5,215 research outputs found

    Le spectromètre de masse à temps de vol DEPIL et son utilisation pour la mesure de masses de protéines élevées dépassant 5 000 u : insuline et lyzozyme

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    Un spectromètre de masse à temps de vol a été construit à l'Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay pour mesurer des masses de molécules diverses. La gamme de masses accessibles est comprise entre 1 et 20 000 u. Nous présentons ici une description succincte de l'appareillage avec des exemples de mesures de hautes masses

    Analyse de spectres d'énergie β+ Méthode et applications à la détermination d'énergie totale de transition β pour des noyaux identifiés par la technique de temps de vol dans la région N ≃ Z ≃ 40

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    Une méthode par analyse de forme de spectres de positon a été développée à Orsay pour déterminer l'énergie totale des transitions β+. Une précision inférieure à 100 keV peut être atteinte par cette méthode qui est applicable à des spectres de faibles activités. Les spectres de référence et les spectres de Qβ inconnus sont mesurés simultanément dans les mêmes conditions. Nous avons appliqué cette méthode de détermination de Qβ à quelques isotopes produits au cours des réactions 32S + 27Al et 32S + 54Fe

    Measurement of energy and angular distributions of secondary ions in the sputtering of gold by swift Au-n clusters: Study of emission mechanisms

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    Energy and angular distributions of negative ions (Au–, Au2-, Au3-, and Au5-) emitted from gold target bombarded by Au, Au4, and Au9 projectiles at 200 keV/atom were measured with a multipixel position sensitive detector. The angular distributions are symmetrical with respect to the normal to the target surface and forward peaked. They depend on the type of emitted ions, on the emission energy, and on the projectile size. More forward directed emission is observed with Au9 projectiles. The secondary ion energy distributions obtained with Au and Au4 projectiles are well reproduced by a sum of linear collision cascades and thermal spike processes. However, in the case of Au9 projectiles the energy distributions are better described by using a simple spike model with two different average temperature regimes: the first one corresponds to high emission energy occurring in the early stage of the whole process, and the second to the low energy component

    Simulation of MeV/atom cluster correlations in matter

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    We present an efficient algorithm able to predict the trajectories of individual cluster constituents as they penetrate relatively thick amorphous targets. Our algorithm properly treats both the intracluster Coulomb repulsion and the collisions between cluster constituents and target atoms. We have compared our simulation predictions to experimental measurements of the distribution of lateral exit velocities, and demonstrated that the in-target Coulomb explosion of 2MeV/atom carbon clusters in carbon foils must be shielded with a screening length of less than 2.5 Å. We also present a simple phenomenological model for the suppression of the exit-side charge of ions in clusters which depends on the enhanced ionization potential that an electron near an ion feels due to the ion’s charged comoving neighbors. By using our simulation algorithm we have predicted the exit correlations of the cluster constituents and verified that the charge suppression model fits the observed charge suppression of ions in clusters to within the experimental uncertainties

    Mesure de l'énergie des ions lourds par la méthode des protons projetés

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    Un dispositif destiné à la mesure de l'énergie des faisceaux d'ions lourds de 3 à 6 MeV/ uma a été construit. Le principe de la méthode est de mesurer l'énergie des protons projetés à zéro degré par collision élastique des ions incidents avec les noyaux d'hydrogène d'une cible de formvar. L'incertitude calculée sur l'énergie ainsi mesurée pour les ions lourds est de + 0,45 %. Des mesures faites sur des faisceaux de 19F et 40Ca d'énergie bien connue, accélérés par un Tandem MP, ont montré un écart maximum de 0,3 % entre les énergies réelles et mesurées. Le dispositif permet de contrôler ou calibrer des méthodes plus lourdes de détermination de l'énergie des ions lourds : déviation magnétique, temps de vol. Il se prête particulièrement bien à la mesure des pertes d'énergie d'ions lourds dans des ralentisseurs solides


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    We have studied the negative secondary ion emission from solid organic targets bombarded by molecular ions and cluster ions. As an example we present here the results obtained with the compound phenylalanine. We have used organic projectiles of mass 73 [Si (CH3)+], 147[Si(CH3)3 OSi(CH3)2+], 300 [molecular ion of coronene C24H12]+, 598 [coronene dimer 2(M-H)]+, and atomic and polyatomic ions of mass 133 [Cs]+, 393 [Cs2I]+, 653 [Cs3I2]+. These primary ions have been produced in the bombardment of targets of coronene and CsI by fission fragment from a 252Cf source. They were accelerated and focussed on the sample target. Sophisticated time of flight measurements of the primary and secondary ions have been performed with a special data acquisition system. All the time of flight mass spectra were recorded at one. The secondary molecular ion yield of the phenilalanine (M-H)- = 164 has been studied as a function of the energy of impact and of the mass of the projectile. A large enhancement of the yield with the mass and the energy is observed

    Higgsless electroweak symmetry breaking at the LHC

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    While the Higgs model is the best studied scenario of electroweak symmetry breaking, a number strongly-coupled models exist, predicting new signatures. Recent studies of WW and WZ final states at the ATLAS and CMS experiments are summarized and expected sensitivities are presented within the frameworks of the technicolor straw-man model and the electroweak chiral Lagrangian.Comment: Proceedings for the EPS HEP 2007 conference, Manchester, U.K., on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaboration

    Ion-beam mixing induced by atomic and cluster bombardment in the electronic stopping-power regime

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    Single crystals of magnesium oxide containing nanoprecipitates of sodium were bombarded with swift ions (∼GeV-Pb, U) or cluster beams (∼20 MeV-C60) to study the phase change induced by electronic processes at high stopping power (≳10 keV/nm). The sodium precipitates and the defect creation were characterized by optical absorption and transmission electron microscopy. The ion or cluster bombardment leads to an evolution of the Na precipitate concentration but the size distribution remains unchanged. The decrease in Na metallic concentration is attributed to mixing effects at the interfaces between Na clusters and MgO. In addition, optical-absorption measurements show a broadening of the absorption band associated with electron plasma oscillations in Na clusters. This effect is due to a decrease of the electron mean free path, which could be induced by defect creation in the metal. All these results show an influence of high electronic stopping power in materials known to be very resistant to irradiation with weak ionizing projectiles. The dependence of these effects on electronic stopping power and on various solid-state parameters is discussed