2,707 research outputs found

    Protecting Online Privacy in the Digital Age: Carpenter v. United States and the Fourth Amendment\u27s Third-Party Doctrine

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    The intent of this thesis is to examine the future of the third-party doctrine with the proliferation of technology and the online data we are surrounded with daily, specifically after the United States Supreme Court\u27s decision in Carpenter v. United States. In order to better understand the Supreme Court\u27s reasoning in that case, this thesis will review the history of the third-party doctrine and its roots in United States v. Miller and Smith v. Maryland. A review of Fourth Amendment history and jurisprudence is also crucial to this thesis, as it is imperative that individuals do not forfeit their Constitutional guarantees for the benefit of living in a technologically advanced society. This requires an understanding of the modern-day functional equivalents of papers and effects. Furthermore, this thesis will ultimately answer the following question: Why is it legally significant that we protect at least some data that comes from technologies that our forefathers could have never imagined under the Fourth Amendment? Looking to the future, this thesis will contemplate solutions on how to move forward in this technology era. It will scrutinize the relevancy of the third-party doctrine due to the rise of technology and the enormous amount of information held about us by third parties. In the past, the Third-Party Doctrine may have been good law, but that time has passed. It is time for the Third-Party Doctrine to be abolished so the Fourth Amendment can join the 21st Century

    The Sultan of Constantinople and the Caliph of Baghdad: Military Composition and Centralized Power in the Muslim World, 749–1800

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    This paper strives to examine the beginnings of first the Abbasid armed forces beginning with the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate in 749 AD, in order to understand the main recruitment patterns, regions, ethnicities, and incentives for recruitment; a study of the initial Ottoman military will be conducted in order to showcase the differences between the two, as well as to suggest why the Ottomans enjoyed a supremacy which the Abbasids never held for an extended amount of time

    Review of Torture: A Sociology of Violence and Human Rights

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    Una aproximación al Riesgo Reputacional Bancario mediante técnicas de Text Mining

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    El modelo desarrollado se utilizará para gestionar el riesgo reputacional de la empresa, reflejando el importe de Capital que tendrá que mantener reservado para hacer frente a los eventuales efectos adversos originados por una percepción negativa por parte de todos los interesados en la organización. Se espera que este modelo permita periódicamente determinar el nivel de asignación óptima de capital para mitigar efectos adversos que pudiesen dañar la solvencia de la compañía, a partir de la información suministrada por el mercado, el contexto macroeconómico local y la percepción de los distintos participantes. Ante la falta de regulación específica, esta tesis es una propuesta para mitigar el riesgo reputacional de las Entidades Financieras y por lo tanto, da respuesta a una pretensión de la autoridad monetaria de gestionar el riesgo reputacional. En este trabajo se desarrolla un modelo econométrico que incorpora datos provenientes de las percepciones que expresan los usuarios a través de opiniones públicas a partir del empleo de técnicas de Text Mining. Para eso se utilizaron datos públicos extraídos de las opiniones de usuarios de la red social Twitter y las cotizaciones de los precios de aquellos Bancos que cotizan en el BYMA (Bolsa y Mercados Argentinos). Además, se empleó información financiera propia del rol de la empresa cotizante dentro del índice bursátil S&P Merval. Dentro del proceso interno de evaluación de la adecuación del capital (ICAAP) que deben realizar las Entidades Financieras en el marco de su política de Gestión de Riesgos, el Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA), establece que dichas instituciones deben desarrollar metodologías para medir en la forma más precisa posible los efectos del riesgo reputacional en términos de otros tipos de riesgo a los cuales podría estar la entidad expuesta, incluyendo para ello escenarios de riesgo reputacional en sus pruebas de tensión regulares a los fines de evitar efectos reputacionales adversos y mantener la confianza del mercado. En la literatura se mencionan algunos enfoques econométricos con variables financieras para dimensionar el Capital Económico que deben destinar para hacer frente al mencionado riesgo. Asimismo, se hace alusión a que este riesgo puede asimilarse al Operacional, y no existe un consenso sobre la forma de cuantificarlo.The model developed will be used to manage the company’s reputational risk, reflecting the amount of Capital that it will have to keep reserved to face possible adverse effects caused by a negative perception on the part of all those interested in the organization. This model is expected to periodically determine the optimal capital allocation level to mitigate adverse effects that could damage the solvency of the company, based on the information provided by the market, the local macroeconomic context and the perception of the different participants. Given the lack of specific regulation, this thesis is a proposal to mitigate the reputational risk of Financial Institutions and therefore, responds to a claim by the monetary authority to manage reputational risk. In this work, an econometric model is developed that incorporates data from the perceptions expressed by users through public opinions from the use of Text Mining techniques. For this, public data extracted from the opinions of users of the Twitter social network and the price quotes of those Banks listed on the BYMA (Bolsa y Mercados Argentinos) were used. In addition, financial information from the role of the listed company within the S&P Merval stock index was used. Within the internal capital adequacy assessment process (ICAAP) that Financial Institutions must carry out within the framework of their Risk Management policy, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) establishes that said institutions must develop methodologies to measure as accurately as possible the effects of reputational risk in terms of other types of risk to which the entity could be exposed, including reputational risk scenarios in its regular stress tests in order to avoid adverse reputational effects and maintain market confidence. Some econometric approaches with financial variables are mentioned in the literature to measure the Economic Capital that must be allocated to face the aforementioned risk. Likewise, reference is made to the fact that this risk can be assimilated to Operational risk, and there is no consensus on how to quantify it

