35 research outputs found


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    Educational services of higher education are rapidly developing in the market, transforming and acquiring new forms. Currently, it is necessary to analyze the best practices of third countries in the interaction of business structures and universities in the mode of continuous monitoring. The purpose of this article is to study the best practices of interaction between business structures and higher education institutions from EU countries. To achieve this goal were rassmotreniya interaction of such universities as the University of Sopron (Hungary), University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and the University of Sophia Antipolis nice (France) and the proposal for vnutrennego experience in the Russian practice by the example of the Center for entrepreneurship and innovation at peoples ' friendship UniversityОбразовательные услуги высшего образования стремительно развиваются на рынке трансформируясь и приобретая новые формы. В настоящее время необходимо в режиме постоянного мониторинга анализировать наилучшие практики третьих стран по взаимодействию бизнес-структур и университетов. Целью настоящей статьи стало исследование лучших практик взаимодействия бизнес-структур и высших учебных заведений из стран ЕС. Для достижения поставленной цели было рассмотреныпрактики взаимодействия таких университетов, как Университет Шопрона (Венгрия), Университета Сантьяго де Компостела (Испания) и Университет Софии Антиполис Ницца (Франция) и даны предложения по внедрениюданного опыта в российскую практику на примере Центра предпринимательства и инноваций РУД

    Jeune syndrome: Case series report

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    Jeune syndrome (synonym: asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy) is a rare genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive disease, characterized by the development of generalized osteochondrodysplasia, anomalies of skeletal system with multi-organ involvement. This syndrome is based on mutations of the IFT80, DYNC2H1, WDR19, TTC21B genes localized in the locus of chromosomes 3q25.33, 11q22.3, 4p14, 2q24.3 respectively and mutation in the locus of chromosome 15q13 too. These genes play an important role in functioning of cilia in the mammalian body. These organelles participate in the development of the skeletal and hepatobiliary system, nephrons, retina, and other structures of the body. Thurs Jeune syndrome belongs to the ciliopathies. The article presents modern literature findings on genetics, pathogenesis, its clinical, X-ray presentations and CT patterns, diagnosis and treatment of this rare disease. The article also presents the first Russian case series including 7 patients with this disease. Combinations of such symptoms as narrow bell-shaped thorax, variable limb shortness, respiratory failure, including oxygen dependence, recurrent respiratory infections, and motor development delay in observed patients helped to diagnose Jeune syndrome in all cases

    Jeune syndrome: Case series report

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    Jeune syndrome (synonym: asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy) is a rare genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive disease, characterized by the development of generalized osteochondrodysplasia, anomalies of skeletal system with multi-organ involvement. This syndrome is based on mutations of the IFT80, DYNC2H1, WDR19, TTC21B genes localized in the locus of chromosomes 3q25.33, 11q22.3, 4p14, 2q24.3 respectively and mutation in the locus of chromosome 15q13 too. These genes play an important role in functioning of cilia in the mammalian body. These organelles participate in the development of the skeletal and hepatobiliary system, nephrons, retina, and other structures of the body. Thurs Jeune syndrome belongs to the ciliopathies. The article presents modern literature findings on genetics, pathogenesis, its clinical, X-ray presentations and CT patterns, diagnosis and treatment of this rare disease. The article also presents the first Russian case series including 7 patients with this disease. Combinations of such symptoms as narrow bell-shaped thorax, variable limb shortness, respiratory failure, including oxygen dependence, recurrent respiratory infections, and motor development delay in observed patients helped to diagnose Jeune syndrome in all cases

    Correcting posthypoxic damage of myocardium in newborns with cerebral ischemia

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    A multicenter trial involving 30 newborns with post-hypoxic myocardial lesions associated with I-II degree cerebral ischemia has revealed that the inclusion of cytoflavin infusions into the complex standard treatment leads, besides the improvement of general clinical status, to significantly more rapid, as compared to the control group, positive dynamics of pump and contractile myocardial functions, elimination of hyperenzymemia, hypoxia and electrical instability of the myocardium, decrease in energetic deficit, and repolarization changes within the first 5 days of in-hospital therapy as well as during the follow-up from 1 to 6 months of life

