111 research outputs found

    Zur Frage nach der Bedeutung des Berufsprinzips als "organisierendes Prinzip" der deutschen Berufsausbildung im europäischen Kontext: Eine deutsch-französische Vergleichsskizze

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    Vocational training in Europe provides a variety of different approaches to the problem of skill formation and integration. The differences ... have to be detected by looking at what may be called the "organising principle" of a specific VET system. At the same time, "individual" training infrastructures can only be reconstructed by referring to the culture and history of a specific country. Against this background the article depicts some of the crucial differences between France and Germany. The initial assumption is that in Germany the "vocational principle" has to be considered as the "organising principle" within an apprenticship-dominated system, both in terms of its didactical importance and with respect to the macro-structural environment of vocational training. In Germany, the chambers play a major role in the supervision of incompany training. The fact that in the school-based French system this component is no longer available is due to a specific history which also produced the typical French "meritocratic" attitude towards education and training. (DIPF/Orig.

    Beruflichkeit und „meritokratische Logik“ : Konvergenzen und Divergenzen aus bildungspolitischer und komparativer Sicht

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    Der Beitrag thematisiert das Problem der Geltendmachung einer angemessenen sozialen Anerkennung beruflicher Bildungswege in Deutschland und Kanada. Hierbei kann offensichtlich nicht von einer unüberbrückbaren Kluft zwischen dem Berufsprinzip und dem „meritokratischen Prinzip“ gesprochen werden, sondern in den kulturell verschiedenen Ländern gibt es durchaus Tendenzen einer Annäherung zwischen dem „Beruflichen“ und dem „Allgemeinen“, die in jüngerer Zeit an Bedeutung gewonnen haben.publishe

    The Cultural Foundations of VET and the European Qualifications Framework : a comparison of Germany and Britain

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    In a 'system' perspective, VET can take different shapes. Besides the apprenticeship system, school-based forms of vocational learning, such as 'vocational grammar schools' in France, 'vocational colleges' in Germany or further education colleges in Britain, represent more or less traditional courses and qualifications which are normally institution-based, shaped by state influence and more or less clearly didactically steered pedagogical arrangements. There are, however, differences when it comes to formally linking up these traditional structures with general or higher education. It also seems that countries differ in terms of their VET systems and traditions, especially with respect to the relationship between full-time VET and company-based training, but also, when it comes to Europe, in terms of their adaptability to the overarching European VET policy ideas. One of these ideas is the conceptualisation of National Qualifications Frameworks, linked with notions of "Lifelong Learning". In its White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment (European Commission 1993), the European Commission pointed out that Lifelong Learning should become "the overall objective to which the national educational communities can make their own contributions". Two years later, in the White Paper on Teaching and Training - Towards the Learning Society (European Commission 1995), the concept of Lifelong Learning became associated with the idea of a 'personal skills card' for every European citizen which would document the acquisition of new knowledge both in formal and informal learning environments. These new concepts imply that the bordersbetween different sectors within the educational and/or training system, including higher and further education, should become permeable and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), emerging from the so-called "Lisbon-Brugge-Copenhagen Process", repeats the underlying principles of a policy which challenges each of the member countries in a specific way

    Handelslehrer a la Bolognese : der Studiengang Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Universität Konstanz und seine Überführung in die Bachelor-Master-Struktur

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    Der Diplomstudiengang Wirtschaftspädagogik und der akademische Titel Diplom-Handelslehrer können in Deutschland auf eine lange Tradition zurückblicken. Im Zuge der europaweiten Umsetzung der sog. Bologna-Vorgaben wird nun jedoch auch die Lehrerbildung für die kaufmännischen Schulen von strukturellen Neuerungen erfasst. Dies bedeutet für unseren Studiengang, dass der Abschluss Diplom-Handelslehrer durch einen äquivalenten Master-Abschluss ersetzt wird. In diesem Artikel werden die künftigen Strukturen der universitären Lehrerbildung in der Wirtschaftspädagogik skizziert. Hierzu sollen zunächst die Strukturmerkmale des neuen Studiensystems vorgestellt werden, bevor dieses dann am Beispiel des Studiengangs Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Universität Konstanz konkretisiert wird