31 research outputs found


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    The paper represents an attempt to reveal the internal choreography of idiom modification. It is argued that modified idiomatic expressions can be explained using the postulates of the Conceptual Integration Theory. Optimality principles and vital relations, proposed by Fauconnier and Turner, clarify and regulate the relations within the conceptual integration network. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the extent to which vital relations and optimality principles at work in conceptual integration can account for mechanisms of idiom modification.U srediŔtu je pozornosti ovog rada otkrivanje unutraŔnje kognitivne koreografije modificiranih idiomatskih izraza. Smatra se da se modificirani idiomatski izrazi mogu objasniti teorijom konceptualne integracije čiji su tvorci Fauconnier i Turner. Principi optimalnosti i vitalni odnosi, ravnaju odnosima unutar integracijskih mreža. Glavni je cilj ovog rada utvrditi u kojoj mjeri vitalni odnosi zajedno s principima optimalnosti mogu pojasniti mehanizme modifikacije idioma

    Tko je rođen sa srebrenim stopalom u ustima? Modificirani idiomatski izrazi u političkim karikaturama

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    The paper addresses the applicability of conceptual integration theory in the study of political cartoons, actually the role of modified idiomatic expressions in the process of cartoon appreciation. In the political cartoons that were analyzed, modified idiomatic expressions are the crucial components producing humorous effects. In our conceptual integration networks we have input spaces that describe bizarre scenarios in comparison to those that are compatible with the world of politics. It is the combination of those scenarios that creates incongruity within the blended space. The incongruity produces humorous effects. Apart from the fact that conceptual blending can explain the creation of humor and its meaning, it can also reveal why humor is an effective means of criticizing political reality.U radu se ispituje primjenljivost teorije konceptualne integracije u analizi političkih karikatura, odnosno uloga modificiranih idiomatskih izraza u procesu razumijevanja karikatura. U političkim karikaturama koje smo analizirali u radu modificirani idiomatski izrazi igraju važnu ulogu u stvaranju humora. U konceptualnointegracijskim mrežama imamo ulazne prostore koji opisuju bizarne scenarije u uspoređenju s onima uskladivim sa svijetom politike. Kombinacija tih scenarija stvara nesklad u blendu, koji je ključan za stvaranje humorističnog značenja. Pored činjenice da konceptualna integracija može objasniti nastanak humora i stvaranje njegova značenja, također može otkriti zaÅ”to se humor koristi u kritiziranju političke stvarnosti

    Sadia Belkhir (ed.). Cognition and language learning. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2020. Pp. 157

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    Book review. Sadia Belkhir (ed.). Cognition and language learning. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2020. Pp. 157

    Tko je rođen sa srebrenim stopalom u ustima? Modificirani idiomatski izrazi u političkim karikaturama

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    The paper addresses the applicability of conceptual integration theory in the study of political cartoons, actually the role of modified idiomatic expressions in the process of cartoon appreciation. In the political cartoons that were analyzed, modified idiomatic expressions are the crucial components producing humorous effects. In our conceptual integration networks we have input spaces that describe bizarre scenarios in comparison to those that are compatible with the world of politics. It is the combination of those scenarios that creates incongruity within the blended space. The incongruity produces humorous effects. Apart from the fact that conceptual blending can explain the creation of humor and its meaning, it can also reveal why humor is an effective means of criticizing political reality.U radu se ispituje primjenljivost teorije konceptualne integracije u analizi političkih karikatura, odnosno uloga modificiranih idiomatskih izraza u procesu razumijevanja karikatura. U političkim karikaturama koje smo analizirali u radu modificirani idiomatski izrazi igraju važnu ulogu u stvaranju humora. U konceptualnointegracijskim mrežama imamo ulazne prostore koji opisuju bizarne scenarije u uspoređenju s onima uskladivim sa svijetom politike. Kombinacija tih scenarija stvara nesklad u blendu, koji je ključan za stvaranje humorističnog značenja. Pored činjenice da konceptualna integracija može objasniti nastanak humora i stvaranje njegova značenja, također može otkriti zaÅ”to se humor koristi u kritiziranju političke stvarnosti

