2,018 research outputs found

    Le bipÎle objet/conduites : réflexions sur l'objectif de la sémiologie musicale

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    Les limites d'une sémiologie de la signification de l'objet musical. Le fait musical comme faisceau de conduites. Objet et conduites, une réalité à deux faces. Le bipÎle objet/conduites comme objet de la sémiologie musicale. Pertinence théorique et conduites- types. La métaphorisation. Sémiologie et psychologie.The limitations of a semiology of signification applied to music as an object. Music as a network of behaviors. Object and behavior, a two-sided reality. The bipolar phenomenon, object/behavior, as object of study within the semiology of music. Theoretical pertinence and typical behaviors Metaphorization. Semiology and psychology

    Towards an Analysis of Compositional Strategies1

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    The author is interested in the process of composing, i.e. the invention of a piece of music from the initial spark of intuition to the final product. His study is based on the “Germinal” project, an experiment in composition involving fourteen composers working with identical technical resources in computer studio 123 of the grm (Groupes de recherches musicales) in Paris in 1985. Their creations all followed a common work schedule in four stages, with each composer adopting a very personal strategy at each of these stages. Describing their strategies amounts to giving an account not only of their actions, but also of the attitudes and decisions that led from an initial project to a final product. Four levels of criteria governing the decision-making process are then proposed: technical quality, grammaticality, the musical idea and the topic. The first two conform to a search for regularity while the latter two suggest a desire for singularity. These levels determine work attitudes in relation to sound and machines, i.e., poietic attitudes. From this comparative study several strategies have emerged, three of which are explained. Finally, the author develops the concept of singularity, which is a central concern of composers, and which may also be viewed as a challenge to computers and music analysis.L’auteur s’intĂ©resse Ă  une analyse de l’acte mĂȘme de composer, ou plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement d’inventer une musique, depuis l’étincelle initiale jusqu’à l’objet fini. L’étude est basĂ©e sur le projet « Germinal », une expĂ©rience de rĂ©alisation mettant en jeu les mĂȘmes ressources du studio informatique 123 du grm (Groupe de recherches musicales) Ă  Paris avec quatorze compositeurs en 1985. Les rĂ©alisations ont toutes suivi un plan de travail commun en quatre Ă©tapes tout en empruntant, pour chaque Ă©tape, des stratĂ©gies trĂšs personnelles de composition. DĂ©crire ces stratĂ©gies revient Ă  rendre compte de l’histoire rĂ©elle non seulement des actes, mais aussi des attitudes et des dĂ©cisions qui mĂšnent d’un projet initial Ă  un objet final. L’auteur Ă©tudie ensuite les quatre niveaux de critĂšres qui prĂ©sident Ă  la prise de dĂ©cision : la qualitĂ© technique, la grammaticalitĂ©, l’idĂ©e musicale, le propos. Les deux premiers expriment la recherche de rĂ©gularitĂ© alors que les deux derniers manifestent un souci de singularitĂ©. Ces niveaux dĂ©terminent des attitudes de travail face au son et aux machines — les attitudes poĂŻĂ©tiques. De cette Ă©tude comparative se dĂ©gagent plusieurs stratĂ©gies, dont trois sont exposĂ©es. L’auteur dĂ©veloppe enfin le concept de singularitĂ©, central dans les prĂ©occupations des compositeurs, et qui constitue une sorte de dĂ©fi Ă  l’informatique et Ă  l’analyse

    Nearly Tight Convergence Bounds for Semi-discrete Entropic Optimal Transport

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    We derive nearly tight and non-asymptotic convergence bounds for solutions of entropic semi-discrete optimal transport. These bounds quantify the stability of the dual solutions of the regularized problem (sometimes called Sinkhorn potentials) w.r.t. the regularization parameter, for which we ensure a better than Lipschitz dependence. Such facts may be a first step towards a mathematical justification of annealing or Δ\varepsilon-scaling heuristics for the numerical resolution of regularized semi-discrete optimal transport. Our results also entail a non-asymptotic and tight expansion of the difference between the entropic and the unregularized costs

    Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in polypropylene via multilayer coextrusion: Influence on the mechanical properties

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    The authors would like to thank PSA for funding this research and providing some of the materials used in this study. We also would like to thank R. GlĂ©nat, P. Soria, E. Dandeu, A. Grand- montagne and A. Dubruc for their help in the preparation and the optical and mechanical characterizations of the samples presented in this study.Multilayer coextrusion was used to disperse Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) in polypropylene (PP). The dilution of commercially available masterbatches using a twin-screw extruder was first applied to produce several formulations, which were then mixed with PP using a multilayer coextrusion device to obtain films or pellets with CNT concentrations between 0.1 and 1%wt. The influence of the specific mechanical energy (SME) during the dilution step, of the addition of a compatibilizer, and of the multilayer tool on the CNT dispersion within the matrix was highlighted. The effect of the dispersion on the thermomechanical properties of the resulting materials was studied. We showed notably that films containing 0.2%wt CNT, 1%wt of PPgAm, prepared at high SME presented a Young’s modulus increase of 25e30% without significant decrease in the elongation at break. These results, using low amounts of CNT and industrially available devices, may show a new path for producing nanocomposites

    Émile-Justin Menier, un chocolatier en RĂ©publique. Les controverses sur la lĂ©gitimitĂ© de la compĂ©tence d’un industriel dans la France des annĂ©es 1870

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    La transition institutionnelle des annĂ©es 1870, du second Empire Ă  la troisiĂšme RĂ©publique, permet l’irruption de nouvelles figures sur la scĂšne politique. Émile-Justin Menier, un industriel qui a fait fortune dans la fabrication du chocolat sous le second Empire, entre en politique en 1871 et s’engage dans le camp rĂ©publicain. Cet article s’intĂ©resse au processus par lequel cet homme d’affaires est parvenu Ă  convertir en peu de temps ses ressources entrepreneuriales en ressources politiques et Ă©lectorales. En cumulant une implantation locale forte dans le dĂ©partement de la Seine-et-Marne avec un accĂšs direct au centre du pouvoir, Menier s’impose comme une figure originale de la mouvance rĂ©publicaine, Ă  la charniĂšre de l’économie, de la science et de la politique. Les controverses et les rĂ©sistances qui accompagnent sa carriĂšre Ă©lective et son projet d’impĂŽt unique sur le capital rĂ©vĂšlent les difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es dans le processus de lĂ©gitimation de la compĂ©tence des industriels et des commerçants, et permettent de mieux saisir les mĂ©canismes par lesquels les professionnels de la politique s’efforcent de marginaliser les nouveaux entrants dans l’arĂšne politique. La trajectoire sociale et politique de Menier, au-delĂ  de son cas individuel, illustre enfin les transformations de l’idĂ©ologie et de la politique rĂ©publicaine, et inaugure une nouvelle forme de reprĂ©sentation des intĂ©rĂȘts en politique, en imposant l’usage d’une nouvelle catĂ©gorie, le « contribuable », dans l’espace public

    UEFA Euro 2004 Tourism Impact Analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is exactly to approximate the tourism economic impact of the UEFA Euro 2004 in Portugal. The survey concentrates on the immediate, direct and short-term additional revenue brought into one region by the foreign sport event spectators. One innovating aspect of this paper is the direct data collection on the foreign visitors spending, contouring simulation and forecast problems. Results show an immediate short-term return investment costs generated an immediate and short-term revenue of less than one tenth of the investment costs and overall revenue leakage (or income export) of nearly 325% (50,142 million Euro) of the revenue within the defined regional spatial circuit.UEFA Euro 2004, tourism impact of major sport events, sport event tourism.

    La Belle Époque des inĂ©galitĂ©s:L'État, l'impĂŽt et la peur du socialisme

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    La dĂ©mocratie politique et le suffrage universel doivent-ils conduire Ă  l’intervention de l’État en faveur d’une plus grande Ă©galitĂ© des conditions ? Le dĂ©bat, toujours d’actualitĂ©, se noue Ă  la fin du XIXe siĂšcle, avec l’enracinement de la IIIe RĂ©publique et des institutions dĂ©mocratiques, dans le contexte de la « premiĂšre mondialisation ». De longue date, les rĂ©publicains ont promu l’idĂ©e selon laquelle l’État devait permettre de rĂ©duire les inĂ©galitĂ©s entre riches et pauvres, par l’adoption de mesures de redistribution (fiscale et sociale), la rĂ©glementation du droit du travail ou le dĂ©veloppement de services publics accessibles Ă  tous (...)

    UEFA Euro 2004 Visitors Analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish the profile of the foreign visitor that attended the UEFA Euro 2004 Championship in Portugal, namely in the Minho region. Data were collected through a one-to-one inquiry carried out before the matches that took place in Braga e GuimarĂŁes. The survey instrument included aspects like the visitorsÂŽpast comsumption behaviour, media audience and live attendance sport habits. The results we got show that sport event tourists living in countries with higher per capita income spent more in the UEFA Euro 2004. They also stayed in country longer than other visitors. Other valuable information for both tourism operators and tournament managers we got is that most sport event tourists decided to overnight on sites with efficient and direct accesses to the matches. Otherwise, they may be characterized as usual sport consumers in terms of active and passive sport comsumption behaviour. The return of visitors to the sites where the UEFA Euro 2004 took place remains unsolved. Future studies should concentrate on community reimbursement and mid/long term benefits.UEFA Euro 2004, economic impact of major sport events, sports tourism.

    Temperature dependence of exciton recombination in semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We study the excitonic recombination dynamics in an ensemble of (9,4) semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes by high sensitivity time-resolved photo-luminescence experiments. Measurements from cryogenic to room temperature allow us to identify two main contributions to the recombination dynamics. The initial fast decay is temperature independent and is attributed to the presence of small residual bundles that create external non-radiative relaxation channels. The slow component shows a strong temperature dependence and is dominated by non-radiative processes down to 40 K. We propose a quantitative phenomenological modeling of the variations of the integrated photoluminescence intensity over the whole temperature range. We show that the luminescence properties of carbon nanotubes at room temperature are not affected by the dark/bright excitonic state coupling

    De l'Ăźle de RĂ© Ă  l’üle d’Arros:RĂ©cits, symboles et statistiques dans l'expĂ©rience du bouclier fiscal (2005-2011)

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    Comment expliquer que des responsables politiques puissent conduire des politiques fiscales Ă  l’avantage des plus riches, tout en obtenant l’assentiment de la majoritĂ© de la population ? À travers l’étude de la genĂšse puis de la suppression du bouclier fiscal, entre 2005 et 2011, cet article montre comment ses promoteurs ont su utiliser les symboles, les rĂ©cits et les statistiques pour maintenir un voile d’ignorance quant Ă  la position sociale des bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires. D’instrument destinĂ© Ă  protĂ©ger les contribuables de l’impĂŽt, ce dispositif est pourtant devenu en quelques annĂ©es l’incarnation du clientĂ©lisme politique. Les symboles offrent des ressources pour la construction des problĂšmes publics, mais peuvent aussi devenir des stigmates lorsque la rĂ©alitĂ© se rĂ©vĂšle trop Ă©loignĂ©e de la fiction imaginĂ©e. Cette Ă©tude met ainsi en lumiĂšre la dimension dynamique et Ă©volutive de la construction des problĂšmes publics.Political science has been struggling for a number of years with a democratic puzzle: how is it that upwardly-redistributive policies, which grant significant tax cuts to rich people, seem to be supported by a majority of voters? Is this due to misinformation, political obfuscation, or a shift in the moral attitudes towards taxation and redistribution? Through an analysis of the French ‘bouclier fiscal’ (tax shield), which was created in 2005 and abolished in 2011, we stress the major role played by symbols, narratives and numbers in the evolving representations of tax inequality. Initially conceived as a tool that would protect all taxpayers from excessive taxation, this measure became increasingly perceived as embodying client politics, especially after 2009-2010. We argue that symbols, when used in politics, may help frame public issues, but also lead to political weakness when reality appears to be too distanced from constructed narratives
