121 research outputs found

    Possibilities of maize hybrids utilization in canned baby corn production

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    Five maize hybrids were used in this research: two yellow and one white dent, sweet hybrid, and yellow popcorn. Five brine recipes with acetic acid were examined, of which two with the addition of potassium sorbate. The brines with preservatives were stable for 16 months without colour changes of the liquid and corn cobs. The pH of brines ranged from 3.39 to 3.89. Canned hybrids ZP 366 and ZP 611k in brine without sugar, and with the addition of potassium sorbate and potassium metabisulfite marked as Number 5, showed the best sensory characteristics. The protein content determined in ZP 366 (9.56 %) and ZP 611k (10.23 %) did not vary significantly compared to whole-grain maize flour, while crude fibre content (7.67 and 6.88 %), and ash content (21.96 and 20.72 %) were significantly higher than in flour (crude fibre: 2.40; 2.64 %, ash:1.35; 1.48 %, respectively). This research will be continued in order to implement preliminary findings and new data on this subjec

    Determination relevant breeding criteria by the path and factor analysis in maize

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    In the process of plant breeding the application of relevant breeding criteria is very important. The Path analysis is broadly applied with the aim to define yield components that mostly determine the yield and that can be used as quality breeding criteria. However, the significance of revealed relationships between yield and yield components can be affected by various factors, such as diverse genetic material that is observed, traits included into analysis, environments in which the material is observed, as well as, the applied statistic approach to determine the nature of the relationships itself. The interrelationships of yield and yield components of 15 commercial maize hybrids were observed using the Path and factor analyses. According to results of Path analysis, plant height, ear diameter and grain moisture had highly significant genetic and phenotypic direct effects on grain yield. At the same time, factor analysis points out significant effects of two factors on grain yield. Factor 1 was mostly determined by ear length and number of kernels per row, while grain moisture content, ear and cob diameter mostly determined Factor 2

    Heritabilitet, fenotipske i genetske korelacije intenziteta porasta i mesnatosti svinja

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    The five year study included two genotypes of gilts of performance tested gilts, Swedish landrace and crosses F1 generation SLxLY. Of total number (n=3600), 1709 animals were genotype SL and 1891 animals were genotype SLxLY. Measuring of back fat thickness in the loin part (FT1), between 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, 7cm laterally to the back line; back fat thickness (FT2) and depth of the musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) between the 3rd and 4th rib from the rear, 7cm laterally to the back line. Assessment of meat yield was done using the ultrasonograph apparatus Piglog 105. In regard to meat yield indicators, medium heritability values were established for FT1 h2=0.461, and high values for FT2 h2=0.639, and for meat yield h2=0.633. Low heritability was established for depth of MLD (h2=0.105), life daily gain (h2=0.110) and age at the end of test (h2=0.103). Established phenotypic correlations between fat thickness FT1 and FT2 were strong (rp=0.638); between fat thickness and meat yield very strong (rp=-0.880 to -0.895), and between fat thickness and MLD very weak and negative (rg=-0.103 to -0.216). Genetic correlations were stronger than phenotypic, so between fat thickness FT1 and FT2 the correlation was complete/full (rg=0.930), also between fat thickness and meat yield (rg=-0.979 to -0.982), whereas the correlation between fat thickness and MLD was strong and negative (rg=-0.627 to -0.653). Heritability values for fat thickness and meat yield show that these traits have high level of heritability and are transfered to the progeny, whereas the level and strength of their dependance show that by decreasing the fat thickness positive influences is exhibited on meat yield, and that by increasing of depth of MLD also the meat yield is increased.PetogodiÅ”njim istraživanjem su bila obuhvaćena dva genotipa nazimica Å”vedski landras i melezi F1 generacije Å LxVJ. Od ukupnog broja (n=3600) istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 1709 grla genotipa Å L i 1891 grla genotipa Å LxVJ. Merenje debljine leđne slanine i dubine musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) i procena mesnatosti je obavljeno ultrazvučnim aparatom Piglog 105. Za pokazatelje mesnatosti utvrđeni su srednji heritabiliteti za SL1 h2=0,461, a visoki za SL2 h2=0,639, i za mesnatost h2=0,633. Nizak heritabilitet utvrđen je za dubinu MLD-a (h2=0,105), životni dnevni prirast (h2=0,110) i za uzrast (h2=0,103). Utvrđene fenotipske korelacije između debljine slanine SL1 i SL2 su jake (rp=0,638); između debljine slanine i mesnatosti korelacije su vrlo jake (rp=-0,880 do -0,895), dok su između debljine slanine i MLD-a jako slabe i negativne (rg=-0,103 do -0,216). Genetske korelacije su jače od fenotipskih, tako da je između debljine slanine korelacija potpuna (rg=0,930), kao i između debljine slanine i mesnatosti (rg=-0,979 do -0,982), dok je korelacija jaka i negativna između debljine slanine i MLD-a (rg=-0,627 do -0,653). PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 31081

    The plus-hybrid effect on the grain yield of two ZP maize hybrids

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    Bozinovic S., J.Vancetovic, M.Babic, M.Filipovic and N.Delic (2010): The plus-hybrid effect on the grain yield of two ZP maize hybrids-Genetika, Vol 42, No. 3,475 -484. The combined effect of cytoplasmic male sterility and xenia on maize hybrid traits is referred to as the plus-hybrid effect. Two studied ZP hybrids differently responded to this effect for grain yield. All plus-hybrid combinations of the firstly observed hybrid had a higher yield than their fertile counterparts, but not significantly, while only one combination of the second hybrid positively responded, also without statistical significance. It seems that the observed effect mostly depended on the genotype of the female component

    The Impact of Quality Management Purchasing Practices on Purchasing Performance in Transitional Economies

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    This study examines the nature of relationships between quality management practices in purchasing and purchasing-related organisational performance within ISO 9001:2008 environment in transitional economies. The study was based on managersā€™ responses from 90 ISO 9001:2008 certified large organisations from Serbia. The findings show that quality management practices in purchasing positively affect purchasing performance. Further, purchasing performance is found to be a significant mediator between quality management practices and time-based performance. However, despite the overall good predictive model power, the explained variance on time-based performance is quite low. Thus, the effects on time-based performance are arguable. PLS-SEM Importance-performance analysis reveals that purchasing performance, cross-functional coordination and personnel management have relatively high performance, while benchmarking has the lowest value of the performance index. Consequently, the implementation of quality management practices in purchasing along with ISO 9001:2008 might be a part of a good strategic choice for transitional organisations to overcome troublesome transitional times. Still, the discrepancies between this study and the results from developed economies yield potential improvement areas on how organisations in transitional economies should manage purchasing practices

    The identification of bands related to yields and stability in maize hybrids and their parental components

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    Geneticists have been trying to explain adaptability and stability of a genotype in terms of a desirable combination of alleles expressed via epistasis. Stability determined in one set of data is very often stability of a genotype to a prevalent stress factor in a moment of carrying out the experiment. However, grain stability of a certain genotype can be a result of different factors, such as tolerance to drought, or to some important diseases and pests. Yield and yield stability of 15 maize hybrids were observed in 24 environments. The level of the interaction effect of studied maize hybrids was identified by the AMMI analysis, while a number of bands positively related to yield and stability of studied maize hybrids were identified by a genetic characterisation by RAPD markers. Bands positively related to yields were present to a greater extent in parents originating from the BSSS population, while bands positively related to stability were more present in parents originating from the Lancaster population

    Pat analiza za zapreminu kokičavosti, prinos zrna i komponente prinosa zrna kokičara (Zea mays L. everta)

