15 research outputs found

    Alternativas para el manejo de Bemisia spp. en berenjena (Solanum melongena L.), en el Valle de Culiacán, Sinaloa, México | Alternatives for the management of Bemisia ssp. in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), in the Valley of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico

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    Para el manejo de Bemisia spp. en el cultivo de berenjena (Solanum melongena L.), se evaluaron diferentes alternativas, entre ellas, los insecticidas químicos: endosulfan, malathion, dimetoato y metamidofos; los bioplaguicidas: Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Lecanicillium lecanii y Beauveria bassiana; los extractos vegetales: Tagetes erecta, Azadirachta indica y Allium sp.; aceites minerales: Saf-t-side y Nu-film y la liberación de depredadores: Chrysoperla carnea, y Cycloneda sanguinea, en los ciclos 2002-2003 y 2003-2004. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 4 repeticiones, evaluando las poblaciones de adultos, ninfas, y huevos a través de análisis de varianza y una prueba de comparación de medias. Los productos se aplicaron una vez por semana y se hicieron 10 aplicaciones semanales para cada uno de losciclos y se tomaron los datos de campo y laboratorio dos días después de cada aplicación. En ambos ciclos, siguiendo al testigo en cuanto a población de adultos, estuvo el tratamiento con depredadores, que difirió estadísticamente de los demás; después siguieron los hongos entomopatógenos, insecticidas químicos y los extractos y aceites, sin diferencias entre ellas. En ninfas, en cada año, el menor efecto se observó en el tratamiento con depredadores, pero con diferencia significativa con los demás tratamientos, a continuación, se ubicó a extractos y aceites, y por último, los insecticidas químicos y hongos entomopatógenos. En la etapa de huevecillo, el efecto de los insectos depredadores difirió significativamente de todos los demás tratamientos, los cuales no difirieron entre sí en ambos ciclos. Se encontró diferencias altamente significativas entre los tratamientos para el número adultos, ninfas y huevos de mosca blanca por hoja. Los resultados de este ensayo demuestran que todos los tratamientos difirieron estadísticamente del testigo y que reducen las poblaciones de mosca blanca, por lo que pueden utilizarse exitosamente como alternativa en el manejo integrado de esta plaga.Palabras claves: Bemisia spp., Solanum melongena, extractos de plantas, hongos entomopatogenos.ABSTRACTTo manage Bemisia spp. in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) crop, different alternatives were evaluated: endosulfan, malathion, dimetoato and metamidofos; entomopathogenic fungi based insecticides such as Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Lecanicillium lecanii and Beauveria bassiana; vegetal extracts: Tagetes erecta, Azadirachta indica and Allium sp.; mineral oils: Saf-t-side and Nu-film; predators: Chrysoperla carnea and Cycloneda sanguinea release and an and a blank treatment. The study site was localized in the Valley of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, during the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 cycles. A randomly complete block design with four replicates was used, assessing differences among populations of adults, nymphs and eggs, through analysis of variance and a test for comparison of means. Ten weekly applications were made for eachgrowth cycle and laboratory data were recorded two days after each application; the products were applied once a week. In both cycles, adult populations in the blank treatment were similar to those found using predators, but there were significant differences between predators and all the other treatments; the enthomopathogenic fungi, chemical insecticides, vegetal extracts, and mineral oils showed no differences between them. Each year a minor, but significant effects were observed due to the different predator species over the nymph population, followed by plant extracts and mineral oil, while in the lastplace were chemical insecticides and entomopathogenic fungi. In the egg stage, the effect of predators was significantly different from the other treatments, which did not differ significantly between them in both crop cycles. There were highly significant differences between treatments for adults, nymphs an eggs numbers per leaf. This essay reports that all treatments applied were different from the blank treatment and consequently these can be used as an alternative to decrease the white fly populations in the eggplant fields, for an integrated management of this pest.Key words: Bemisia spp., Solanum melongena, plant extracts, enthomopathogenic fung

    Condiciones para el desarrollo de Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium anisopliae para el control biológico de chapulín frijolero

