22 research outputs found

    Access to health and social care services for deaf and hard of hearing people in Wolverhampton

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    In 2012 Johannes Fellinger and colleagues highlighted a growing concern for signs of health inequality amongst D/deaf individuals, in the area of both general and mental health, within their respective community/country. The claim was even made that deafness itself can endanger your health (Alexander, Ladd and Powell, 2012). It was also established that the level of poor communication between D/deaf patients and health professionals, exacerbated the barriers to health care, which D/deaf people experienced. Barnet et.al. examining health inequality experienced by D/deaf people argued that “... It appears that addressing language barriers improves adherence with some preventive services and may help prevent chronic diseases or improve patient’s long-term outcomes through earlier detection” (Barnett, et al, 2011:2). This is supported by Alexander, Ladd and Powell, who advocate that “good communication is the key” (2012:980), given that it is “the bedrock of diagnosis and treatment” (The Lancet, 2012:977) and has the potential to avoid offering a lower standard of service (Sign Health 2014)

    Digital image modeling using Pickard random fields

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    This paper outlines a modeling technique for digital images which relies on Markov random fields proposed by Pickard for the purpose of representing fuzzy contextual concepts such as "the uniformity of a region" or "the continuity of a contour" . We develop a maximum likelihood estimation technique which is a straightforward generalization of an approach which is used quite extensively in speech recognition circles . Next, we outline two nonsupervised parameter estimation techniques which enable us to infer the model parameters front actual imagery data. We offer a number of practical examples providing evidence that our approach is well suited to handle problems of image restauration and/or segmentation .Dans cet article, nous développons un modèle d'image qui fait appel aux champs aléatoires markoviens de Pickard dans le but de modéliser des notions contextuelles aussi vagues et imprécises que « l'uniformité d'une région » ou « la continuité du bord d'un objet ». Nous décrivons une méthode d'estimation par maximum de vraisemblance a posteriori obtenue par une généralisation simple d'une méthode largement utilisée dans le contexte unidimensionel de la reconnaissance de la parole . Nous développons deux méthodes d'estimation non supervisée des paramètres du modèle et nous montrons au moyen de plusieurs exemples que notre technique permet de traiter avec succès des problèmes de restauration et de segmentation d'images digitales à niveaux de gris .Dans cet article, nous développons un modèle d'image qui fait appel aux champs aléatoires markoviens de Pickard dans le but de modéliser des notions contextuelles aussi vagues et imprécises que « l'uniformité d'une région » ou « la continuité du bord d'un objet ». Nous décrivons une méthode d'estimation par maximum de vraisemblance a posteriori obtenue par une généralisation simple d'une méthode largement utilisée dans le contexte unidimensionel de la reconnaissance de la parole . Nous développons deux méthodes d'estimation non supervisée des paramètres du modèle et nous montrons au moyen de plusieurs exemples que notre technique permet de traiter avec succès des problèmes de restauration et de segmentation d'images digitales à niveaux de gris

    The Claustrum Sign in Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES)

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    Teaching Point: Bilateral mesiotemporal edema and the claustrum sign can be seen in febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES) and new onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) but are neither diagnostic nor pathognomonic for these entities

    Etude d’image de Crédal auprès des porteurs de projet de TPE

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    Master [120] ingénieur de gestion, Université catholique de Louvain, 201

    Etude d’image de Crédal auprès des porteurs de projet de TPE

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    Mémoire de Master [120] en Ingénieur de gestion, Université catholique de Louvain, 201

    "112: CZY MOGĘ POMÓC?" - europejski projekt edukacyjny w zakresie pierwszej pomocy

