electronic correlation. Quantum Monte Carlo numerical results for the uniform electron gas are also presented; these latter on the one hand enhance the hypothesis of a direct link between the two concepts but on the other hand leave a series of open questions which may be employed to trace a roadmap for the future research in the field.Comment: 27 pages with 3 figure

    Levy-Lieb principle: The bridge between the electron density of Density Functional Theory and the wavefunction of Quantum Monte Carlo

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    The constrained-search principle introduced by Levy and Lieb, is proposed as a practical, though conceptually rigorous, link between Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC). The resulting numerical protocol realizes in practice the implicit key statement of DFT: "Given the three dimensional electron density of the ground state of a system of N electrons with external potential v(r) it is possible to find the corresponding 3N-dimensional wavefunction of ground state." From a numerical point of view, the proposed protocol can be employed to speed up the QMC procedure by employing DFT densities as a pre-selection criterion for the sampling of wavefunctions.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, paper in press in Chemical Physics Letters, 201

    Bader's interatomic surface and Bohmian mechanics

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    A Thomas-Fermi statistical analysis of Bader's interatomic surface developed in a previous work (L.Delle Site, Phys.Lett.A 286 61-64 (2001)) is here extended by considering exchange effects and electron density's inhomogeneity at basic level via Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-Weizsacker model. The results obtained show interesting connections with bohmian mechanics and lead to a statistical interpretation of the chemical properties of condensed systems at atomistic level.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Grand-Canonical Adaptive Resolution Centroid Molecular Dynamics: Implementation and Application

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    We have implemented the Centroid Molecular Dynamics scheme (CMD) into the Grand Canonical-like version of the Adaptive Resolution Simulation Molecular Dynamics (GC-AdResS) method. We have tested the implementation on two different systems, liquid parahydrogen at extreme thermodynamic conditions and liquid water at ambient conditions; the reproduction of structural as well as dynamical results of reference systems are highly satisfactory. The capability of performing GC-AdResS CMD simulations allows for the treatment of a system characterized by some quantum features and open boundaries. This latter characteristic not only is of computational convenience, allowing for equivalent results of much larger and computationally more expensive systems, but also suggests a tool of analysis so far not explored, that is the unambiguous identification of the essential (quantum) degrees of freedom required for a given property

    Monetary policy and potential output uncertainty: a quantitative assessment

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    I estimate a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model where the policymaker and the private sector have imperfect knowledge about potential output. The estimation of the structural parameters and of the monetary authorities’objectives is key to assess the quantitative relevance of the imperfect information problem and to evaluate the robustness of previous exercises based on calibration. The estimated model also allows me to revisit the Orphanides (2001, 2003) findings that the central bank can makes large and persistent mistakes to estimate potential output in response to productivity and cost shocks. I find that when real unit labor cost is used as a monetary policy indicator, the potential output uncertainty has quantitatively negligible consequences on policy behaviour and inflation dynamics. JEL Classification: E4, E5indicator variables, monetary policy, potential output uncertainty, real unit labor cost

    Solvation of positive ions in water: The dominant role of water-water interaction

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    Local polarization effects, induced by mono and divalent positive ions in water, influence (and in turn are influenced by) the large scale structural properties of the solvent. Experiments can only distinguish this process of interplay in a generic qualitative way. Instead, first principles quantum calculations can address the question at both electronic and atomistic scale, accounting for electronic polarization as well as geometrical conformations. For this reason we study the extension of the scales' interconnection by means of first principle Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics applied to systems of different size. In this way we identify the general aspects dominating the physics of the first solvation shell and their connection to the effects related to the formation of the outer shells and eventually the bulk. We show that while the influence of the ions is extended to the first shell only, the water-water interaction is instead playing a dominant role even within the first shell independently from the size or the charge of the ion.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures (color

    Massless Scalar Degrees of Freedom in QCD and in the Electroweak Sector from the Trace Anomaly

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    The interaction of QCD and electroweak sector with gravity is characterized by the generation of a massless pole in a specific form factor present in the 1-loop effective action. We briefly illustrate how to single out this behaviour in perturbation theory, by taking as an example the TJJTJJ vertex, with TT denoting the energy momentum tensor of the Standard Model. The breaking of scale invariance, due to the trace anomaly, is then related to the appearance of a local degree of freedom in the effective action, which is of dilaton type.Comment: 5 pages, presented at the workshop "QCD@work", Lecce, June 18-21, 201
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