424 research outputs found

    Explainable cardiac pathology classification on cine MRI with motion characterization by semi-supervised learning of apparent flow

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    We propose a method to classify cardiac pathology based on a novel approach to extract image derived features to characterize the shape and motion of the heart. An original semi-supervised learning procedure, which makes efficient use of a large amount of non-segmented images and a small amount of images segmented manually by experts, is developed to generate pixel-wise apparent flow between two time points of a 2D+t cine MRI image sequence. Combining the apparent flow maps and cardiac segmentation masks, we obtain a local apparent flow corresponding to the 2D motion of myocardium and ventricular cavities. This leads to the generation of time series of the radius and thickness of myocardial segments to represent cardiac motion. These time series of motion features are reliable and explainable characteristics of pathological cardiac motion. Furthermore, they are combined with shape-related features to classify cardiac pathologies. Using only nine feature values as input, we propose an explainable, simple and flexible model for pathology classification. On ACDC training set and testing set, the model achieves 95% and 94% respectively as classification accuracy. Its performance is hence comparable to that of the state-of-the-art. Comparison with various other models is performed to outline some advantages of our model

    3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Tumor Segmentation using Long-range 2D Context

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    We present an efficient deep learning approach for the challenging task of tumor segmentation in multisequence MR images. In recent years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have achieved state-of-the-art performances in a large variety of recognition tasks in medical imaging. Because of the considerable computational cost of CNNs, large volumes such as MRI are typically processed by subvolumes, for instance slices (axial, coronal, sagittal) or small 3D patches. In this paper we introduce a CNN-based model which efficiently combines the advantages of the short-range 3D context and the long-range 2D context. To overcome the limitations of specific choices of neural network architectures, we also propose to merge outputs of several cascaded 2D-3D models by a voxelwise voting strategy. Furthermore, we propose a network architecture in which the different MR sequences are processed by separate subnetworks in order to be more robust to the problem of missing MR sequences. Finally, a simple and efficient algorithm for training large CNN models is introduced. We evaluate our method on the public benchmark of the BRATS 2017 challenge on the task of multiclass segmentation of malignant brain tumors. Our method achieves good performances and produces accurate segmentations with median Dice scores of 0.918 (whole tumor), 0.883 (tumor core) and 0.854 (enhancing core). Our approach can be naturally applied to various tasks involving segmentation of lesions or organs.Comment: Submitted to the journal Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphic

    Quasi-symplectic Langevin Variational Autoencoder

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    Variational autoencoder (VAE) is a very popular and well-investigated generative model vastly used in neural learning research. To leverage VAE in practical tasks dealing with a massive dataset of large dimensions it is required to deal with the difficulty of building low variance evidence lower bounds (ELBO). Markov ChainMonte Carlo (MCMC) is one of the effective approaches to tighten the ELBO for approximating the posterior distribution. Hamiltonian Variational Autoencoder(HVAE) is an effective MCMC inspired approach for constructing a low-variance ELBO which is also amenable to the reparameterization trick. In this work, we propose a Quasi-symplectic Langevin Variational autoencoder (Langevin-VAE) by incorporating the gradients information in the inference process through the Langevin dynamic. We show the effectiveness of the proposed approach by toy and real-world examples

    A model of brain morphological changes related to aging and Alzheimer's disease from cross-sectional assessments

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    In this study we propose a deformation-based framework to jointly model the influence of aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD) on the brain morphological evolution. Our approach combines a spatio-temporal description of both processes into a generative model. A reference morphology is deformed along specific trajectories to match subject specific morphologies. It is used to define two imaging progression markers: 1) a morphological age and 2) a disease score. These markers can be computed locally in any brain region. The approach is evaluated on brain structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) from the ADNI database. The generative model is first estimated on a control population, then, for each subject, the markers are computed for each acquisition. The longitudinal evolution of these markers is then studied in relation with the clinical diagnosis of the subjects and used to generate possible morphological evolution. In the model, the morphological changes associated with normal aging are mainly found around the ventricles, while the Alzheimer's disease specific changes are more located in the temporal lobe and the hippocampal area. The statistical analysis of these markers highlights differences between clinical conditions even though the inter-subject variability is quiet high. In this context, the model can be used to generate plausible morphological trajectories associated with the disease. Our method gives two interpretable scalar imaging biomarkers assessing the effects of aging and disease on brain morphology at the individual and population level. These markers confirm an acceleration of apparent aging for Alzheimer's subjects and can help discriminate clinical conditions even in prodromal stages. More generally, the joint modeling of normal and pathological evolutions shows promising results to describe age-related brain diseases over long time scales.Comment: NeuroImage, Elsevier, In pres