    The efficacy of prognosis and early diagnostics of fetal growth retardation [Эффективность прогнозировAния и рAнней диAгностики зAдержки ростA плодA]

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    The fetal growth retardation takes one of the leading places in the structure of perinatal morbidity and mortality. The frequency of this pregnancy complication in Russia is high – from 3% to 24% among full-term infants and from 18% to 46% among premature newborns. The article analyzes the capabilities of various diagnostic methods for predicting fetal growth retardation. The more indicators are included in the review the more effective is its reliability in the formation of risk groups for this pathology and more effective measures to prevent fetal growth retardation can be taken. © 2018 National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation. All rights reserved

    Correcting posthypoxic damage of myocardium in newborns with cerebral ischemia

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    A multicenter trial involving 30 newborns with post-hypoxic myocardial lesions associated with I-II degree cerebral ischemia has revealed that the inclusion of cytoflavin infusions into the complex standard treatment leads, besides the improvement of general clinical status, to significantly more rapid, as compared to the control group, positive dynamics of pump and contractile myocardial functions, elimination of hyperenzymemia, hypoxia and electrical instability of the myocardium, decrease in energetic deficit, and repolarization changes within the first 5 days of in-hospital therapy as well as during the follow-up from 1 to 6 months of life

    Clinical and epidemiological features and prevention of nosocomial bronchiolitis with RSV etiology in children of severe course risk groups

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    Preterm infants and children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, hemodynamically significant congenital heart diseases and number of other diseases are a group of severe risk of RSV bronchiolitis requiring hospitalization and intensive, including respiratory, therapy. RSV bronchiolitis can develop as at stationary phase due to nosocomial infection, and outpatient. The article presents current information about clinical and epidemiological features of nosocomial RSV bronchiolitis in children of severe course risk groups based on infection outbreaks analysis from literature and own data. It presents data on non-specific prevention of nosocomial RSV infection and experience of prevention with nosocomial spread of monoclonal antibody to virus F protein palivizumab. © 2016, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved

    Modern features of articular syndrome in acute rheumatic fever in children

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    Rheumatoid arthritis has features of both post-infectious and autoimmune arthritis and is one of the first manifestations of acute rheumatic fever (ARF). A typical articular syndrome with ARF develops 2–3 weeks after nasopharyngeal streptococcal (β-hemolytic streptococcus of A – BGSA group) infection, is a migrating polyarthritis, with large joints lesion and an intense pain syndrome, that stops with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Atypical course is characterized by arthritis duration >3 weeks, monoarthritis, hands and feet small joints lesion, spine and/ or hip joints; NSAIDs ineffectiveness. Objective of the research – to determine rheumatoid arthritis modern features, incl. course structure and nature in children. Study materials and methods: the study included 56 children 4–17 years old with ARF, hospitalized in Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital in 2001–2015. Clinical anamnestic, laboratory (ASLO, CRP, protein fractions, cardiomarkers) and instrumental (ECG, ECHOKG) methods were used. Results statistical processing was performed with STATISTICA 8.0 software package (StatSoft Inc., USA). Differences were considered statistically significant at significance level p<0,05. Results: articular syndrome was diagnosed in 33 children (58,9%), was presented by arthritis in 26 children (46,4%), arthralgia – in 7 children (12,5%) and was combined with other ARF manifestations, often with carditis. A typical joint syndrome was diagnosed in 7 children (26,9%), atypical – in 19 (73,1%). Mainly it affected ankle (76,9%) and knee (42,3%) joints. In atypical course, polyarthritis (63,2%) with hands and feet small joints and spine involvement developed more often compared with the typical (28,6%) (χ2 (df=2) =5,99, p=0,05). Clinical instrumental signs of disease activity were often observed in atypical arthritis course (χ2 (df=2) =6,94, p=0,03). Conclusion: despite a significant decrease in ARF incidence, a high percentage of late disease diagnosis remains. ARF diagnosis can not be ignored with atypical arthritis debut. Any patient with an articular syndrome and signs of BHSA infection one should consider as a patient with a probable ARF, perform a thorough control of cardiovascular system condition, follow the principles of ARF secondary prevention. © 2017, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved