123 research outputs found

    La enseñanza de metodología de la investigación en las Escuelas de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de USA Gran Bretaña y Canada

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    The teaching of research metodology in USA, Great Britain and Canada is studied

    Los métodos de investigación empleados en la literatura producida en Biblioteconomía y Documentación[Comunicación].

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    An analysis of research methods used in Library and Information science is presented

    Las cifras de la documentación en España: 2002

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    The state of the Spanish LIS profession and specialities in 2002 is reviewed. Statistical data is provided about both the number and type of Spanish libraries and archives as well as of practising professionals, according to geographic distribution, training and job description. Spanish library and information authorities are identified as well as professional associations and learned societies and conferences held. University education is also examined with descriptions of existing institutions, degree levels and data on student enrolment and teachers. The primary media for professional communication are described, in particular, publishers, bulletins, scientific journals and electronic fora. Publishing output is quantified: books, journal articles, and conference papers both at national and international levels. Finally, research in the field is analysed through the total of Ph. D. dissertations presented, research articles published and research projects funded

    Las revistas científicas españolas de ciencias de la salud en 1993.

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    An analysis about spanish scientific journals in health sciences in 1993 is presented

    Las revistas científicas españolas de ciencias de la salud en 1993.

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    An analysis about spanish scientific journals in health sciences in 1993 is presented

    Los métodos de investigación empleados en la literatura producida en Biblioteconomía y Documentación[Comunicación].

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    An analysis of research methods used in Library and Information science is presented

    Las cifras de la documentación en España: 2002

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    The state of the Spanish LIS profession and specialities in 2002 is reviewed. Statistical data is provided about both the number and type of Spanish libraries and archives as well as of practising professionals, according to geographic distribution, training and job description. Spanish library and information authorities are identified as well as professional associations and learned societies and conferences held. University education is also examined with descriptions of existing institutions, degree levels and data on student enrolment and teachers. The primary media for professional communication are described, in particular, publishers, bulletins, scientific journals and electronic fora. Publishing output is quantified: books, journal articles, and conference papers both at national and international levels. Finally, research in the field is analysed through the total of Ph. D. dissertations presented, research articles published and research projects funded

    Cocinando ranking de universidades. [Ponencia].

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    An analysis of university rankings is presented

    Presentación del "Manual de estilo de la lengua española" de José Martínez de Sousa

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    A presentation of the book "Manual de estilo de la lengua española" written by José Martínez de Sousa is presented