16 research outputs found

    Morphometrical study of the reproductive tract in Boran (Bos indicus) heifers in Ethiopia

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    Boran breed is the most suitable type of cattle breed for arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia due to their adaptive characteristics.  Understanding their reproductive anatomy is important for successful reproductive management and has many implications for the application of assisted reproductive technology, and interpretation of physiological changes at different stages of their reproductive cycle. In this study, data of the anatomical structures of the reproductive organs of 20 Boran heifers were measured and characterized at  different stages of reproduction. The mean (±SE) length (L) of the vagina, cervix, and body of uterus were 13.17±2.98 cm, 7.19±1.28 cm, and 6.70±1.08cm, respectively. The mean (±SE) length of the right uterine horn and oviduct was 18.47 ±2.54 and 18.17 ±1.27cm, respectively  and that of the left were 18.05±2.73 and 17.45±1.80 cm, respectively. The mean ±SE weight (W) of right and left ovaries were 2.44±1.51 gm and 2.44±1.51 gm, respectively. The mean ±SE Length x Width x Thickness of the right ovary was 2.10±0.59 x 1.75±0.35 x 0.83±0.36 and that of the left was 1.97±0.41 x 1.58±0.29 x 0.67±0.33 cm. The mean (±SE) weight of the whole reproductive organ (without the vulva) was 301.35±66.34gm. The ovarian size was influenced by the presence of the corpus luteum(CL) usually larger with its presence

    Influence of breed on the quality of in vivo produced embryos from Boran and Holstein Friesian cross dairy breed in Ethiopia

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    The variation of the dairy breed can determine the success of bovine embryo transfer by influencing the quantity and quality of in vivo embryo production. In this experiment, output and quality of in vivo produced embryos using semen of progeny tested Holstein Friesian (HF) sire in Boran and HF*Boran F1 cross cows, and semen from purebred Boran sire in HF*Boran F1 cross and Boran cows were evaluated. Boran (n=18) and HF*Boran cross (n=18) breed donor dams were superovulated using a previously optimized follicular  stimulating hormone (FSH) (Pluset®) dose regimen: 650 IU for HF*Boran cross and 250 IU for Boran breeds. Each cow was flushed on  Day-7 post insemination and embryos were evaluated for their developmental stages and quality. Superovulatory response rates were 88.9% and 83.3%, respectively, for Boran and HF*Boran with no significant (P>0.05) breed differences. Total recovery rates were relatively lower (56.5%) in Boran compared to in HF*Boran (67.4%). The mean (±SE) embryo flush outputs were 6.5±0.8 for Boran and 6.9±0.7 forHF*Boran with no significant breed difference. Recovery of a transferrable embryo was significantly higher (68.0%; P<0.05) in HF*Boran dam inseminated with HF sire semen. Boran cows yielded a significantly higher (P<0.05) proportion of unfertilized ovum (57.6 %)  irrespective of the sire breeds. Comparatively, a higher number of degenerated embryos were produced by HF*Boran cows. This study demonstrated that the presence of breed-related differences in both the quality and quantity of in vivo produced Bovine embryos

    Superovulation of Boran Cattle in Ethiopia: A Preliminary Report

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    The reproductive response of 27 Boran and 20 Boran x Holstein cows to an exogenous superovulation treatment regimen was investigated. Upon cessation of treatment, cows were monitored to determine the onset and duration of estrus. Superovulatory response was by assessed via both transrectal palpation and ultrasonography. The overall proportion of cows that exhibited estrus was 77% and was higher (P=0.003) for Boran than for Boran x Holstein crosses. The mean interval from CIDR removal to the onset of estrus was 20.4 ± 1.8 hours, and the mean duration of estrus was 21.9 ± 1.1 hours The method (palpation vs ultrasound) used to determine the number of corpora lutea (CL) gave similar results (P\u3e0.10; 8.5 and 8.6, respectively). Boran cows had a higher (

    Ovarian follicular dynamics in Boran and Crossbred heifers in Ethiopia: Implications for assisted reproductive techniques

