21 research outputs found

    05101 Abstracts Collection -- Scheduling for Parallel Architectures: Theory, Applications, Challenges

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    From 06.03.05 to 11.03.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05101 ``Scheduling for Parallel Architectures: Theory, Applications, Challenges\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general

    More Scalable LTL Model Checking via Discovering Design-Space Dependencies (D3)

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    Modern system design often requires comparing several models over a large design space. Different models arise out of a need to weigh different design choices, to check core capabilities of versions with varying features, or to analyze a future version against previous ones. Model checking can compare different models; however, applying model checking off-the-shelf may not scale due to the large size of the design space for today’s complex systems. We exploit relationships between different models of the same (or related) systems to optimize the model-checking search. Our algorithm, D3 , preprocesses the design space and checks fewer model-checking instances, e.g., using nuXmv. It automatically prunes the search space by reducing both the number of models to check, and the number of LTL properties that need to be checked for each model in order to provide the complete model-checking verdict for every individual model-property pair. We formalize heuristics that improve the performance of D3 . We demonstrate the scalability of D3 by extensive experimental evaluation, e.g., by checking 1,620 real-life models for NASA’s NextGen air traffic control system. Compared to checking each model-property pair individually, D3 is up to 9.4 × faster

    Generic programming

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    Abstract. Generic programming depends on the decomposition of programs into components which may be developed separately and combined arbitrarily, subject only to well-defined interfaces. Among the interfaces of interest, indeed the most pervasively and unconsciously used, are the fundamental operators common to all C++ built-in types, as extended to user-defined types, e.g. copy constructors, assignment, and equality. We investigate the relations which must hold among these operators to preserve consistency with their semantics for the built-in types and with the expectations of programmers. We can produce an axiomatization of these operators which yields the required consistency with built-in types, matches the intuitive expectations of programmers, and also reflects our underlying mathematical expectations

    05101 Executive Summary -- Scheduling for Parallel Architectures: Theory, Applications, Challenges

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    This paper summarizes the objectives and contributions of a seminar with the same title held from March 6 to March 11, 2005 at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany

    Speculative Prefetching of Induction Pointers

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    . We present an automatic approach for prefetching data for linked list data structures. The main idea is based on the observation that linked list elements are frequently allocated at constant distance from one another in the heap. When linked lists are traversed, a regular pattern of memory accesses with constant stride emerges. This regularity in the memory footprint of linked lists enables the development of a prefetching framework where the address of the element accessed in one of the future iterations of the loop is dynamically predicted based on its previous regular behavior. We automatically identify pointer-chasing recurrences in loops that access linked lists. This identication uses a surprisingly simple method that looks for induction pointers | pointers that are updated in each loop iteration by a load with a constant oset. We integrate induction pointer prefetching with loop scheduling. A key intuition incorporated in our framework is to insert prefetches ..

    The Transmeta Code Morphing Software: . . .

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    Transmeta's Crusoe microprocessor is a full, systemlevel implementation of the x86 architecture, comprising a native VLIW microprocessor with a software layer, the Code Morphing Software (CMS), that combines an interpreter, dynamic binary translator, optimizer, and runtime system. In its general structure, CMS resembles other binary translation systems described in the literature, but it is unique in several respects. The wide range of PC workloads that CMS must handle gracefully in real-life operation, plus the need for full system-level x86 compatibility, expose several issues that have received little or no attention in previous literature, such as exceptions and interrupts, I/O, DMA, and self-modifying code. In this paper we discuss some of the challenges raised by these issues, and present the techniques developed in Crusoe and CMS to meet those challenges. The key to these solutions is the Crusoe paradigm of aggressive speculation, recovery to a consistent x86 state using unique hardware commit-and-rollback support, and adaptive retranslation when exceptions occur too often to be handled efficiently by interpretation