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    El chapulín frijolero (Brachystola magna Girard), es un problema en la zona temporalera del estado de Chihuahua, ya que afecta más del 60 % de la superficie sembrada anualmente. Para su control se emplean insecticidas organofosforados y cebos envenenados (CESAVECH, 2001); sin embargo, su uso excesivo ha provocado resistencia de la plaga, acumulación de residuos en el medio ambiente y daños a la flora y fauna silvestre benéfica. Como una alternativa de control biológico se considera el uso de organismos benéficos, que pueden ser incorporados al manejo integrado de plagas, sin efectos nocivos para el medio ambiente y la salud del hombre y los animales (Jiménez 1998). En este trabajo se estudiaron las condiciones óptimas (medio de cultivo, luz y temperatura) para el desarrollo de los aislamientos nativos de hongos entomopatógenos Beauveria bassiana (Bb001) y Metarhizium anisopliae (Ma002), con el fin de utilizarlas en la regulación de la población del chapulín frijolero. Los aislamientos se evaluaron en siete medios de cultivo y siete temperaturas. La mayor esporulación se observó en el medio SDAY. El aislamiento Bb001 mostró el mayor crecimiento en AHM. El crecimiento y esporulación fueron mayores bajo oscuridad continua y a una temperatura de 25 °C. Por otro lado, Ma002 mostró mayor crecimiento en SDA, mayor crecimiento en oscuridad continua, mayor esporulación con luz continua y la temperatura óptima fue de 30 °C. Los resultados mostraron que pueden controlarse adecuadamente las variables ambientales en el laoboratorio, para la reproducción de los hongos B. bassiana (Bb001) y M. anisopliae (Ma002), aislamientos prometedores como una alternativa de control biológico. Abstract The bean grasshopper (Brachystola magna Girard) is a problem in the temporal zone of Chihuahua, because affects above 60 % of the annually sown surface. Organophosphate insecticides and poisoned baits are used to control this insect (CESAVECH, 2001); however, their excessive use has led to pesticide resistance, residues accumulation in the environment affecting beneficial wild flora and fauna. The use of benefical organisms is an alternative of biological control to be incorporated in any integrated pest management. It does not have effects to the environment, nor produce damage on health of men and animals (Jiménez, 1998). In this research, the environmental conditions were studied (culture medium, light and temperature effect), which are suitable for the development of native isolates of entomopathogenic fungus Bauveria bassiana (Bb001) y Metarhizium anisopliae (Ma002). The environmental control is important to regulate growth of bean grasshopper population in temporal region of Chihuahua state. The isolates were evaluated in seven culture mediums and seven temperatures. The greatest isolates sporulation was observed in SDAY. The isolate Bb001 had the best growth in AHM. Isolates growth and sporulation were better under continuos darkness and at 25 °C temperature. On the other hand, Ma002 showed the best growth in SDA, and under continuos darkness; however, the highest sporulation was observed under continuos light and at 30 °C temperature. The results demostrated that lab environmental variables can be controled for growth and development of entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana and M. anisopliae, which are promising isolates as an alternative of biological control. Keywords: Entomopathogenic fungus, biological control, beneficial organisms, culture mediums, Brachystola magna, bio insecticides

    Conidial production and conservation of the isolate Ma-005 of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin

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    This work was carried out in the Plant Protection Laboratory at the Agronomy Faculty of the Agrarian University of La Habana and its objective was to evaluate mass production and conservation of isolate Ma-005 belonging to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin, which was obtained from a soil sample of the "El Guayabal" property, in the municipality of San José de las Lajas, using the insect bait technique. In this study, it was evaluated: biomass production in liquid culture media, production of conidia in solid substrates and conidia conservation in different oils. The greatest biomass production was reached when the molasses-yeast ratio in the substrate was 10:30 or 20:30 g L-1 with an incubation time of 72 h. Among the evaluated solid substrates, rice and sorgo were the most favorable for conidia production. All used oils kept the conidia viability over the 70 % for six months

    Effects of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai over Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin in broccoli, in Escagüey, municipality of Rangel, Mérida State

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    The effectiveness of Trichoderma harzianum in suppressing clubroot of brassicas, which is caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, was tested on broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica Plenck), in field conditions, in Escagüey, municipality of Rangel, Merida State, Venezuela. The experiment showed that the applications of a biopesticide based on this antagonist had a significant effect on the percentage of health plants and the crop yields, in dependence of the dose used. In addition, the relation benefits/cost was also favorable. These results showed that, for these particular conditions, P. brassicae is an adequate biological alternative to control the clubroot of brassicas, no aggressive to environment and human beings, useful for the transition phase toward a sustainable agriculture, without chemical pesticides

    Efectivity of Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato (Metsch.) Sorokin on Rhipicephalus microplus Canestrini

