2,056 research outputs found

    The plasma environment at geosynchronous orbit

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    A two-fold objective is considered: (1) to present a picture of the magnetosphere about geosynchronous orbit to the nonspecialist, and (2) to introduce a preliminary model. Particle anisotropies from ATS 6 are included. Omnidirectional electron fluxes are also considered

    The 3 DLE instrument on ATS-5

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    The performance and operation of the DLE plasma electron counter on board the ATS 5 are described. Two methods of data presentation, microfilm line plots and spectrograms, are discussed along with plasma dynamics, plasma flow velocity, electrostatic charging, and wave-particle interactions

    The First Stray Light Corrected EUV Images of Solar Coronal Holes

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    Coronal holes are the source regions of the fast solar wind, which fills most of the solar system volume near the cycle minimum. Removing stray light from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images of the Sun's corona is of high astrophysical importance, as it is required to make meaningful determinations of temperatures and densities of coronal holes. EUV images tend to be dominated by the component of the stray light due to the long-range scatter caused by microroughness of telescope mirror surfaces, and this component has proven very difficult to measure in pre-flight characterization. In-flight characterization heretofore has proven elusive due to the fact that the detected image is simultaneously nonlinear in two unknown functions: the stray light pattern and the true image which would be seen by an ideal telescope. Using a constrained blind deconvolution technique that takes advantage of known zeros in the true image provided by a fortuitous lunar transit, we have removed the stray light from solar images seen by the EUVI instrument on STEREO-B in all four filter bands (171, 195, 284, and 304 \AA). Uncertainty measures of the stray light corrected images, which include the systematic error due to misestimation of the scatter, are provided. It is shown that in EUVI, stray light contributes up to 70% of the emission in coronal holes seen on the solar disk, which has dramatic consequences for diagnostics of temperature and density and therefore estimates of key plasma parameters such as the plasma β\beta\ and ion-electron collision rates.Comment: Accepted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Solar Magnetic Tracking. I. Software Comparison and Recommended Practices

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    Feature tracking and recognition are increasingly common tools for data analysis, but are typically implemented on an ad-hoc basis by individual research groups, limiting the usefulness of derived results when selection effects and algorithmic differences are not controlled. Specific results that are affected include the solar magnetic turnover time, the distributions of sizes, strengths, and lifetimes of magnetic features, and the physics of both small scale flux emergence and the small-scale dynamo. In this paper, we present the results of a detailed comparison between four tracking codes applied to a single set of data from SOHO/MDI, describe the interplay between desired tracking behavior and parameterization of tracking algorithms, and make recommendations for feature selection and tracking practice in future work.Comment: In press for Astrophys. J. 200

    On the Size of Structures in the Solar Corona

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    Fine-scale structure in the corona appears not to be well resolved by current imaging instruments. Assuming this to be true offers a simple geometric explanation for several current puzzles in coronal physics, including: the apparent uniform cross-section of bright threadlike structures in the corona; the low EUV contrast (long apparent scale height) between the top and bottom of active region loops; and the inconsistency between loop densities derived by spectral and photometric means. Treating coronal loops as a mixture of diffuse background and very dense, unresolved filamentary structures address these problems with a combination of high plasma density within the structures, which greatly increases the emissivity of the structures, and geometric effects that attenuate the apparent brightness of the feature at low altitudes. It also suggests a possible explanation for both the surprisingly high contrast of EUV coronal loops against the coronal background, and the uniform ``typical'' height of the bright portion of the corona (about 0.3 solar radii) in full-disk EUV images. Some ramifications of this picture are discussed, including an estimate (10-100 km) of the fundamental scale of strong heating events in the corona.Comment: To appear in APJ, June 2007; as accepted Feb 200