5 research outputs found

    Nocturnal isoprene oxidation over the Northeast United States in summer and its impact on reactive nitrogen partitioning and secondary organic aerosol

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    Isoprene is the largest single VOC emission to the atmosphere. Although it is primarily oxidized photochemically during daylight hours, late-day emissions that remain in the atmosphere at sunset undergo oxidation by NO3 in regionally polluted areas with large NOx levels. A recent aircraft study examined isoprene and its nocturnal oxidants in a series of night flights across the Northeast US, a region with large emissions of both isoprene and NOx. Substantial amounts of isoprene that were observed after dark were strongly anticorrelated with measured NO3 and were the most important factor determining the lifetime of this radical. The products of photochemical oxidation of isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein, were more uniformly distributed, and served as tracers for the presence of isoprene at sunset, prior to its oxidation by NO3. Comparison of a determination of the mass of isoprene oxidized in darkness by NO3 to a calculation of integrated isoprene emissions showed that large amounts (>20%) of emitted isoprene may undergo nocturnal oxidation in this region. Organic nitrates produced from the NO3+isoprene reaction, though not directly measured, were estimated to account for 2g€"9% of total reactive nitrogen and 7g€"31% of other long-lived organic nitrates such as PAN. The mass of isoprene oxidized by NO3 was comparable to and correlated with the organic aerosol loading for flights with relatively low organic aerosol background. The contribution of nocturnal isoprene oxidation to secondary organic aerosol was determined in the range 1g€"17%, and isoprene SOA mass derived from NO3 was calculated to exceed that due to OH by approximately 50%

    Summary of Contemporary Research on the Use of Chemical Dispersants for Deep-Sea Oil Spills

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    Mitigation options for deep-sea oil spills are indeed few. In the open ocean, far from land, booming, burning, and mechanical pickup of oil at the sea surface may be of limited value due to wave and wind conditions. The use of chemicals to disperse oil into smaller droplets is predicated on the assumptions that smaller droplets are more easily dissolved into surrounding waters and that smaller droplets are degraded by bacterial action more rapidly than are larger droplets. During the Deepwater Horizon accident, a novel use of dispersants injected directly into the subsurface source of the blowout was undertaken to treat the oil prior to surfacing. The presence of subsurface “plumes” of small droplets and dissolved oil observed during DWH raised the issue of active measures to sequester oil in the subsurface vs. allowing it to surface. Reducing the concentration of volatile organic compounds surfacing near workers was also a stated objective of subsurface dispersant injection (SSDI) application. Aquatic toxicity testing has evolved significantly from a sole focus on short-term mortality to evaluate a variety of sublethal physiological, genotoxic, and immunogenic impacts affecting animal health and fitness of exposed populations. In this chapter we consider a number of pressing – and heretofore unresolved – issues surrounding the use of dispersants as an oil spill mitigation tool. Further, we advocate continued, targeted research to help resolve ongoing controversies regarding dispersant use