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    These work was carried out in the Plant Protection Laboratory of the Agronomy Faculty in the Agrarian University of La Habana, to determinate the in vitro effectivity of the isolate Ma-005 of Metarhizium anisopliae s.l (Metsch.) Sorokin on eggs and neolarvae of Rhipicephalus microplus Canestrini. Eggs, with five to seven days old, and neolarvae with seven to 10 days old, were inoculated by immersion during one minute in suspensions with different conidial concentration of the isolate. It was evaluated the hatching of larvae from eggs after 30 days and neolarval mortality after seven and 14 days. It was observed a high effect of the conidia concentration on hatching of larvae from eggs, less than 10 % at the highest of the concentrations evaluated, and the mortality of the tick neolarvae, more than 80 % at the concentration of 108 conidia mL-1

    Effects of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai over Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin in broccoli, in Escagüey, municipality of Rangel, Mérida state

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    The effectiveness of Trichoderma harzianum in suppressing clubroot of brassicas, which is caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, was tested on broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica Plenck), in field conditions, in Escagüey, municipality of Rangel, Merida State, Venezuela. The experiment showed that the applications of a biopesticide based on this antagonist had a significant effect on the percentage of health plants and the crop yields, in dependence of the dose used. In addition, the relation benefits/cost was also favorable. These results showed that, for these particular conditions, P. brassicae is an adequate biological alternative to control the clubroot of brassicas, no aggressive to environment and human beings, useful for the transition phase toward a sustainable agriculture, without chemical pesticides

    Efectivity of Beauveria bassiana isolates “sensu lato” on Rhipicephalus microplus

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    The present project was developed in the Plant Protection Laboratory of the Agronomy Faculty of the Agrarian University of La Habana, Cuba, to determinate the in vitro effectivity of some isolates of Beauveria bassiana sensu lato (Vals.) Vuill. on eggs and neolarvae of Rhipicephalus microplus Canestrini. The three isolates evaluated were effective, with more than 85 % mortality over neolarvae of the ectoparasite, 12 days after application. In the case of the BB isolate a strong effect of the conidia concentration in the suspension over the eclosion of eggs was evident, wich was null in the highest of the concentrations used, and the mortality of tick neolarvae, that was superior to 90 % with concentrations over 107 conidia mL-1

    Alternativas para el manejo de Bemisia spp. en berenjena (Solanum melongena L.), en el Valle de Culiacán, Sinaloa, México

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    To manage Bemisia spp. in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) crop, different alternatives were evaluated: endosulfan, malathion, dimetoato and metamidofos; entomopathogenic fungi based insecticides such as Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Lecanicillium lecanii and Beauveria bassiana; vegetal extracts: Tagetes erecta, Azadirachta indica and Allium sp.; mineral oils: Saf-t-side and Nu-film; predators: Chrysoperla carnea and Cycloneda sanguinea release and an and a blank treatment. The study site was localized in the Valley of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, during the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 cycles. A randomly complete block design with four replicates was used, assessing differences among populations of adults, nymphs and eggs, through analysis of variance and a test for comparison of means. Ten weekly applications were made for each growth cycle and laboratory data were recorded two days after each application; the products were applied once a week. In both cycles, adult populations in the blank treatment were similar to those found using predators, but there were significant differences between predators and all the other treatments; the enthomopathogenic fungi, chemical insecticides, vegetal extracts, and mineral oils showed no differences between them. Each year a minor, but significant effects were observed due to the different predator species over the nymph population, followed by plant extracts and mineral oil, while in the last place were chemical insecticides and entomopathogenic fungi. In the egg stage, the effect of predators was significantly different from the other treatments, which did not differ significantly between them in both crop cycles. There were highly significant differences between treatments for adults, nymphs an eggs numbers per leaf. This essay reports that all treatments applied were different from the blank treatment and consequently these can be used as an alternative to decrease the white fly populations in the eggplant fields, for an integrated management of this pest.Para el manejo de Bemisia spp. en el cultivo de berenjena (Solanum melongena L.), se evaluaron diferentes alternativas, entre ellas, los insecticidas químicos: endosulfan, malathion, dimetoato y metamidofos; los bioplaguicidas: Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Lecanicillium lecanii y Beauveria bassiana; los extractos vegetales: Tagetes erecta, Azadirachta indica y Allium sp.; aceites minerales: Saf-t-side y Nu-film y la liberación de depredadores: Chrysoperla carnea, y Cycloneda sanguinea, en los ciclos 2002-2003 y 2003-2004. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 4 repeticiones, evaluando las poblaciones de adultos, ninfas, y huevos a través de análisis de varianza y una prueba de comparación de medias. Los productos se aplicaron una vez por semana y se hicieron 10 aplicaciones semanales para cada uno de los ciclos y se tomaron los datos de campo y laboratorio dos días después de cada aplicación. En ambos ciclos, siguiendo al testigo en cuanto a población de adultos, estuvo el tratamiento con depredadores, que difirió estadísticamente de los demás; después siguieron los hongos entomopatógenos, insecticidas químicos y los extractos y aceites, sin diferencias entre ellas. En ninfas, en cada año, el menor efecto se observó en el tratamiento con depredadores, pero con diferencia significativa con los demás tratamientos, a continuación, se ubicó a extractos y aceites, y por último, los insecticidas químicos y hongos entomopatógenos. En la etapa de huevecillo, el efecto de los insectos depredadores difirió significativamente de todos los demás tratamientos, los cuales no difirieron entre sí en ambos ciclos. Se encontró diferencias altamente significativas entre los tratamientos para el número adultos, ninfas y huevos de mosca blanca por hoja. Los resultados de este ensayo demuestran que todos los tratamientos difirieron estadísticamente del testigo y que reducen las poblaciones de mosca blanca, por lo que pueden utilizarse exitosamente como alternativa en el manejo integrado de esta plaga