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    Five maize inbred lines, ZPNP11, Sg1533, ZPLP2/1, ZPK18 and ZPK6, were used for this study. The dilled cross with n(n-l)/2 combinations was performed and 10 Fl hybrids were analyzed in parallel trials in two locations (Zemun Polje and Indjija). The two factorial analysis of variance and covariance, model II, was used for data processing and therefore separation of variance components (genetic, ecological, phenotypic) and the estimation of coefficients of genetic and phenotypic correlations among studied traits (popping volume, grain yield, number of kernel rows per ear, number of kernels per row, number of kernels per 10 grams, kernel depth). The coefĀ­ficients of variation and heritability were also computed. Beside the degree of compatibility between the two traits (correlation coefficient), the path analysis (Wright, 1934) provided a more detailed consideration of the relation.: among observed traits. The estimation of standardized regression coefficients (path coefficients) was done by the method of inversion correlation symmetrical matrixes (Edwards. 1979) Popping volume, as the most important trait in popcorn breeding is used as a dependent variable (v). The results obtained by the path analysis point to the complexity of relations between popping volume, as a dependent variable, and independent variables, as well as to the character of relations among independent variables. Path analysis is a form of the regression analysis providing comprehension of the direct and indirect effects, as well as the share of joint effects (determinaĀ­tion) of independent variables (x1, x2, ... xn) on the dependent variable (y). The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate effects of grain yield and grain yield components on popping volume. It was assumed that some of the selected traits, as independent variables, significantly affected grain yield as the dependent variable. The highest correlation dependence (genetic and phenotypic) was detected between popĀ­ping volume and the number of kernel per row(rg=0.82**, rf=0.75**). The direct genetic effects (path coefficients) were higher and more significant than phenotypic ones. The highest direct genotypic effect on popping volume was detected for the number of kernel per row (Pyg3 = 1.04**) and number of kernel row per ear (Pyg4=1.00**). Negative direct genetic effect was found for grain yield (Pyg1=-1.33**) and number of kernels per 10 grams Pyg4 = -0.48**. The coefficients of determination, especially genetic one were not high (Rg2 = 0.31, Rf2 = 0.73) which indicate that studied traits do not determine popping volume at a great extent, so selection of genotypes with high popping volume could be done regardless grain yield and grain yield components. Direct phenotypic effects were lower and not significant.Pet linija kukuruza: ZPN11, Sg1533, ZPLP2/1, ZPK18 i ZPK6 su upotrebljene za ovo istraživanje. Dialelno ukrÅ”tanje sa n(n-1)/2 kombinacija urađeno je između ovih linija, a 10 njihovih F1 hibrida je ispitivano u uporednim ogledima u dve lokacije (Zemun Polje i Indija). Za obradu podataka koriŔćena je dvofaktorijalna analiza varijanse i kovarijanse, model II, kao i za razdvajanje komponenti varijanse (genetička, spoljne sredine, fenotipska) i procenti koeficijenata genetičkih i fenotipskih korelacija između ispitivanih osobina (zapremina kokičavosti, prinos zrna, broj redova zrna, broj zrna u redu, broj zrna u 10 g, debljina zrna). Takođe su utvrđeni koeficijenti varijacije i heritabilnost. Osim stepena saglasnosti između dvc osobine (koeficijent korelacije), pat analiza (Wright 1934) pruža detaljniji uvid u odnose između ispitivanih osobina. Procene standardizovanih regresionih koeficijenata (pat koeficijenti) su urađene po metodi inverznib korelacionih simetričnih matrica (Edwards 1979) - Zapremina kokičavosti, kao najhitnija osobina u selekciji kokičara, iskoriŔćena je kao zavisna promenljiva (y). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na složenost odnosa između zapremine kokičavosti, kao zavisne promenljive, i nezavisnih promenljivih, kao i na karakter odnosa između nezavisnih promenljivih. Pat analiza je oblik regresione analize koji omogućuje procenu direktnih i indirektnih efekata, kao i udeo zajedničkih efekata (determinacija) nezavisnih promenljivih (x1, x2,...xn) na zavisnu promenljivu (y). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde i procene efekti prinosa zrna i komponenti pritiosa zrna na zapreminu kokičavosti. Pretpostavilo se da neke od odabranih osobina, kao nezavisne promenljive, značajno utiču na prinos zrna kao zavisnu varijablu. NajviÅ”a korelaciona zavisnost (genetička i fenotipska) utvrđena je između zapremine kokičavosti i broja zrna u redu (rg=0,82**, rj=0,75**). Direktni genetički efekti (pat koeficijenti) bili su veći i značajniji od fenotipskih. Najveći direktan genotipski efekat na zapreminu kokičavosti bio je za broj zrna u redu (Pyg3 = 1,04**) i broj redova zrna (Pyg4 = l,00**). Negativan direktni genetički efekat nađen je za prinos zrna (Pyg4=-1,33**) i broj zrna u 10 g (Pyg4=-0,48**). Koeficijenti determinacije, posebno genetički, nisu bili visoki (Rg2=0,31; Rf=0,73), Å”to ukazuje na to da ispitivane osobine ne utiču mnogo na zapreminu kokičavosti, tako da bi selekcija genotipova sa visokom zapreminom kokičavosti mogla biti urađena bez obzira na prinos zrna i neke komponente prinosa zrna. Direktni fenotipski efekti bili su niži i nisu bili značajni

    Efekti promena u tilakoidnim membranama - mera za ocenu otpornosti i adaptivnosti inbred linija kukuruza prema visokim temperaturama