    De l'imagerie médicale à la modélisation numérique personnalisée du corps humain

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    National audienceL'imagerie médicale fournit des informations trÚs riches sur l'anatomie et la physiologie d'un patient. L'analyse par ordinateur de ces images permet d'extraire des quantités géométriques, cinématiques ou fonctionnelles. Ces grandeurs peuvent servir à personnaliser des modÚles computationnels du corps humain afin qu'ils soient spécifiques à un patient donné. Trois exemples de tels modÚles personnalisés sont décrits par la suite

    General Object Reconstruction based on Simplex Meshes

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    In this paper, we propose a general tridimensional reconstruction algorithm of range and volumetric images, based on deformable simplex meshes. The algorithm is able to reconstruct surfaces without any restriction on their shape or topology. The different tasks performed during the reconstruction include the segmentation of objects in the scene, the extrapolation of missing data and the control of smoothness, density and geometric quality of the reconstructed model. All surfaces are represented as simplex meshes, that are unstructured meshes whose topology is dual of triangulations. The reconstruction takes place in two stages. First, we initialize the model either manually or using an automatic initialization routine. After the first fit, the topology of the model can be modified by creating holes or increasing its genus. Finally, an iterative adaptation or refinement algorithm decrease the distance of the model from the data while preserving a high geometric and topological quality. We have applied our algorithm to several medical images or range images

    Haptic Rendering of Hyperelastic Models with Friction

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    International audience— This paper presents an original method for inter-actions' haptic rendering when treating hyperelastic materials. Such simulations are known to be difficult due to the non-linear behavior of hyperelastic bodies; furthermore, haptic constraints enjoin contact forces to be refreshed at least at 1000 updates per second. To enforce the stability of simulations of generic objects of any range of stiffness, this method relies on implicit time integration. Soft tissues dynamics is simulated in real time (20 to 100 Hz) using the Multiplicative Jacobian Energy Decomposition (MJED) method. An asynchronous preconditioner, updated at low rates (1 to 10 Hz), is used to obtain a close approximation of the mechanical coupling of interactions. Finally, the contact problem is linearized and, using a specific-loop, it is updated at typical haptic rates (around 1000 Hz) allowing this way new simulations of prompt stiff-contacts and providing a continuous haptic feedback as well

    3D Consistent Biventricular Myocardial Segmentation Using Deep Learning for Mesh Generation

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    We present a novel automated method to segment the myocardium of both left and right ventricles in MRI volumes. The segmentation is consistent in 3D across the slices such that it can be directly used for mesh generation. Two specific neural networks with multi-scale coarse-to-fine prediction structure are proposed to cope with the small training dataset and trained using an original loss function. The former segments a slice in the middle of the volume. Then the latter iteratively propagates the slice segmentations towards the base and the apex, in a spatially consistent way. We perform 5-fold cross-validation on the 15 cases from STACOM to validate the method. For training, we use real cases and their synthetic variants generated by combining motion simulation and image synthesis. Accurate and consistent testing results are obtained

    Volumetric Medical Images Segmentation using Shape Constrained Deformable Models

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    International audienceIn this paper we address the problem of extracting geometric models from low contrast volumetric images, given a template or reference shape of that model. We proceed by deforming a reference model in a volumetric image. This reference deformable model is represented as a simplex mesh submitted to regularizing shape constraint. Furthermore, we introduce an original approach that combines the deformable model framework with the elastic registration (based on iterative closest point algorithm) method. This new method increases the robustness of segmentation while allowing very complex deformation of the original template. Examples of segmentation of the liver and brain ventricles are provided