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    INTRODUCTION: From terrorist attacks in 2015 the French Government has made laws to quickly increase the number of students leaving Junior High School with a proper first aid training. Beside these national measures, some local projects are being developed to promote first aid to a maximum of people. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Implemented the European Erasmus+ project “112: Can I help You ?”. A 3-year project has involved 5 countries (France, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain and Romania) to promote lifesaving lessons among European people. With several mobilities, students visited different places with professionals of medicine, lifesaving. They acted in short promoting pieces and created posters in relation to first aid techniques. RESULTS: The project has been going on for 3 years. At that time, the authors of the program from France included a total of 300 people in the activities, who will be students and educators from five countries. The dissemination of the project is based on the high visibility of the videos and the posters created by the students themselves. Posters and videos can be found on different websites but also with temporary exhibitions in city halls, shopping malls. CONCLUSIONS: Program has been effectively implemented in five Central European countries. Activities of pedagogues and persons without medical education may be an effective form of propagating first aid principles in accordance with the subject of PSC1. Further activity of the project contractors and analysis of the effectiveness of the forms of training activities undertaken by them is necessary.WSTĘP: Po atakach terrorystycznych w 2015 r. rząd francuski wprowadził przepisy mające na celu szybkie zwiększenie liczby uczniów kończących gimnazjum z odpowiednim szkoleniem w zakresie pierwszej pomocy. Oprócz krajowych środków opracowywane są również niektóre lokalne projekty, mające na celu promocję pierwszej pomocy wśród jak największej liczby osób. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Wdrożono europejski projekt Erasmus + pt.: "112: W czym mogę pomóc?". W trzyletnim projekcie uczestniczyło 5 krajów (Francja, Polska, Czechy, Hiszpania i Rumunia), aby promować lekcje ratowania życia wśród Europejczyków. Studenci odwiedzali różne miejsca wraz ze specjalistami medycyny ratunkowej. Ich działalność polegała na promowaniu zajęć i tworzeniu plakatów związanych z technikami udzielania pierwszej pomocy. WYNIKI: Projekt trwa od 3 lat. W tym czasie autorzy programu z Francji włączyli w działania 300 osób, którymi są studenci i nauczyciele z pięciu krajów. Rozpowszechnianie projektu opiera się na wysokiej widoczności filmów i plakatów stworzonych przez samych studentów. Plakaty i filmy można znaleźć na różnych stronach internetowych, ale także na wystawach w ratuszach, czy centrach handlowych. WNIOSKI: Program został skutecznie wdrożony w pięciu krajach Europy Środkowej. Działalność pedagogów i osób bez wykształcenia medycznego może być skuteczną formą propagowania zasad pierwszej pomocy zgodnie z przedmiotem PSC1. Konieczna jest dalsza aktywność wykonawców projektu i analiza skuteczności podejmowanych przez nich form działań szkoleniowych

    Detection of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites and bradyzoites in blood, urine, and brains of infected mice

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    Different techniques for identifying Toxoplasma gondii were compared. PCR was used to amplify part of the major surface antigen P30 gene of T. gondii. Amplified-DNA detection with the DNA enzyme immunoassay (PCR-DEIA) was more sensitive than ethidium bromide staining after agarose gel electrophoresis and as sensitive as nested PCR. PCR-DEIA, using common enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods, avoids agarose gel electrophoresis for the identification of amplified products. T. gondii can also be detected with equal sensitivity in infected fibroblasts, but only after at least 8 days of cell culture. PCR-DEIA is thus recommended because of its sensitivity and convenience for detecting early parasitemia in the surveillance of toxoplasmosis among pregnant women and immunocompromised hosts. The courses of infection in mice infected with two strains of T. gondii were compared. Tachyzoites of the virulent strain T. gondii RH, killing the host in 4 days, were identified in urine specimens and blood samples of mice 24 to 94 h after inoculation but not in brains, but no antibodies were detected, After intraperitoneal inoculation with cysts of the low-level virulence Beverley strain of T. gondii, parasites were identified in blood samples 4 days later and up to 17 days (but not in urine specimens) and in the brain from day 6 through day 525. By ELISA, high antibody titers were found from day II to day 525, with parasitemia preceding the appearance of antibodies. The usefulness of PCR-DEIA tests in conjunction with the search for circulating antibodies for the early diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in humans is discussed