    Review of Torture: A Sociology of Violence and Human Rights by Lisa Hajjar

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    All wheel drive electric motorcycle modelling and control.

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    Conventional motorcycles are powered through a chain or shaft linking the engine to the rear wheel. However, motorcycle riders are now facing riding conditions and obstacles where having only rear wheel drive can lead to vehicle damage, loss of control and an unstable front wheel during cornering and off-road riding in general. Traction and climbing ability are severely limited in extreme mountain conditions by only having the rear wheel to provide power. Accordingly, there is a need in the industry for a two-wheel drive motorcycle that efficiently and safely transfers power from the motor to the front wheel, because it provides the rider with increased ability to safely negotiate rough terrain. In this background, the design of an optimal torque distribution strategy implemented by two separate electric motors in an all-wheel-drive electric motorcycle has many potentialities not fully explored and deeply understood for two wheel vehicles, that makes this study interesting from a scientific point of view. With this in mind, the research project aims to design control systems for improving rider’s safety and vehicle performance at low as well as high speeds, especially in critical situations and rough terrains, taking into account the presence of the front wheel torque generated by a hub-mounted electric motor. At low speed the research investigates whether and how the front wheel torque helps the stabilization of the vehicle around the upright position, without any rider action required. The study is developed by deriving a simplified analytical model of the vehicle, which captures its lateral motion and a model-based control system, employing the sliding mode control technique. As further requirement, the motorcycle should be balanced in a small bounded area, by means of Multi Input control system. At medium and high speeds the study explores how and how much the traction torque repartition can improve continuously the vehicle performances in combined longitudinal and lateral acceleration situations, such as the exit of a curve, especially in those conditions where a traditional motorcycle falls down because it overcomes tyre adherence limits. Last purpose is achieved deriving a dynamical optimal traction strategy which does not require the a priori knowledge of the friction coefficient. Steady state analysis indicates outperformances of the all wheel drive motorcycle over the classical rear wheel drive one. Then, dynamical simulations of selected manoeuvres, in both flat and uneven road, corroborate the result

    Cutaneous rosacea: a thorough overview of pathogenesis, clinical presentations, and current recommendations on management

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    The review summarizes and systemizes available international data on the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and current recommendations for the management of rosacea patients

    The seeds of discontent of an epoch seen through the eyes of Pat Barker’s hero : Billy Prior in her Regeneration trilogy

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    This thesis analyses Billy Prior, the main fictional character in Pat Barker’s Regeneration trilogy, a young man who does not know any boundaries and who challenges the concepts and ideas that had been the foundations of his society until the beginning of the XXth century. Authority, sex, class divisions, gender roles and the war are the main areas of discussion. This work examines also the dialogue between Modernism and Postmodernism, the cultural context when the novels are set and written respectively. Of great importance too is the analysis of the trilogy as an example of the genre historical novel and of the use Pat Barker does of intertextuality

    Diagnostico ergonómico en la industria del mueble

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    La presente investigación se orienta al análisis macroergonómico de las condiciones de trabajo de una empresa del sector mueble en la República Argentina. La empresa seleccionada para el estudio produce muebles planos, de gama media y alta en base a tableros de MDF (Madera de Fibras), en melanina o enchapados en maderas nobles. El sistema ha sido seleccionado por contar con dos plantas de producción, la primera y más antigua está organizada por sistema de células, en la segunda más moderna y automatizada, se ha adoptado el sistema de líneas. En la primera planta coexisten tareas de mano de obra especializada con tareas de operador de máquinas automáticas. En la segunda planta han sido eliminadas las tareas artesanales.Una vez diagnosticado el sistema de trabajo y analizadas las propuestas de soluciones a implementar de manera participativa en la empresa, se completa el trabajo con un análisis comparativo de las condiciones ergonómicas entre ambas plantas en relación al diseño de los productos y terminaciones requeridas y factibles de desarrollarse con las tecnologías instaladas.Fil: Del Rosso, Roxana María. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseñ