9 research outputs found

    A Study on the Fifth Semester Students\u27 Reading Strategies at the English Study Program of Riau University

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    The objective of this descriptive research was to find out about students\u27 reading strategies in their reading activities, inside and outside the classrom. The sample of this research was the fifth semester students of English Department of Riau University. There were 65 students participated as the sample of this research. The data were quantitative and the instrument of the research was a questionnaire which consists of 28 questions regarding the reading strategies they use inside and outside the class. The data were analyzed by calculating the score of the students in answering the questionnaire and classifying them to a certain category using Sugiono formula (2012). The results were that out of 65 students, the students\u27 response is strongly agree with the reading strategies such as: Identifying the purpose in reading (81,23%), using different silent reading techniques for relatively rapid reading (80,61%), analyzing vocabulary (80%), and guessing when we are not certain(80,30%). After that, the students\u27 response is agree such as : Using graphemic rules and patterns to aid in bottom-up reading (76%), skimming the text for main ideas (73,23%), scanning the text for specific information (73,53%), using semantic mapping or clustering (70,76%), distinguishing between literal and implied meanings (75,07%), and capitalizing on discourse markers to process relationships (74,15). This research recommended that the students to find out the suitable reading strategies for doing their reading activities. Further research can focus on studying each subtopic in details

    A Study on the Ability on the Fourth Semester Students of English Study Program of University of Riau in Using Reduced Adverb Clauses in Sentences

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    This descriptive study aimed to find out the ability of fourth semester students of English Study Program of University of Riau in using reduced adverb clauses in sentences, and to analyze kinds of students\u27 difficulties in using reduced adverb clauses in sentences. This study was based on the students\u27 problem where they were still confused in using reduced adverb clauses in sentences even they had learnt it on second and third semesters. They will have any subject in the next semester that related to this topic, in this case that is TOEFL Preparation. Therefore, it was needed to do some research in order to know their abilities in using reduced adverb clauses in sentences. This research was conducted in two sessions; try out and real test. The instruments of this study were 40 questions and it was in transformation/ changing the passage test. The research finding shows that fourth semester students of English Study Program of University of Riau were still less average in using reduced adverb clauses. Their mean score was only 48 in the try out test, then in the real test students\u27 mean score was 50. This research also proves that the most difficult kind of reduced adverb clauses for students was reduced in passive since their mean score was only 30. Based on this finding, it was suggested to fourth Semester Students of English Study Program of Teachers\u27 Training and Education Faculty in University of Riau to re read and practice materials about reduced adverb clauses and re recognise and surely practiceabout how to make passive sentence again properly

    The Use of Team Game Tournament (Tgt) to Improve Students' Reading Skill in Narrative Text on the First Grade at SMA N 4 Pekanbaru

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    This research was intended to know whether the use of Team Game Tournament (TGT) can improve students' reading skill in narrative text on the first grade at SMA N 4 Pekanbaru. Besides, this research was also aimed to identify the factors that could improve student's reading skill through narrative text. To collect the quantitative data, the writer used a test consisted of 40 multiple questions in pre-test, post-test I, and post-test II and qualitative data asking the collaborator to fill the observation sheet and field notes. It was proven by the average score of pre-test was 63.05. then in post-test I, it improved to 71.11 and incredibly improved to 80.06 in post-test II. The factors which cause the improvement are as follows: (!) it can improve their high motivation in learning reading; (2) the students used to have higher competition because they had to compete each other in the tournament to answer the questions;(3) the students could have a chance to help the member of the group who didn't understand about the material. Based on the finding, it was concluded that the use of Team Game Tournament (TGT) can improve students' reading skill

    A Study on the Ability of the Second Year Students of Sman 1 Kubu in Reading Comprehension

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Kubu in reading comprehension. This research focuses on students\u27 reading comprehension in terms of finding main ideas, factual information, the meaning of vocabulary, identifying references and making inferences,.The data were collected using reading comprehension test with multiple choice type. The test contained 25 items. The try out was conducted to check the validity and reliability of the test. Based on the research, it was found out that first: the ability of the second year students in reading comprehension is in the mediocre level with the mean score of 54.9. Second, the students\u27 mean score in finding the main idea is in good level with the mean score of 61.47, finding the factual information is in mediocre level with the mean score of 51.76, in finding the meaning of vocabulary is in good level with the mean score of 61.17, in finding references is in mediocre level with the mean score of 53.5, in finding inference is in mediocre level with the mean score of 46.47. As a conclusion, the highest score obtained by the students is in finding main ideas with the mean score of 61,47 which is categorized.into good level , and the lowest score that the students got is in finding inference ,with the mean score of 46.47 which is categorized into mediocre level. This result of this study suggest that the students to learn more about reading comprehension

    Using Story Mapping Strategy to Improve the Ability of the Second Grade Students of SMA Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru in Comprehending Narrative Texts

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    Teachers tend to improve the students' ability by applying strategies. One of them is the topic of this article. This article is based on a research report about using story mapping strategy to improve students' ability in comprehending narrative texts. The aimof this research was to know whether or not using story mapping strategy could improve students' ability in comprehending narrative texts and how it could improve the ability. Classroom action research was designed in two cycles at 39 students of XI-1 Science of SMA Tri Bhakti Pekanbaru as the participant of this research. The data were collected through reading comprehension test, observation sheet, and field note. This research found that story mapping strategy could improve the students' ability in comprehending narrative texts. Students' mean score improved from 40 in pre-test to 66 in post-test 1, and to 79,7 in post-test 2. It is in line with the activeness of students that improved from 83% in cycle 1 to 96,5% in cycle 2. Story mapping strategy helps students in visualizing the narrative texts. It analyzes each part of the story and tells how it relates to each other. The students were introduced to the essential part to make them comprehend the text easily. This research recommended that teachers could use story mapping strategy to improve students' ability in comprehending narrative texts since it was an effective strategy by providing the structure and organization of the texts