479 research outputs found

    Role of A2A adenosine receptors in regulation of opsonized E. coli-induced macrophage function

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    Adenosine is a biologically active molecule that is formed at sites of metabolic stress associated with trauma and inflammation, and its systemic level reaches high concentrations in sepsis. We have recently shown that inactivation of A2A adenosine receptors decreases bacterial burden as well as IL-10, IL-6, and MIP-2 production in mice that were made septic by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Macrophages are important in both elimination of pathogens and cytokine production in sepsis. Therefore, in the present study, we questioned whether macrophages are responsible for the decreased bacterial load and cytokine production in A2A receptor-inactivated septic mice. We showed that A2A KO and WT peritoneal macrophages obtained from septic animals were equally effective in phagocytosing opsonized E. coli. IL-10 production induced by opsonized E. coli was decreased in macrophages obtained from septic A2A KO mice as compared to WT counterparts. In contrast, the release of IL-6 and MIP-2 induced by opsonized E. coli was higher in septic A2A KO macrophages than WT macrophages. These results suggest that peritoneal macrophages are not responsible for the decreased bacterial load and diminished MIP-2 and IL-6 production that are observed in septic A2A KO mice. In contrast, peritoneal macrophages may contribute to the suppressive effect of A2A receptor inactivation on IL-10 production during sepsis

    Trauma Hemorrhagic Shock-Induced Lung Injury Involves a Gut-Lymph-Induced TLR4 Pathway in Mice

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    Injurious non-microbial factors released from the stressed gut during shocked states contribute to the development of acute lung injury (ALI) and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Since Toll-like receptors (TLR) act as sensors of tissue injury as well as microbial invasion and TLR4 signaling occurs in both sepsis and noninfectious models of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, we hypothesized that factors in the intestinal mesenteric lymph after trauma hemorrhagic shock (T/HS) mediate gut-induced lung injury via TLR4 activation.The concept that factors in T/HS lymph exiting the gut recreates ALI is evidenced by our findings that the infusion of porcine lymph, collected from animals subjected to global T/HS injury, into naïve wildtype (WT) mice induced lung injury. Using C3H/HeJ mice that harbor a TLR4 mutation, we found that TLR4 activation was necessary for the development of T/HS porcine lymph-induced lung injury as determined by Evan's blue dye (EBD) lung permeability and myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels as well as the induction of the injurious pulmonary iNOS response. TRIF and Myd88 deficiency fully and partially attenuated T/HS lymph-induced increases in lung permeability respectively. Additional studies in TLR2 deficient mice showed that TLR2 activation was not involved in the pathology of T/HS lymph-induced lung injury. Lastly, the lymph samples were devoid of bacteria, endotoxin and bacterial DNA and passage of lymph through an endotoxin removal column did not abrogate the ability of T/HS lymph to cause lung injury in naïve mice.Our findings suggest that non-microbial factors in the intestinal mesenteric lymph after T/HS are capable of recreating T/HS-induced lung injury via TLR4 activation

    Comparison of ultrasonography with computed tomography in the diagnosis of incisional hernias

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    Background: The objective of this study is to determine the reliability and validity of ultrasonography (US) in diagnosing incisional hernias in comparison with computed tomography (CT). The CT scans were assessed by two radiologists in order to estimate the inter-observer variation and twice by one radiologist to estimate the intra-observer variation. Patients were evaluated after reconstruction for an abdominal aortic aneurysm or an aortoiliac occlusion. Methods: Patients with a midline incision after undergoing reconstruction of an abdominal aortic aneurysm or aortoiliac occlusion were examined by CT scanning and US. Two radiologists evaluated the CT scans independently. One radiologist examined the CT scans twice. Discrepancies between the CT observations were resolved in a common evaluation session between the two radiologists. Results: After a mean follow-up of 3.4 years, 40 patients were imaged after a reconstructed abdominal aortic aneurysm (80% of the patients) or aortoiliac occlusion. The prevalence of incisional hernias was 24/ 40 = 60.0% with CT scanning as the diagnostic modality and 17/40 = 42.5% with US. The measure of agreement between CT scanning and US expressed as a Kappa statistic was 0.66 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.45-0.88). The sensitivity of US examination when using CT as a comparison was 70.8%, the specificity was 100%, the predictive value of a positive US was 100%, and the predictive value of a negative US was 69.6%. The likelihood ratio of a positive US was infinite and that of a negative US was 0.29. The inter- and intra-observer Kappa statistics were 0.74 (CI 0.54-0.95) and 0.80 (CI 0.62-0.99), respectively. Conclusions: US imaging has a moderate sensitivity and negative predictive value, and a very good specificity and positive predictive value. Consistency of diagnosis, as determined by calculating the inter- and intra-observer Kappa statistics, was good. The incidence of incisional hernias is high after aortic reconstructions

    Network Physiology reveals relations between network topology and physiological function

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    The human organism is an integrated network where complex physiologic systems, each with its own regulatory mechanisms, continuously interact, and where failure of one system can trigger a breakdown of the entire network. Identifying and quantifying dynamical networks of diverse systems with different types of interactions is a challenge. Here, we develop a framework to probe interactions among diverse systems, and we identify a physiologic network. We find that each physiologic state is characterized by a specific network structure, demonstrating a robust interplay between network topology and function. Across physiologic states the network undergoes topological transitions associated with fast reorganization of physiologic interactions on time scales of a few minutes, indicating high network flexibility in response to perturbations. The proposed system-wide integrative approach may facilitate the development of a new field, Network Physiology.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Social representations and community attitudes towards spring breakers

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    Social representations theory has been adopted for explaining tourism impacts and local attitudes. However, its usefulness in segmenting local population in terms of their attitudes towards specific types of tourists has not been tested. This study identifies the attitudes of local people towards spring break, a North American young tourist phenomenon in the context of the Mexican beach resort of Acapulco. Although residents perceive an increase in alcohol consumption, drug use, noise and litter during the spring break season, they largely recognise economic benefits and are thus generally supportive for the phenomenon. Based on these attitudes, three clusters were identified: spring break supporters (identified by their high appreciation of spring break benefits), ambivalents (who are uncertain about both benefits and costs) and realistics (characterised by recognising both benefits and costs). The main contribution of this study lies in the confirmation of the usefulness of social representations theory in explaining residents’ attitudes towards a very specific type of tourists whose hedonist behaviours are a common characteristic

    Broadening INPP5E phenotypic spectrum: detection of rare variants in syndromic and non-syndromic IRD

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    Pathogenic variants in INPP5E cause Joubert syndrome (JBTS), a ciliopathy with retinal involvement. However, despite sporadic cases in large cohort sequencing studies, a clear association with non-syndromic inherited retinal degenerations (IRDs) has not been made. We validate this association by reporting 16 non-syndromic IRD patients from ten families with bi-allelic mutations in INPP5E. Additional two patients showed early onset IRD with limited JBTS features. Detailed phenotypic description for all probands is presented. We report 14 rare INPP5E variants, 12 of which have not been reported in previous studies. We present tertiary protein modeling and analyze all INPP5E variants for deleteriousness and phenotypic correlation. We observe that the combined impact of INPP5E variants in JBTS and non-syndromic IRD patients does not reveal a clear genotype–phenotype correlation, suggesting the involvement of genetic modifiers. Our study cements the wide phenotypic spectrum of INPP5E disease, adding proof that sequence defects in this gene can lead to early-onset non-syndromic IRD

    Introduction of an agent-based multi-scale modular architecture for dynamic knowledge representation of acute inflammation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the greatest challenges facing biomedical research is the integration and sharing of vast amounts of information, not only for individual researchers, but also for the community at large. Agent Based Modeling (ABM) can provide a means of addressing this challenge via a unifying translational architecture for dynamic knowledge representation. This paper presents a series of linked ABMs representing multiple levels of biological organization. They are intended to translate the knowledge derived from in vitro models of acute inflammation to clinically relevant phenomenon such as multiple organ failure.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>ABM development followed a sequence starting with relatively direct translation from in-vitro derived rules into a cell-as-agent level ABM, leading on to concatenated ABMs into multi-tissue models, eventually resulting in topologically linked aggregate multi-tissue ABMs modeling organ-organ crosstalk. As an underlying design principle organs were considered to be functionally composed of an epithelial surface, which determined organ integrity, and an endothelial/blood interface, representing the reaction surface for the initiation and propagation of inflammation. The development of the epithelial ABM derived from an in-vitro model of gut epithelial permeability is described. Next, the epithelial ABM was concatenated with the endothelial/inflammatory cell ABM to produce an organ model of the gut. This model was validated against in-vivo models of the inflammatory response of the gut to ischemia. Finally, the gut ABM was linked to a similarly constructed pulmonary ABM to simulate the gut-pulmonary axis in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure. The behavior of this model was validated against in-vivo and clinical observations on the cross-talk between these two organ systems</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A series of ABMs are presented extending from the level of intracellular mechanism to clinically observed behavior in the intensive care setting. The ABMs all utilize cell-level agents that encapsulate specific mechanistic knowledge extracted from in vitro experiments. The execution of the ABMs results in a dynamic representation of the multi-scale conceptual models derived from those experiments. These models represent a qualitative means of integrating basic scientific information on acute inflammation in a multi-scale, modular architecture as a means of conceptual model verification that can potentially be used to concatenate, communicate and advance community-wide knowledge.</p

    Protease Activity Increases in Plasma, Peritoneal Fluid, and Vital Organs after Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats

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    Hemorrhagic shock (HS) is associated with high mortality. A severe decrease in blood pressure causes the intestine, a major site of digestive enzymes, to become permeable – possibly releasing those enzymes into the circulation and peritoneal space, where they may in turn activate other enzymes, e.g. matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). If uncontrolled, these enzymes may result in pathophysiologic cleavage of receptors or plasma proteins. Our first objective was to determine, in compartments outside of the intestine (plasma, peritoneal fluid, brain, heart, liver, and lung) protease activities and select protease concentrations after hemorrhagic shock (2 hours ischemia, 2 hours reperfusion). Our second objective was to determine whether inhibition of proteases in the intestinal lumen with a serine protease inhibitor (ANGD), a process that improves survival after shock in rats, reduces the protease activities distant from the intestine. To determine the protease activity, plasma and peritoneal fluid were incubated with small peptide substrates for trypsin-, chymotrypsin-, and elastase-like activities or with casein, a substrate cleaved by multiple proteases. Gelatinase activities were determined by gelatin gel zymography and a specific MMP-9 substrate. Immunoblotting was used to confirm elevated pancreatic trypsin in plasma, peritoneal fluid, and lung and MMP-9 concentrations in all samples after hemorrhagic shock. Caseinolytic, trypsin-, chymotrypsin-, elastase-like, and MMP-9 activities were all significantly (p<0.05) upregulated after hemorrhagic shock regardless of enteral pretreatment with ANGD. Pancreatic trypsin was detected by immunoblot in the plasma, peritoneal space, and lungs after hemorrhagic shock. MMP-9 concentrations and activities were significantly upregulated after hemorrhagic shock in plasma, peritoneal fluid, heart, liver, and lung. These results indicate that protease activities, including that of trypsin, increase in sites distant from the intestine after hemorrhagic shock. Proteases, including pancreatic proteases, may be shock mediators and potential targets for therapy in shock