138 research outputs found

    Extracting travel patterns from floating car data to identify electric mobility needs: A case study in a metropolitan area

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    The main objective of this paper is to identify the potential of electric vehicles in current car mobility scenarios. Firstly, distances traveled daily are analyzed to understand if the car usage observed can be satisfied by the expected range of electric vehicles. Secondly, idle times between trips are studied to assess vehicle needs and identify the requirements for electric charging stations to support the trip-chains observed. The datasets were derived from floating car data recorded for 365 days and include more than 30 million trips crossing the Metropolitan City of Turin (Italy). Approximately 70,000 km were observed daily for more than 10,000 vehicles for 400 different vehicle models to identify their activities over 24 hours. This daily activity in the observation period can be considered a reference scenario, in synergy with the battery range, to plan charging points in road networks. Results show that 98% of daily VKT (vehicle kilometers traveled) are lower than 300 km, over a year of observation. Cars are also classified according to their market segment to identify specific vehicle usage, defining a data dictionary to relate the models and segments. For instance, daily VKT values estimated for segment A (city cars) average 34 km, whereas for segment E (executive cars) the average is 75 km. The spatial analysis of idle times reveals a higher number of shorter breaks in the city center compared to peripheral districts, suggesting that recharging solutions should be adapted to zones according to how they are used for parking

    Effect of feed supplementation with Origanum vulgare L. essential oil on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): A preliminary framework on metabolic status and growth performances

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    This study provided a preliminary framework for the effects of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (EO) on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) health status over a 60-day feeding trial. Fish were fed twice a day until apparent satiety with three different diets: a control diet (CD), and two experimental diets supplemented with 100 (D100) and 200 (D200) ppm of oregano EO. No mortality was observed in each treatment. Feeding on D100 diet resulted in high growth performances and better food conversion and protein efficiency ratios. Additionally, the supplementation of 100 ppm EO diet also improved (P < 0.05) hepatosomatic and viscerosomatic indices, compared both to control and D200 diets. EO feeding positively affected (P < 0.05) several serum biochemical indices (amylase activity and total proteins, glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels). Focusing on the antioxidant potential of blood, D100 led to the highest (P < 0.05) ferric reducing antioxidant power values and the lowest (P < 0.05) thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances levels in blood

    Histochemical analysis of glycoconjugates in the domestic cat testis

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    The localization and characterization of oligosaccharide sequences in the cat testis was investigated using 12 lectins in combination with the ßelimination reaction, N-Glycosidase F and sialidase digestion. Leydig cells expressed O-linked glycans with terminal aGalNAc (HPA reactivity) and N-glycans with terminal/internal aMan (Con A affinity). The basement membrane showed terminal Neu5Aca2,6Gal/GalNAc, Galß1,3GalNAc, a/ßGalNAc, and GlcNAc (SNA, PNA, HPA, SBA, GSA II reactivity) in O-linked oligosaccharides, terminal Galß1,4GlcNAc (RCA120 staining) and aMan in N-linked oligosaccharides; in addition, terminal Neu5Aca2,3Galß1,4GlcNac, Forssman pentasaccharide, aGal, aL-Fuc and internal GlcNAc (MAL II, DBA, GSA I-B4, UEA I, KOH-sialidase-WGA affinity) formed both O- and N-linked oligosaccharides. The Sertoli cells cytoplasm contained terminal Neu5Ac- Galß1,4GlcNAc, Neu5Ac-ßGalNAc as well as internal GlcNAc in O-linked glycans, aMan in N-linked glycoproteins and terminal Neu5Aca2,6Gal/ GalNAc in both O- and N-linked oligosaccharides. Spermatogonia exhibited cytoplasmic N-linked glycoproteins with aMan residues. The spermatocytes cytoplasm expressed terminal Neu5Aca2,3Galß1,4 GlcNAc and Galß1,3GalNAc in O-linked oligosaccharides, terminal Galß1,4GlcNAc and a/ßGalNAc in N-linked glycoconjugates. The Golgi region showed terminal Neu5aca2,3Galß1,4GlcNac, Galß1,4GlcNAc, Forssman pentasaccharide, and aGalNAc in O-linked oligosaccharides, aMan and terminal ßGal in N-linked oligosaccharides. The acrosomes of Golgi-phase spermatids expressed terminal Galß1,3GalNAc, Galß1,4GlcNAc, Forssmann pentasaccharide, a/ßGalNAc, aGal and internal GlcNAc in O-linked oligosaccharides, terminal a/ßGalNAc, aGal and terminal/internal aMan in N-linked glycoproteins. The acrosomes of cap-phase spermatids lacked internal Forssman pentasaccharide and aGal, while having increased a/ßGalNAc. The acrosomes of elongated spermatids did not show terminal Galß1,3GalNAc, displayed terminal Galß1,4GlcNAc and a/ßGalNAc in N-glycans and Neu5Ac-Galß1,3GalNAc in O-linked oligosaccharides