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    The chlorophyll delayed fluorescence (DF) method, as a non-invasive bioluminescence method, is recommended for application in maize breeding and seed production in order to evaluate maize inbred lines for resistance and adaptability to increased and high temperatures. The following thermal properties of the photosynthetic apparatus of the studied maize inbred lines have been determined: the temperature dependence within a range of 23-60Ā°C; critical temperatures at which phase transitions occur in the thylakoid membrane were established and by means of it significant functional changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of the investigated maize inbred lines were detected. Activation energies (Ea, kJ mol-1) along- side the straight lines prior and after critical temperatures were calculated. Ea is a measure of occurrence of chlorophyll DF recombination processes and, simultaneously, a measure of total changes in the structure and functioning of thylakoid membranes. Thylakoid membranes in maize inbred lines underwent significant conformational changes in the part following the maximum intensity, i.e. in the part of its sharp linear decline. Such a state fits more a non-living than a living organism in relation to its both, structure and functions. The presented parameters of total thermal processes of chlorophyll DF such as temperature dependence, critical temperatures and activation energy can be an important factor for a more exact characterization of maize inbred lines in relation to their resistance and adaptation to increased and high temperatures, contributing to a more rapid and rational development of the selection process.Metod o zakasneloj fluorescenciji hlorofila, kao neinvazivni bioluminiscentni metod, kandiduje se za primenu u oplemenjivanju i semenarstvu radi utvrđivanja ocene inbred linija kukuruza na otpornost i adaptivnost prema viÅ”im i visokim temperaturama. Utvrđene su termalne karakteristike fotosintetičnog aparata proučavanih samooplodnih linija kukuruza i to: - temperaturna zavisnost u opsegu 23Ā°S-60Ā°S; - vrednosti za kritične temperature na kojima dolazi do manjih i većih strukturnih promena u tilakoidnim membranama, - vrednosti za energije aktivacije (Ea, kJ/mol) duž pravih linija pre i posle pojave kritične temperature u termalnom procesu. Utvrđena je različita monotonost u rastućem i opadajućem delu intenziteta termalne krive, Å”to ukazuje na nejednaku otpornost i adaptiranost ispitivanih samooplodnih linija kukuruza prema viÅ”im i visokim temperaturama. Proučavane samooplodne linije kukuruza u odnosu na njihovu otpornost prema viÅ”im i visokim temperaturama rangiraju se na sledeći način: - pokazano je da je samooplodna linija kukuruza ZPPL 52 vrlo otporna prema visokim temperaturama, - samooplodne linije kukuruza ZZPL 14 i N 108 imaju zadovoljavajuću otpornost prema visokim temperaturama

    Značaj provere i korekcije u procesu fenotipske karakterizacije genotipova kukuruza po principima UPOV-og deskriptora

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    The protection of breeders rights provides the chance to establish the exclusive right which will enhance the chances for protection of intellectual property and therefore provide the greater accumulation of the necessary founds for the further investments in the area of plant breeding. Concerning this UPOV has established detail guidelines for conduction of DUS tests for more then 170 plant species. Considering that the living systems are in the constant interaction with the environment, and most of the traits are polygenic, mistakes are always possible, regardless of the very precisely established procedures for description of traits in the Guidelines. On the other hand the subjectivity of the human factor is always present. Errors could be the result of the mistakes in writing during the estimation in the field or while transferring the data into the computer. Also errors could occur as the replacement of the estimates between two neighboring plots. Specificity of genotype and missing estimate could also enter confusion in the evaluation of traits. Application of some cultural practices, especially herbicides applied after seedling emergences, could lead to the false estimate. Assuring the timely detection of the false estimate and its verifying and correction, during the experiment, is of a great importance, so that errors could be avoided in characterization of genotype and in the estimate of its distinctness, uniformity and stability.ZaÅ”tita prava oplemenjivača daje mogućnost da se obezbedi jedno pouzdano ekskluzivno pravo koje će poboljÅ”ati Å”anse da se u ovoj oblasti omogući zaÅ”tita intelektualne svojine i samim tim da se poveća Å”ansa za akumulaciju potrebnih sredstava za dalje investicije u ovoj oblasti. U svrhu ove zaÅ”tite UPOV ustanovljava detaljna uputstva za sprovođenje DUS testova za viÅ”e od 170 biljnih vrsta. Najveći broj svojstava neke individue je kontrolisan većim brojem gena i u stalnoj su interakciji sa spoljaÅ”njom sredinom. Sa druge strane uvek je prisutan subjektivni ljudski faktor. Iako su precizno ustanovljeni stadijumi ekspresije svojstava u Vodičima za testiranje, kao i Å”to su i jasno definisani eksperimentalni i statistički dizajni greÅ”ke su uvek moguće. Veoma je važno u toku samog eksperimenta obezbediti pravovremeno otkrivanje pogreÅ”ne ocene i njenu proveru i korekciju kako bi se izbegle greÅ”ke u karakterizaciji genotipa i oceni njegove različitosti, uniformnosti i stabilnosti

    Relationship between genetic distance, specific combining abilities and heterosis in maize (zea mays l.)

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    Six maize inbred lines for which we assumed that have a similar genetic BACKGROUND: were selected for the study. Inbred lines were crossed according to incomplete diallel design and fifteen hybrid combinations were obtained. Hybrid combinations and their parental lines were used in our study. The objective of the study was to examine genetic polymorphism of parental lines, as well as to determine relationships between SSR genetic distance and values of high parent heterosis and specific combining abilities for grain yield. By using 19 SSR primers we classified inbred lines in two groups. First cluster consists of inbred lines L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5, while inbred line L6 formed second cluster, indicating different heterotic BACKGROUND: in comparison to the other five inbred lines. The Spearman's correlation coefficients between SSR based genetic distance and specific combining abilities for grain yield had a value of (r=0,53*), while positive correlation were also found between genetic distance and high parent heterosis (r=0,57*)
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