5 research outputs found

    Clinical substantiation of a technique of measuring of teeth mobility with an index of bioelectromagnetic tissue reactivity

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    There was made the study of tooth mobility in somatically intact patients aged 34 to 56 years in 3 groups: I group - those with an intact periodontium, II and III groups of patients with chronic generalized moderate periodontitis complicated with partial loss of teeth in the anterior sector of mandible. In the second group as the treatment plan was selected splinting with porcelain fused to metal hard construction (unit of metal-ceramic crowns). The third group had a prosthetic treatment with denture-splint with semi- labile locking system, specifically wire flex was used. The study showed that the most favorable method of splinting is a combination of denture-spiint and FLEX wire.Проведено изучение подвижности зубов у соматически сохранных пациентов в возрасте от 34 до 56 лет в З группах: I группа лица синтактным пародонтом, II и III групп пациентов с хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом средней степени, осложненным частичной потерей зубов в переднем отделе нижней челюсти. Во второй группе в качестве лечебного плана выбрано шинирование жесткой металлокерамической конструкцией (блок металлокерамических коронок). Третья труппа была протезирована шиной-протезом с полулабильной системой фиксации, а именно была использована проволока flex. Исследование показало, что наиболее благоприятным методом шинирования является сочетание шиныпротеза и проволоки FLEX

    Three-dimensional modeling and analysis of the stress-strain state of the teeth, jaw bone and wire - Flex with immobilization of teeth combined tire of their own design

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    By using three-dimensional modeling and analysis of the stress-strain state of the teeth, jaw bone and wire - flex action has been defined occlusal load on the teeth, immobilized with combined tire of our own design, consisting of a block of crowns in combination with wire flex in periodontitis of moderate severity, complicated by small defects in the anterior group of the dentition of the mandible.При помощи трехмерного моделирования и анализа напряженно-деформированного состояния зубов, челюстной кости и проволоки — флекс определено действие окклюзионной нагрузки на зубы, иммобилизированные комбинированной шиной собственной конструкции, состоящей из блока коронок в комбинации с проволокой флекс при пародонтите средней тяжести, осложненном малыми дефектами в переднем отделе зубного ряда нижней челюсти

    Mutual positions of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter from photometric observations during their mutual occultations and eclipses in 1997

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We report the final results of the 1997 campaign of
photometric observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean
satellites carried out at observatories in Kazakhstan, Russia, and
Ukraine. Our results contribute substantially to the
world data bank of such observations
and will allow the model of the motion of Galilean 
satellites to be further refined. To facilitate the use of
photometric data, we reduced them by computing the planetocentric
coordinate differences of satellite pairs for a number of instants
of time so we deduce the differences for one instant from one
observed light curve.
It is these reduced data that constitute the principal result of this work. We based our data reduction on the method which we developed in
earlier papers (Emel'yanov 1999; Emel'yanov 2000). The accuracy of observations was estimated in the process of reduction. The paper also describes the equipment used.

    Mutual positions of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter
from photometric observations during their mutual
occultations and eclipses in 1997

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We report the final results of the 1997 campaign of
photometric observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean
satellites carried out at observatories in Kazakhstan, Russia, and
Ukraine. Our results contribute substantially to the
world data bank of such observations
and will allow the model of the motion of Galilean 
satellites to be further refined. To facilitate the use of
photometric data, we reduced them by computing the planetocentric
coordinate differences of satellite pairs for a number of instants
of time so we deduce the differences for one instant from one
observed light curve.
It is these reduced data that constitute the principal result of this work. We based our data reduction on the method which we developed in
earlier papers (Emel'yanov 1999; Emel'yanov 2000). The accuracy of observations was estimated in the process of reduction. The paper also describes the equipment used.