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    The study was conducted to characterize the follicular dynamics of purebred Boran (Bos indicus) and Boran * Holstein Friesian crossbred heifers  during estrous cycles; for use in ovum pick up and in-vitro embryo production. Insight of reproductive physiology of cattle would help to understand and exploit the reproductive potential of elite animals for breed improvement. Follicular development, growth and atresia during estrous cycles were evaluated using a trans-rectal real-time B-mode ultrasound system for three consecutive estrus cycles. Luteal activity was evaluated by serum progesterone level. Follicular aspirations were done to investigate the potential of Boran cattle and their crosses for transvaginal oocyte production; using a vacuum pressure pump and Aloka SSD Prosound-2 ultrasound device. Boran heifers (n=15) manifested two (n = 6, 40%), three (n = 5, 33%), four (n= 3, 20%) and five (n=1, 6.7%) follicular waves. Crossbred heifers (n=14) showed one (n= 2, 14%), two (n= 6, 43%) and three (n= 6, 43%) follicular waves. Interovulatory interval was 21.1 ± 3.4 and 21.4 ± 2.7 days for Boran (n=45) and crossbred (n=42) heifers, respectively. The progesterone level in Boran and Crossbred heifers during diestrus was 9.5 ± 11.0 and 4.6 ± 8.8 ng/ml, respectively. The maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle for crossbred heifers was higher (15.4 ± 1.6 mm) than the diameter of the Boran (14.0 ± 1.9 mm) heifers (p<0.005). Differences (p<0.005) were observed in the size of both right (26.6 ± 5.14 and 28.6 ± 5.1 mm) and left (21.7 ± 4.85 and 24.1 ± 5.07 mm) ovaries of Boran and Crossbred heifers, respectively. Difference (p<0.005) was also observed in follicular count of the  right ovaries of Boran (4.84 ± 1.96) and Crossbred  (5.13 ± 2.05) heifers. Oocyte recovery rate in once weekly collection scheme for Boran and their crossbred heifers was (n=19, 42.08%) and (n=17, 42.55%), respectively. The recovery rate for twice weekly collection scheme was (n=24, 34.53%) and (n=23, 40.44%) for Boran and crossbred heifers, respectively. Follicular dynamics in Boran heifers is characterized by a higher incidence of cycles with two, three and four waves, associated with a low persistence of the dominant follicles; and smaller size of ovulatory follicles and less intense heat signs from their crossbred counterpart. Boran heifers proved to have potential for comparable number of follicular population and ease of aspiration procedures that can be tapped for advancedreproductive techniques. Keywords: Estrus cycle; follicular wave; ovarian follicle; ovum pickup; ultrasound

    Uterine involution in the post-partum Balady goat

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    Twenty post-partum Balady goats (primiparous n=10; pluriparous, n=10) were slaughtered at different intervals between the day of parturition and day 37 post-partum (PP). Macroscopic changes included uteri weight and volume, and length of uterine body and horns were measured. Histomorphomolgical changes in the endometrial epithelium cell types and height, glands, stroma and caruncles were recorded. Macroscopic study indicated three phases of uterine regression. A fast involution phase extended from the time of parturition to day 7 PP, a second moderately fast uterine involution phase, which extended until day 13 PP and a slow phase that ended by day 19 PP. By day 19 PP, weight and volume were reduced to less than 5% of the weight recorded on day 1 PP, discharges completely cleared, caruncles completely regressed, horns became symmetrical and the uteri in these animals were not different from uteri of the nulliparous goats. Similarly, microscopic changes were classified into three overlapping phases: disappearance of secretory signs, degenerative and regenerative phases. Microscopic involution and complete regeneration of the caruncular epithelium was evident by day 19. In conclusion, the uterus reassumed normal non-gravid macroscopic and microscopic characteristics by day 19 PP and was unrelated to parity in Balady goats