    What is advertising without blending? Advertisments in womenā€™s magazines

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    Conceptual integration theory, proposed by Fauconnier and Turner in 1993, has been successfully used in the study of a wide range of phenomena of human thought and action, from counterfactuals to met-aphors, proving blending to be present in the simplest kinds of human thinking. In that sense, conceptual integration theory has emerged as a powerful theory that can account for a wide variety of linguistic and non-linguistic phenomena. Therefore, it is not surprising that conceptual integration theory has found its application in the study of advertising. Advertising requires both conscious and subconscious mental interpretation of the hidden messages. The primary objective of this paper is to show that conceptual integration theory is equipped with the mechanisms that can explain the construction of the meaning of text-image advertisements. Specifically, analyzing several text-image advertisements in womenā€™s magazines, this paper attempts to explore to what extent hidden cognitive mechanisms involved in the interpretation of advertising can be explained using the postulates of conceptual integration theory


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    Applying conceptual blending theory, the paper analyses the construction of the meaning of a satirical text ridiculing the language employed by politicians to frame the debate on current political and social issues. In particular, it focuses on the language used by Donald Trump in explaining his anti-immigration stances through a poem based on the fable about the farmer and the viper, and a satirical text providing a new version of the poem, which criticizes Trumpā€™s immigration policy. The paper examines the creation of the humorous meaning of the text in conceptual blending. The humorous meaning is created in the blended space due to the unusual combination of related structures, which results in incongruity (Coulson 2002; MarĆ­n-Arrese 2003). Furthermore, as blending can be used as a rhetorical tool influencing the audience to change the reality and even act upon it (Coulson 2006; Coulson & Oakley 2006; Coulson & Pascual 2006; Oakley & Coulson 2008), the analysis of the construction of the meaning of the satirical text as a product of conceptual blending can reveal rhetorical and argumentative goals in political discourse.Primjenjujući teoriju konceptualne integracije, u ovom se radu analizira nastajanje značenja satiričkog teksta koji ismijava jezik kojim se koriste političari kako bi uobličili rasprave o trenutačnim političkim i druÅ”tvenim problemima. Rad se bavi jezikom kojim se koristi Donald Trump kako bi predstavio svoje antiimigracijske stavove pjesmom temeljenom na basni o farmeru i zmiji i satiričnim tekstom koji daje novu verziju pjesme, te kritizira Trumpovu politiku vezanu za imigraciju. Rad istražuje nastajanje humorističnog značenja ovog teksta u konceptualnoj integraciji. Ovo značenje nastaje u integriranom prostoru zbog neobične kombinacije povezanih struktura Å”to rezultira nastajanjem nekongruentnosti u integriranom prostoru (Coulson 2002; MarĆ­n-Arrese 2003). Nadalje, kako se blending može koristiti kao retoričko sredstvo koje može utjecati na javnost da promijeni stvarnost, čak i da djeluje (Coulson 2006; Coulson i Oakley 2006; Coulson i Pascual 2006; Oakley i Coulson 2008), analiza nastajanja značenja ovog satiričnog teksta kao proizvoda konceptualne integracije može otkriti retoričke ciljeve u političkom diskurs

    Computer assisted language learning in English language classrooms in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The paper examines the application of computer assisted language learning (CALL) in English language classes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research was designed as an empirical exami-nation of the attitudes of teachers and students on the successful application of computer assisted language learning in English language classrooms in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lack of moti-vation is one the problems that most teachers are faced with. There are many causes of poor motivation, but one of them is certainly the unattractiveness and dullness of traditional methods, teaching materials and resources. However, many authors with educational experience point out that the use of information technology can positively influence students\u27 motivation and encourage them to work actively. While adults, as digital immigrants, might not use modern information technology excessively, children and teens are true digital natives, who have grown up with the latest technologies and use them with great pleasure in all aspects of their lives adapting them to their needs (Prensky, 2001). The results obtained in this research are an indicator of the current attitude of teachers and students towards these issues, but they also highlight some important necessary reforms in the field of teacher education


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    The paper represents an attempt to reveal the internal choreography of idiom modification. It is argued that modified idiomatic expressions can be explained using the postulates of the Conceptual Integration Theory. Optimality principles and vital relations, proposed by Fauconnier and Turner, clarify and regulate the relations within the conceptual integration network. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the extent to which vital relations and optimality principles at work in conceptual integration can account for mechanisms of idiom modification.U srediŔtu je pozornosti ovog rada otkrivanje unutraŔnje kognitivne koreografije modificiranih idiomatskih izraza. Smatra se da se modificirani idiomatski izrazi mogu objasniti teorijom konceptualne integracije čiji su tvorci Fauconnier i Turner. Principi optimalnosti i vitalni odnosi, ravnaju odnosima unutar integracijskih mreža. Glavni je cilj ovog rada utvrditi u kojoj mjeri vitalni odnosi zajedno s principima optimalnosti mogu pojasniti mehanizme modifikacije idioma