32 research outputs found


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    Pregled znanstvenega, strokovnega in pedagoškega dela prof. Franca Lovrenčaka  ob njegovi 80-letnici Ob 550-letnici rojstva kartografa in horografa Pietra Coppa In memoriam Marjan Tkalčič (1949–2020) Vpogled v socialno geografijo Challenges of Tourism Development in Protected Areas of Croatia and Slovenia Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies Origination. The Geographies of Brands and Branding Brands and Branding Geographie


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    Place – an introduction New money in rural areas. Land investment in Europe and its place impacts Rethinking Place Branding The taste of place – a cultural journey into terroir Kratka kronika nekega leta: obeleževanje naše prve stoletnice Mednarodna konferenca Skrite geografije 100-letnica rojstva dr. Vladimirja Bračiča in monografija o Halozah Razvoj podeželja in LEADER: priročnik in mednarodna konferenca Izzivi in priložnosti multifunkcijskega upravljanja travišč Mesec prostora 2019 5. Slovenski podeželski parlament: delavnica Mladi in novi kmetje ter podelitev »Nagrade NEWBIE 2018« Nagrajeni rezultati geografskega proučevanja (funkcionalno) degradiranih območij v letu 201

    Multidestination travel of the Slovenian population

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    This paper focuses on the multidestination travel of the Slovenian population. It presents the results of a questionnaire survey that aimed to gain insight into some relevant characteristics of the travel behaviour of the Slovenian population and its links to factors that were found in previous research to be related to the incidence of multidestination travel. A destination was defined within this research as any location where an overnight stop is made. Single-destination trips prevailed. Still, a considerable percentage of respondents’ most recent trips had been multidestination trips. The greater part of them was directed to just one country within which they visited several overnight destinations. The results indicate that duration of trip, distance of destination from tourists’ residential location, familiarity of destination, travel-group size and tourists’ activities are associated with the likelihood of multidestination travel

    Vpliv turizma na značilnosti cestnega prometa v Koprskem primorju

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    Koprsko primorje je najbolj obiskano turistično območje v Sloveniji. Velik turistični obisk vpliva tudi na značilnosti prometa na tem območju. Analiza podatkov o dnevnem številu vozil za števna mesta prometa na tem območju je pokazala, da so spremembe v obsegu prometa v veliki meri povezane z razpoložljivostjo prostega časa in vremenom. Kljub temu so glede intenzivnosti in opaznosti tovrstnih vplivov znotraj območja precejšnje razlike, saj se na njem prepletajo vplivi turizma, drugih gospodarskih dejavnosti in lokalnega prebivalstva