    Superovulation Response and In vivo Embryo

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     አህፅሮት የጥናቱ ዋና ዓሊማ ንፁህ የቦረና ሊሞችና የቦረና ዲቃሊ ሊሞች ተጨማሪ ዕንቁሊል የማኮረትና ፅንስ የመስጠት አቅማቸውን ሇማጥናት የተሰራነው፡፡ ሊሞች በሦስት ቡድን ተከፍሇው 300፣ 250 እና 200 አይ.ዩ. ኤፍ.ኤስ.ኤች. ሆርሞን ተሰጣቸው፤ ከዚያም የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እስከሚያሳዩበት የወሰደባቸው ጊዜ፣ የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እያሳዩ የሚቆዩት ጊዜ እና ጠቅሊሊ አኮርተው የሇቀቁት ዕንቁሊል ቁጥር በማየት ሇሆርሞኑ የነበራቸው ምሊሽ ተጠንቷል፡፡ ተጨማሪ ዕንቁሊል እንዲያኮርቱ ሇማድረግ ሆርሞን በተሰጣቸው በ16-17 ቀን ሊይ ፅንሶችን በመሰብሰብ የዕድገታቸው ሁኔታና ጥራት ግምገማ ተደርጓል፡፡ በመጨረሻው ጊዜ ሆርሞን ከተሰጠበት የኮርማ ፍሊጎት እስከሚያሳዩበት ጊዜ በአማካይ 20.4 ሰዓታ የወሰደባቸው ሲሆን በቦረና እና በዲቃሎቻቸው መካከል የጎሊ የሰዓታት ልዩነት አልታየም፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ ከተሰጣቸው ሦስት የተሇያየ የሆርሞን መጠን 250 አይ.ዩ የወሰዱት ቀደም ብሇው በ10 ሰዓታ ውስጥ የኮርማ ፍሊጎት አሳይተዋል፡፡ የተኮረቱት ዕንቁሊል ቁጥር ሲታይ ቦረናዎች (10.1 ዕንቁሊል) ከዲቃሎቻቸው የተሸሇ በዛ ያለ አዘጋጅተዋል፡፡ የፅንስ ብዛትም ሲታይ ቦረናዎች 4 ሲሰጡ ዲቃሎቻቸው 2.67 ሰጥተዋል፡፡ ከፅንስ ዕድገትና ጥራት ግምገማ ውጤት ቦረናዎች ሉተሊሇፉ የሚችለ ፅንስ 3.8 ሲሆን የዲቃሎቻቸው 2.67 ነበር፡፡ በመሆኑም በታዩት መስፈርቶች ቦረና ሊሞች ከዲቃሎቻቸው የተሸሇ ዕንቁሊ ማኮረት እንደሚችለና የተሻሇ የዕድገት ደረጃና ጥራት ያሇው ፅንስ መስጠት የሚችል አቅም እንዳሇቸው ታይቷል፡፡ AbstractBoran (n=25) and Boran*Holstein (n=11) cows were superovullatedFSH with three doses level (300, 250 and 200IU) divided in to morning and afternoon decreasing doses over 4 daysto study the superovulatory response and embryo production potential. Time to estrus, duration of estrus, and CL count were used to determine superovulatory response. Embryos were flushed on Day 16/17 by non-surgical gravitational method and evaluated for development stage, and quality grade. The mean (±SEM) time interval from CIDR withdrawal to onset of estrus was 20.4±1.8 hours, and breed difference was not significant.However, the interval from CIDR removal to onset of estrus was shorter (p=0.01) in cows treated with 250 IU FSH (10.75±3.3 hours) than in cows received 200 or 300 IU. The total CL count was significantly higher (p=0.01) in Boran (10.1CL/cow/cycle) than Boran x Holstein cows (7.2CL/cow/cycle). A mean number of 4.1 and 2.67embryos’/cow were flushed from Boran and Boran*Holstein, respectively. The average transferable embryos/cow were 3.8±0.57 and 2.67±0.99 in Boran and Boran*Holstein, respectively. And hence, Boran cows’ response to superovulation and yield of better quality and number of embryo than their Boran*Holstein counterparts showed the high potential of the breed for in-vivo and in-vitro embyo production

    Estrus characteristics, ovarian response to synchronization hormones, and fertility of crossbred dairy heifers managed under a semi-intensive system

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    This study aimed to characterize estrus sign/s which best predict the time of ovulation and determine ovarian responses to different  synchronization protocols and conception rates to fixed-time artificial insemination in Boran*Holstein crossbred heifers. In the first part of the study, twenty-seven heifers were observed for estrus signs (from induced and natural) and the relationship of various estrus signs with ovulation time was evaluated by using ultrasonography. In the second part, 91 Boran*Holstein crossbred heifers were randomly grouped into three groups. Group one heifers (n=28) received 100μg gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on day zero (D0), 500μg  prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) on day 7 and 100μg of GnRH on day 9. Group 2 heifers (n=32) were treated as group one but additionally  received progesterone as controlled internal drug release (CIDR). Group three heifers (n=31) were treated as those in group 2 but without injection with GnRH on day 0. In all the 3 groups’ insemination was made at 19h of the second GnRH. The results showed that irrespective of estrus source type (induced or natural), score for standing to be mounted, mounting other heifers, and non-receptive mount by other heifers showed a strong positive correlation with ovulation time (r=0.67, P<0.05). Standing estrus duration, and time elapsed from standing estrus to ovulation were shorter (P<0.05) in induced estrus. The conception rate was 39.3% in synchronized ovulation in the absence of CIDR. The conception rate in timed insemination was 56.3% when ovulation was synchronized by combining CIDR, PGF2α, and GnRH. In conclusion injection of GnRH on day zero together with treatment with CIDR improved ovulation rate, the number of new corpus luteum, and conception rate. Heifers that ovulated within the first 24h after timed insemination had a higher (P<0.05) conception rate than heifers ovulated after 24h of timed insemination. Cycling heifers at day zero had a greater (P<0.05) conception rate than non-cycling

    Effect of breed, parity and frequency of collection on quality and quantity of OPU derived oocytes

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    The aims of this study was to see the effect of breed, parity and scheme of collection on the quality and quantity of OPU derived oocytes and effect of transvaginal ultrasound guided follicular aspiration on subsequent fertility of donor cows. A total of 28 animals (11 Boran and 11 Boran Holstein-Friesian cross for once per week collection, and 7 Boran and 7 Boran Holstein-Friesian cross for twice per week collection) were used in this experiment. A total of 22 animals were evaluated for the effect of the OPU procedure on subsequent reproductive function. In 150 Ovum Pick up sessions, irrespective of collection scheme, breed and parity, 1124 follicle (554 in Boran and 570 in HF crosses) were punctured with a recovery rate of 51.1% in Boran and 48.6% in the crosses. Relatively more follicles were aspirated in crosses compared to Borans although the difference in oocyte recovery rate and quality were not statistically significant. Overall recovery rate was 57.7% in heifers and 42% in cows. Frequency of aspiration significantly influenced (P<0.05) oocyte recovery rate with more follicles aspirated in Once per week per session compared to twice per week per session but there was no difference in the mean number of recovered oocytes. A significantly higher number of follicles were aspirated (P<0.05) and good quality oocytes were greater in heifers than cows. Different COCs quality grades were recovered from breed, parity and frequency of collection category. Overall from a total of 574 collected COCs, about 326 (57%) of the recovered COCs were of the quality grades I and II, whereas 248 (43%) were with quality grades III and IV. All 22 animals showed estrus on average after 19 days of the last OPU procedure though a relatively weaker intensity of estrus signs, irregularity of the cycle and minor ovarian morphological change were noted. Response rate to a single PGF2α treatment on 18 animals was 72% (13/18). Subsequent insemination of those in estrus resulted in 53.8% (7/13) first service conception rate. In conclusion, parity, and to some extent frequency of collection had a significant effect on the quality and quantity of oocyte but not breed. Animals at post OPU were able to continue cycling and become pregnant