    Evaluating the efficiency of DNA Metabarcoding to analyze the diet of Hippocampus guttulatus (Teleostea: Syngnathidae).

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    Seahorses are considered a flagship species for conservation efforts and due to their conservation status, improving knowledge on their dietary composition while applying a non-invasive approach, could be useful. Using Hippocampus guttulatus as a case study, the present study represents pioneering research into investigating the diet of seahorses by NGS-based DNA metabarcoding of fecal samples. The study developed and tested the protocol for fecal DNA metabarcoding during the feeding trials where captive seahorses were fed on a diet of known composition; the process was subsequently applied on fecal samples collected from wild individuals. The analysis of samples collected during the feeding trials indicated the reliability of the applied molecular approach by allowing the characterization of the effectively ingested prey. In the field study, among detected prey species, results revealed that the majority of the seahorse samples contained taxa such as Amphipoda, Decapoda, Isopoda, and Calanoida, while less common prey taxa were Gastropoda and Polyplacophora. As only a small amount of starting fecal material is needed and the sampling procedure is neither invasive nor lethal. The present study indicates DNA metabarcoding as useful for investigating seahorse diet and could help define management and conservation actions

    Evaluating the efficiency of dna metabarcoding to analyze the diet of hippocampus guttulatus (Teleostea: Syngnathidae)

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    Seahorses are considered a flagship species for conservation efforts and due to their conservation status, improving knowledge on their dietary composition while applying a non-invasive approach, could be useful. Using Hippocampus guttulatus as a case study, the present study represents pioneering research into investigating the diet of seahorses by NGS-based DNA metabarcoding of fecal samples. The study developed and tested the protocol for fecal DNA metabarcoding during the feeding trials where captive seahorses were fed on a diet of known composition; the process was subsequently applied on fecal samples collected from wild individuals. The analysis of samples collected during the feeding trials indicated the reliability of the applied molecular approach by allowing the characterization of the effectively ingested prey. In the field study, among detected prey species, results revealed that the majority of the seahorse samples contained taxa such as Amphipoda, Decapoda, Isopoda, and Calanoida, while less common prey taxa were Gastropoda and Polyplacophora. As only a small amount of starting fecal material is needed and the sampling procedure is neither invasive nor lethal. The present study indicates DNA metabarcoding as useful for investigating seahorse diet and could help define management and conservation actions

    Histological and immunohistochemical investigation on ovarian development and plasma estradiol levels in the swordfish (<i>Xiphias gladius</i> L.)

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    The paper reports a histological and immunohistochemical description of oocyte growth and ultrastructural aspects of zona radiata (ZR) formation as well as the relationship between plasma estradiol-17&#x03B2;, (E2 ) levels and ovarian development in swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) from the Mediterranean Sea. Ovaries were inactive during March to mid April; maturation occurred during late April to June and spawning in June and July. Zona radiata formation starts, as Pas positive material, in oocytes at the lipid stage. In this stage a deposit of electrondense material between oolemma and follicular cells appears. In the cortical alveoli stage and through the early vitellogenic stage, the deposition of a moderately electrondense material occurred on the inner side of the ZR. Finally, in late vitellogenic oocytes a third layer, made of microfibrillar material, appeared. The immunohistochemical analyses revealed that the initial internalisation of hepatic zona radiata proteins (Zrp) in the swordfish oocyte starts before the uptake of vitellogenin (Vtg) and that it is associated with the low previtellogenic E2 plasma levels, while a significant E2 increase in plasma is associated with the beginning of Vtg uptake. This would appear to confirm the hypothesis that the differential and sequential induction of zonagenesis and vitellogenesis may reflect a general feature of teleost oogenesi