39 research outputs found

    The S₄ and Few-Group Diffusion Calculations of Fast Reactors

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    To economize a large amount of numerical work in the calculation of fast breeders, the present work has been done in the hope that few-group diffusion theory might give acceptable results in some cases. A hypothetic 233TJ-232Th system with large core size (~670/) as well as a hypothetic 239Pu-238U fast reactor with small core size (~50l) are adopted. These systems are assumed to be of spherically symmetric geometry. One dimensional calculations are applied to obtain the static characteristics of the systems. The results from few-group S4 and diffusion method are investigated. These results seem to indicate that fouror three-group diffusion calculation might at least be used in place of three-group S4 computation for both large and small fast reactors. A new convergence criterion imposed upon the static parameters is proposed. The leakage rate of neutrons from the blanket is selected as the sensitive measure of convergence. This rate is estimated in two ways, i.e. with the aid of neutron current and by neutron inventory. The sufficiently converged state can be reached when these two values coincide with each other. One is also able to infer the necessary number of spatial mesh points by comparing these two values

    ホイクシャ ヨウセイ カテイ ニ オケル オンガクカ ノ キョウジュ ニ カンスル イチコウサツ

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    保育者が、音や音楽を用いた子どもの表現に寄り添い、子どもの自発的で多様性に富む活動を引き出すための鍵を「保育者自身による創意と工夫」ととらえる。保育者養成過程の音楽科目の中で行った、音楽表現活動のプログラム作りと実践、楽曲創作、器楽合奏の3つの取り組みでは、受講学生がこの能力を身につけるための効果的な成果が、活動報告レポートや課題達成時の状況の中に確認できた。 また、「子どもの文化」は「大人の文化」に囲繞されているという考えに立てば、保育者は保育環境を構成する音や音楽を「音楽文化」の面からも考察すべきであり、偏りのない文化的観点に基づく判断能力が、その内に養われていなければならない。今なお見られる、子どもの音楽表現活動におけるピアノ使用の偏向は、保育現場においても、保育者養成課程の教授内容においても改善されることが望ましいと考える。 A key for caregivers to support musical expressions of children and to facilitate activities filled with initiatives and diversity of children is “The originality and ingenuity of caregivers themselves.” An approach made in the Nursery Training Program has enabled students to efficiently acquire skills in the following three music fields; Planning and implementation of music expression activities, composition, and instrumental ensemble. It is made clear by the activity report and the achievement situation of the class. Based on the view that “child culture” is surrounded by “adult culture,” the caregivers should consider sounds and music, which form nursery environment, with a focus on “music culture.” They should also develop judgment skills based on bias-free cultural viewpoint. Today’s inclination toward music expression activities using piano should be improved in the childcare facilities as well as in the curriculums of nursery education program

    Magnetoresistance and Microstructure of Magnetite Nanocrystals Dispersed in Indium−Tin Oxide Thin Films

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    Epitaxial indium−tin oxide (ITO) thin films were fabricated on a yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) substrate by pulsed-laser deposition using magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticle dispersed ITO powders as a target. Magnetoresistance of the film at a field of 1 T was 39% at 45 K, and it stayed at 3% above 225 K. The film demonstrated cooling hysteresis in the temperature dependence of direct-current magnetization. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that phase-separated Fe3O4 nanocrystals with widths of ≈40−150 nm and heights of ≈10−25 nm precipitated and grew epitaxially on the substrate in the film. Both the Fe3O4(111) and ITO(001) planes were parallel to the YSZ(001) plane. The Fe3O4(11−2) and -(1−10) planes were parallel to the ITO(100) and -(010) planes, respectively, and the planes connected smoothly at the grain boundary. The contour map of the electron density for the Fe3O4(111) plane by the first-principles electronic structure computation was similar to that for the ITO(001) plane. The [111]-oriented Fe3O4 nanocrystals played the role of spin aligner for charge carriers of the epitaxial ITO film

    Identification of 45 New Neutron-Rich Isotopes Produced by In-Flight Fission of a 238U Beam at 345 MeV/nucleon