    Extractos Vegetales y Aceites Minerales Como Alternativa de Control de Mosca Blanca ( Bemisia spp.) en Berenjena ( Solanum Melongena L.) en el Valle de Culiacán, Sinaloa, México

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    Plant extracts (Biogarlic®, Extranatural®, Neem®) and mineral oils (Saf-T-Side®, Nu-Film®) were evaluated to control whiteflies ( Bemisia spp) in eggplant ( Solanum melongena L.). The experiment was established at the San Nicos farm located in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mex., during the agricultural cycle 2001-2002. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design. Each treatment was repeated 4 times. Adult, nymphs and eggs of whiteflies were evaluated using ANOVA analysis. Treatment means were compared using DMS. Plant extracts and mineral oils were sprayed twice per week. Field and laboratory data were taken on March 10, 17, and 24. The analysis of adult populations showed that Extranatural and Saf-T-Side were similar. Nu-Film and Neem did not show statistical differences. In nymph number analysis, Extranatural, Saf-T-Side and Nu-Film were similar, however, Nu-Film was also similar to Neem. In the egg stage, Extranatural and Saf-T-Side were similar and Nu-Film, Neem, and Biogarlic did not show statistical differences. ANOVA showed significant differences between treatments when numbers of adults, nymphs and eggs were analyzed. Results from this experiment showed that all treatments were significantly different from the control treatment. It was concluded that mineral oils and plant extracts such as Extranatural and Safe-T-Side are products that reduced the whitefly populations and can be used as an alternative in integrated pest management.Se evaluaron los productos de extractos vegetales (Biogarlic®, Extranatural® y Neem®) y los aceites minerales (Saf-T-Side®, Nu-Film®) con un testigo absoluto, para controlar Bemisia spp. en Solanum melongena L., en la agrícola San Nicos ubicada en el kilómetro 10 de la carretera 20 en el valle de Culiacán Sinaloa, México, en el ciclo 2001-2002. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones, evaluando las variables de poblaciones de adultos, ninfas y huevecillos de Bemisia spp. a través del análisis de varianza y pruebas de comparación de medias (DMS). Los productos se aplicaron dos veces por semana y se tomaron los datos de campo y laboratorio en las fechas 10, 17 y 24 de marzo del 2002. En adultos se observó que, Extranatural y Saf-T-Side no difirieron entre ellos, también se observó que el Nu-Film y el Neem no difirieron, después aparece Biogarlic. En ninfas se observó que Extranatural, Saf-T-Side y Nu-Film no difirieron entre ellos; sin embargo Nu-Film no difiere de Neem, después aparece Biogarlic. En la etapa de huevecillo se observó estadísticamente que Extranatural y Saf-T-Side no difirieron, sin embargo Nu-Film, Neem y Biogarlic no difieren entre ellos. El análisis de varianza mostró diferencia altamente significativa entre los tratamientos para el número adultos, ninfas y huevecillos de mosca blanca por hoja. Los resultados de este ensayo demuestran que todos los tratamientos difirieron estadísticamente del testigo. Los productos de extractos vegetales y aceites minerales como Extranatural and Safe-T-Side son productos que reducen las poblaciones de mosca blanca y pueden utilizarse exitosamente como alternativa de manejo integrado