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    A search for new isotopes using in-flight fission of a 345 MeV/nucleon 238U beam has been carried out at the RI Beam Factory at the RIKEN Nishina Center. Fission fragments were analyzed and identified by using the superconducting in-flight separator BigRIPS. We observed 45 new neutron-rich isotopes: 71Mn, 73,74Fe, 76Co, 79Ni, 81,82Cu, 84,85Zn, 87Ga, 90Ge, 95Se, 98Br, 101Kr, 103Rb, 106,107Sr, 108,109Y, 111,112Zr, 114,115Nb, 115,116,117Mo, 119,120Tc, 121,122,123,124Ru, 123,124,125,126Rh, 127,128Pd, 133Cd, 138Sn, 140Sb, 143Te, 145I, 148Xe, and 152Ba

    Pneumococcal polyarticular septic arthritis after a single infusion of infliximab in a rheumatoid arthritis patient: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>We present a case of <it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>polyarticular septic arthritis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis receiving a single infusion of infliximab.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 38-year-old Japanese man with a 5-year history of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis had previously received sulphasalazine and methotrexate therapies and was on regular low-dose prednisolone therapy. Despite these treatments, his disease activity remained high and infliximab was introduced in addition to methotrexate, prednisolone, and folic acid. However, he was admitted to hospital with a fever of 40.6°C, chills, and polyarthralgia eight days after the first infusion of infliximab. His joints were swollen, painful, and warm. Laboratory data showed marked acute inflammation. He was diagnosed with bacterial septic polyarthritis, and emergency surgical joint lavage and drainage was performed at the knees along with needle aspiration and lavage of the ankles and right wrist. He was then given intravenous antibiotic therapy for 31 days. He made a good recovery and was discharged on day 37.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We believe this is the first reported case of severe pneumococcal septic arthritis requiring hospitalization in a patient treated with infliximab. <it>S. pneumonia </it>is now a well-recognized but uncommon cause of polyarticular septic arthritis that can lead to cessation of therapy, as in our patient's case.</p

    The effect of a prostaglandin E-1 derivative on the symptoms and quality of life of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis

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    Quality of life (QOL) is a concern for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). In this study, QOL was examined using the 5-item EuroQol (EQ-5D). QOL and activities of daily living (ADL) were surveyed for 91 patients who visited 18 medical institutions in our prefecture and were diagnosed with LSS-associated intermittent claudication. A second survey was performed after a parts per thousand yen6 weeks for 79 of the subjects to evaluate therapy with limaprost (an oral prostaglandin E1 derivative) or etodolac (an NSAID). Symptoms, maximum walking time, QOL, ADL items, and relationships among these variables were investigated for all 91 patients. Leg pain, leg numbness, and low back pain while walking were surveyed by use of VAS scores (0-100). Leg pain, leg numbness, and low back pain while walking (VAS a parts per thousand yen25) were present in 83.5, 62.6, and 54.9 % of the patients in the first survey, and approximately half of the patients had a maximum walking time 30 min, showing that maximum walking time affected health-related QOL. Of the 79 patients who completed the second survey, 56 had taken limaprost and 23 (control group) had received etodolac. Limaprost improved possible walking time, reduced ADL interference, and significantly increased the EQ-5D utility score, whereas no significant changes occurred in the control group. Maximum walking time was prolonged by a parts per thousand yen10 min and the EQ-5D utility value was improved by a parts per thousand yen0.1 points in significantly more patients in the limaprost group than in the control group. According to the findings of this survey, at an average of 8 weeks after administration limaprost improved symptoms, QOL, and ADL in LSS patients whereas treatment with an NSAID reduced pain but did not have any other effects.ArticleJOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE. 18(2):208-215 (2013)journal articl

    Gastritis Cystica Polyposa-Report of a Case

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    A case of gastritis cystica polyposa is presented. A 45-year-old woman developed gastritis cystica polyposa at the gastroduodenostomy anastomotic site four years after Billroth II gastrectomy for adenomatous polyp. There was no association of gastric cancer in the lesion

    Duration of Antimicrobial Treatment for Aseptic Orthopedic Surgery

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